It is with regret that we write to inform you that our much-beloved student leader Watesoni Tawatatau (Watson Tuapati), died today as a result of injuries suffered in a motor vehicle accident over the Easter holidays.
Watson was a young man of integrity who embodied everything we aspire to for our students. The College is profoundly saddened by this event, and our hearts go out to Watesoni’s family and all involved at this tragic time.
The school’s pastoral support team is available for students, and we invite parents and caregivers to contact the school if they feel their students are struggling in working through this loss.
Watson’s family plan to return Watson to the Redcastle later in the week and hold the funeral here at the school chapel on Saturday 24th April at 1pm.
Prayer for The Eternal Rest
Eternal rest grant unto him,
O Lord, and let perpetual light
shine upon him. May the souls
of all the faithful departed, through
the mercy of God, rest in peace.