Monday, December 11, 2023

Principal's Comment

 Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

As we head into the final week I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and supporters of SKC for all of their work. This year has been challenging in many ways and in more than equal parts, very satisfying in others.

We could not do any of what we do without our supporters including sports and cultural coaches, our Te Ngakau Nui Team, our Foundation and Hostel Trust. I would especially like to thank our School Board and our presiding member Eugen Dupu for their stewardship of the College.

Next year, we are looking forward to our Year 11 Cambridge trial, the introduction of our Marine Biology course at Year 12 and to welcoming a new group of Year 9 students into the College. Added to this we will also continue to work alongside St Joseph's school to plan next steps for Catholic education in North Otago.

As exciting as it is to look forward, I am sure that our whole community is anticipating a restful summer break. Fingers crossed for sunshine!

God Bless


Friday, December 1, 2023

Principal's Comment

 Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

The last week has been all about transitions as we welcomed our Year 9 cohort for 2024 and said farewell to many of our senior students who finished their final NCEA examinations ever!

We have had a very settled couple of weeks with juniors sitting examinations for the first time in several years. For many of our young people, the examination process can be quite intimidating which is why we feel it is extremely important for them to be 'trained' into sitting examinations from Year 9.

Under the Cambridge system as well as the new NCEA standards, all students will have to achieve results in exam conditions. Parents and caregivers can support students by doing the following:

Prior to examinations

  • Identify times and places where study can happen
  • Talk to your students about what they need to learn
  • Help support your student by testing their knowledge, this can be done using flash cards, orally asking questions or speaking to them about relevant topics, or even hanging a poster on the back of the toilet door!
  • Finding out when the examination is and planning to arrive in plenty of time
  • Ensuring they have the appropriate equipment eg pens, rulers etc
After examinations
  • Ask about areas where your student felt they did well
  • If they failed an exam, speak about this as a learning opportunity and help them to identify what changes they need to make to approach an examination in the future.
As we approach the final weeks of the year, it is important that we stick to routine as much as possible so that we finish in a settled and positive manner.

I was thrilled at the positive and professional manner in which our volunteers welcomed our new students on transition day this week. It was great that we had far more volunteers than we needed and I hope that our new recruits felt that they were welcomed.

Have a great (and hopefully sunny) weekend

God Bless
