Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Passing of Watesoni Tawatatau (Watson Tuapati)

Dear Members of the St Kevin’s College Family

It is with regret that we write to inform you that our much-beloved student leader Watesoni Tawatatau (Watson Tuapati), died today as a result of injuries suffered in a motor vehicle accident over the Easter holidays.
Watson was a young man of integrity who embodied everything we aspire to for our students. The College is profoundly saddened by this event, and our hearts go out to Watesoni’s family and all involved at this tragic time.

The school’s pastoral support team is available for students, and we invite parents and caregivers to contact the school if they feel their students are struggling in working through this loss.

Watson’s family plan to return Watson to the Redcastle later in the week and hold the funeral here at the school chapel on Saturday 24th April at 1pm.

Prayer for The Eternal Rest

Eternal rest grant unto him,
O Lord, and let perpetual light
shine upon him. May the souls
of all the faithful departed, through
the mercy of God, rest in peace.


Friday, April 16, 2021

Farewell Mr Tony Mullally

Today we said farewell to Old Boy and long serving staff member Tony Mullally.
Tony leaves us to become the HOD of Religious Studies at St Thomas of Canterbury in Christchurch, after teaching at St Kevin's College for 24 years.
During his time here he has taught Graphics and been Director of Religious Studies, and has also spent some time coaching Junior rugby teams.
Tony has had a large influence on the lives of St Kevin's College students, past and present. We wish you all the best Tony, your energy and passion for everyone in this school will be missed.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Student Led Conferences

Bookings are now open for Student Led Conferences.
Please find below the link to the interview site.

Event code: qpuuk

Interviews will be held on Friday 7th May.

Students are working on their slide show presentations for the day.

Students only have to come for their interviews. The school is closed for instruction. They do not need to wear their uniform.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

SKC Mountain Bike Track Opening

The SKC Mountain Bike track was opened officially yesterday by Gary Kircher - Mayor for Waitaki and St Kevin’s College Principal Paul Olsen.

The track is designed as a community asset and has been developed in conjunction with the local Mountain Bike Club. The track is marked using nationally recognised signage and guidance and Mr Olsen says he hopes it will become a regular ride for local enthusiasts.

Mr Olsen acknowledged the contribution made by local businesses such as Brackens and Roger Gilchrist Building Services and service groups who participated such as Leos. He also thanked the Ministry of Primary Industries who supplied 5000 trees from the Billion Tree Project for the next phase of the Service Hill Development, the North Otago Tree Planting Society, KSouth Oamaru, and the Waitaki District Council.
Mr Olsen thanked Jimmy McGeown for spearheading this project, the Foundation for its support, and the staff at St Kevin’s who have contributed, Aidan Haig, Kerry Ryan, Ken McCallum, Allan Grant, Regan George, Sarah Clapperton and Russell Dixon.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Principal's Comment

Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

This week has been a challenging time for staff and students of the College as we have had all of the commitments of the end of the term to get through including report writing, opening the cycle track and the CSST Tournament, all while dealing with the fact that our beloved student Watesoni Tuapati is in hospital in Dunedin in a critical condition.

Watson’s situation has been a stark reminder for all of us of how quickly circumstances can have a profound impact on our lives, the fragility of this gift and the value of the friendships we have with one another. Watson is a young man full of the joys of life. He was on holiday with friends who loved him and whom he loved and in a split second everything changed for him.

Our College is devastated for Watson and his family and we ask our wider community for their prayers at this time.

May God bless you.

Ngā Mihi Nui
Paul Olsen

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Go With Tourism Visit

The Social Sciences faculty recently enjoyed hosting Kirsten Perrott, from Go With Tourism. Go With Tourism is an initiative funded by NZ's International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy. Its education programme provides lessons on contemporary tourism issues, as well as resources and advice to students about training and career opportunities in the tourism industry.

On her first visit to SKC earlier this year, Kirsten talked to Senior Geography students about the impacts of tourism on the host population of resorts, and last week she delivered an interesting presentation on sustainable and regenerative tourism. On this occasion she also brought the Tourism Studies class VR headsets to try, so students could experience virtual bungy jumps, skydives, ziplines and a deeply immersive haka.
The 360º field of view was fascinating and SKC looks forward to Kirsten's return later in the year, when she hopes to be able to deliver a similar VR offering for our Hospitality students.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Principal's Comment

Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

As it is Easter, the most important time on the calendar in the Christian year, I thought I would reflect on my message from assembly this week about what it means to be in a Catholic school in the 21st Century and the challenge it sets our young people.

The heart of the Jesus message is very simple, "love one another as I have loved you". The story of Christ's death is not just a tragic story about a single man but it reinforces that whole idea. Unlike other Kings and rulers, Christ sets the example of not dominating others but submitting to them, of not controlling others but inviting them to choose wisely, of not wielding power, but offering to suffer alongside us.

Wherever our young people look in the world today, they will see that the only thing that follows a power grab or hate or dominance of one group by another is misery. Christ invites us to do it differently, to act with integrity, to respect others and ourselves.

At this time of year, I invite our students to think about practical ways they can show our values of Family, Integrity, Respect and Excellence to others and to the world around us. That may mean going without something, resisting the easy way to approach something or having to put others before themselves. While this is hard, the rewards are great. The ultimate reward is a world we are blessed to live in. The Kingdom of God on Earth.

Many blessings and safe travels over this Easter period.

May God bless you.

Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen