Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Waitaki Week- Football and Basketball Results

Well done to our teams that competed yesterday as we kicked off Waitaki Week! It's certainly great to see our students enjoying being back into sports again.

Monday's results were:

Football: 1 - 1 Draw

Junior Basketball: WBHS won 43 - 32

Top 5 Basketball: WBHS won 68 - 57

Make sure you head over to the St Kevin's Sports page to see the photos from the games.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Bus Parking Area

School buses drop off and pick up students in the car park behind the castle.

A reminder between 8.30am and 9.30am, and 2.40pm to 3.40pm there can be NO PARKING of cars in that area behind the castle please.

Please help us keep this area not only safe, but easily accessed for our bus drivers.

Signage will be put up in the near future.

Redcastle Sports Round Up

This weekends results:


SKC 1st XI vs Pirata Blue
SKC won 2 - 0
SKC won 4 - 0

Boys - Monday 29 June
SKC 1st XI grading Timaru


SKC 1st XI vs Northern Hearts Reserves
SKC lost 7 - 3


SKC Top 5 vs Columba
SKC won 61 - 35

SKC Top 5 vs Otago Boys Snr A
SKC lost 67 - 81

SKC Jnrs vs Otago Boys
SKC won 43 - 29

SKC 1st XV vs Otago Boys
SKC lost 28 - 12

SKC U16.5 Bye

SKC U14.5 vs Temuka
SKC lost

Girls - Wednesday 1July

U15 vs Timaru Girls 5pm Alpine Stadium

U18 vs Timaru Girls 5pm Alpine Stadium

WBHS-SKC Interschool match Friday 3rd July

WBHS-SKC Interschool match Friday 3rd July, 1.30pm Whitestone Contracting Stadium

The necessity to provide a safe physical and emotional environment for students and staff has lead to some changes being made to the organisation of this years event.

Public will be required to enter the ground through the turnstiles at the south-east corner of the ground. Public will also be required to stay within the cordoned off area on eastern side of the ground (this includes the grandstand). Students and staff will enter the ground from gates behind the western embankment and will be required to stay on the embankment (western) side of the ground.

A reminder, that this is a school sanctioned public event and is therefore alcohol free and spectators should not be intoxicated.

Both schools ask for your support with these changes, so we can ensure that our students and staff are safe and that the "class of 2020" can be allowed to enjoy writing their 'chapter' in the wonderful history of this unique event.

Darryl Paterson (Rector WBHS), Paul Olsen (Principal SKC).

Principal's Comment

Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,
It was with great pleasure we welcomed a number of potential students and their whanau at the school open day on Thursday.  Despite it being a very cold night, the library was packed to capacity and our prefects were kept busy taking prospective parents and students for tours. It is very gratifying to see our prefects at work in this atmosphere as they are the end result of five years at St Kevin's College and their insights are invaluable.
Coming to High School can be a challenging time for students.  Not only are they transitioning from the primary years to High School, but they are also going through physical and mental changes which come with their own issues. 

Last year we ran two transition classes for our new parents where Ms Walshe and our Guidance Counsellor Mat Harris walked new parents through what some of these challenges are, for example, dealing with social media, challenges in friendships and how the curriculum changes.  This was well received and we will run a similar class again this year in conjunction with our orientation day. 
In the meantime, as we count down towards the end of what has been a long term, I wish you all a very happy last week of school. 

May God bless you.
Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen        

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Dragon's Den

Last week students were required to do a feasibility study for an entrepreneurship project in a country of their choice as part of their Digital Technology subject.

They were to research the rules and regulations for starting their profitable business in their chosen country and also the budget estimations for loan calculations etc. All their decisions needed justifications and once they were ready with their country and business selected, they designed their digital marketing media/documents such as logo, web pages, business cards, posters and gift for advertising their business. Finally they made presentations about their project proposal in front of a judging panel to convince them of the feasibility of their business.

During this journey they were learning to think and make informed decisions to solve problems that exist in our world, especially during these challenging times.

The judging panel was impressed by the quality of their presentations and so they have selected a top three entrepreneurs instead of one.

Congratulations to Ianna Abuyabor who was selected as the winner, and Lena Dupu and Shreysh Adhikari who were runners up.

Thank you to all staff judges and the candidates.

University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic Information Evening

The University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic invite you to their combined North Otago information evening to be held at the Inbox Room in the Oamaru Opera House on Tuesday, 30 June from 7 - 8.30pm.

Prospective senior students and their parents and caregivers are invited to come along to hear about accommodation, scholarships, study options, and much more.

We are sorry about the short notice but the event has only recently been reinstated.

Please complete the registration form here:

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Scripture Reading Competition 2020

On Thursday 11th June our annual Catholic Scripture Reading competitions were held in the College Chapel. Mrs Esther Dupu and Ms Jo Walshe proved to be the most competent adjudicators who had the unenviable task of determining each year level winners.

The results for each year level were as follows:

Year 9 Results
1st: Cooper Jones
2nd: Cheska Tiom
3rd: Bridie McGeown

Year 10 Results
1st: Anika Winders
2nd: Sam NcCarthy
3rd=: Maikey Quiachon & John Orillo

Year 11 Results
1st=: Jesse Valpy & Cushla Bridges
2nd: Vince Vidallon
3rd: Christiane McLeod

Year 12 Results
1st: Yi Tao Sun
2nd: Seth Sinclair
3rd=: Elizabeth Plieger & River Cunningham

Year 13 Results
1st: Joel Kunnethedan
2nd: Rogan-Joe Sloan
3rd=: Bethan Ardouin & Scarlett Smith

Board of Trustees Parent Representative Position

We are seeking expressions of interest for a parent representative position that is available on the Board of Trustees.

If you are interested please contact Eugen Dupu (Board Chair) on edupu@stkevins.school.nz or enquire at the school office for further details.

Year 12 PE Leadership Programme

As part of the Year 12 PE Leadership programme students have been taking PE classes with St Joseph's and Oamaru Intermediate Year 7 and 8 students.

Students are working towards a 4 credit standard by working on Leadership strategies such as communication, self management, group management, providing motivation, developing relationships and problem solving.

They have been planning and reflecting on implementing small ball skills, passing and catching, fielding and catching and athletics sessions. This has been a valuable learning experience for our future leaders.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Redcastle Sports Round Up

Results from the weekend of 20th June are as follows:


SKC Girls 1st XI vs WGHS 1st XI
SKC won 2 - 0


SKC Boys 1st XI vs Geraldine Reserves
SKC won 4 - 2


SKC 1st XV vs Wakatipu
SKC won 22 - 7

U14.5's and U16.5's had a couple of losses and 2 draws at their grading day in Timaru


Girls Top 5 vs Kavanagh Snr A
SKC lost 76 - 33

Boys Top 5 vs John McGlashan Blue
SKC lost 72 - 70

Boys Junior Top 5 v Kings High Jnr Gold
SKC won 41 - 39

Friday, June 19, 2020

Principal's Comment

Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

A big 'thank you' to staff, students and whanau who were able to attend last week's 'Student Led Conferences'. I have been buoyed by the reports that have been coming in about students sharing their learning journeys with families and caregivers and the immense pride everyone feels when that is able to occur. I have also been pleased to learn that some students and caregivers were able to work through decisions around course counselling, learning pathways and refining their ideas about what they wish to engage with in their future. This is the whole idea of the process, to allow time for holistic discussion about your student and their learning. For those who were not able to attend last week, please feel free to contact your student's whanau teacher to arrange an alternative time.


On Wednesday, we were thrilled to welcome back two ex students to the college. Firstly we were visited by Gypsy Mae Harihona - Harrison, our ex head girl from 2016, who has been studying in Wellington and has been heavily involved in theatre in the capital, working with a local company to star in, make and produce short films and plays.

Coincidentally, we also had Madeleine Harrop in school with her band to play at assembly. Madeleine has been studying Music at Otago University and played two songs from her current EP to the students.

It is always a great thrill to see students doing what they love out in the real world. We wish both young women the best of luck for their future endeavors.

May God bless you.

Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen   

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Trapshooting Results

Our team of Clay Target shooters: Clark Ewing, Hunter Reading, Thomas Cochrane, Maddison Jones, Harry Murphy and Elizabeth Weatherly competed in the first competition for the Clay Target Season in freezing conditions (sub- zero to start with!) at the Dunedin Club near Brighton in the weekend.


- Clark Ewing and Hunter Reading 2nd in Team SKEET
- Hunter Reading High Overall Junior SKEET
- Clark Ewing 1st Senior SKEET
- St Kevin’s Team 3rd overall in Points Score
- Clark Ewing High Overall Skeet and Down the Line Combined
- Clark Ewing High Overall Down the Line
- Clark Ewing High Overall Point Score
- Clark Ewing High Overall Single Barrell

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Past Pupil Jack Andrew Included in 2020 Otago Nuggets Roster

A big congratulations to past pupil Jack Andrew who has been included in the 2020 Fluid Recruitment Otago Nuggets roster who will compete in the Sal's NBL Showdown in Auckland.

Well done Jack, this is an awesome achievement. All the best for the season ahead!

Monday, June 15, 2020

Virtual Careers Expo

Even in unusual times like these, our students still have important decisions to make about their futures.

With so many careers fairs being cancelled or postponed this year, Media Design School and Torrens University Australia have brought a number of New Zealand's top providers together to give you the expo experience, virtually!

Attendees will have full access to the Virtual Expo Hall, where you can interact with exhibitors, ask questions, and access useful resources that will help you choose the right path.

This will be a great experience and very informative. Get your whanau involved because NZ has never done careers on this scale before!

Thursday 18th June | 12pm to 8pm
Friday 19th June | 9am to 5pm

Find out more and register here:


It is FREE and more providers than you knew existed so get on and get registered.

Air Training Corps

The 26 Squadron of the Air Training Corps will recommence parades following lockdown, on Tuesday 16th June 2020 at 7.00p.m. in the Drill Hall, Itchen St, Oamaru.

All current cadets are to attend in uniform. Any others pupils who may like to join the Air Cadets are welcome to come along at this time. They should wear their school uniform. Everyone should bring with them a warm change of clothing.

Derek Beveridge
Unit Commander
26 Squadron Oamaru

Pre Season Sports Games

A big thank you to Roncalli, Kavanagh and Timaru Boys High School for coming and participating in some preseason games on Saturday. It was also great to see some supporters out and about on the sidelines.

A huge thank you to all the coaches and managers of our teams, and the umpires and referees. We couldn't do sport without you!

Here are the results from across the codes:

Hockey vs Timaru Boys High School

6-2 to TBHS

Basketball vs Kavanagh

71-39 to SKC
72-47 to SKC

24-66 to Kavanagh
36-68 to Kavanagh

Netball vs Roncalli

Snr As
41-10 to SKC
31-10 to SKC

Snr Bs

18-15 to SKC
24-10 to SKC

Rugby vs Roncalli

55-13 to Roncalli

1st XV
22-7 to SKC

Thanks to Sarah Clapperton for the photos.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Principal's Comment

Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

This week has been extremely busy for both staff and students as we work through Student Led Conferences and begin to reintroduce team sport at the college. We are looking forward to our first exchange tomorrow against Kavanagh, Timaru Boys High School and Roncalli teams which is a friendly initial 'run out' for many of our students while we wait for local competitions to reboot.

Assemblies are back underway and we had our Scripture Reading competitions yesterday which saw our students displaying their talent in proclaiming the Word of God.

This week has been a significant one on the world stage too with the funeral of George Floyd and the energy that the 'Black Lives Matter' movement has injected around the globe. As a school with a strong focus on social justice, we were thrilled to see Sivaenga Katoa, Kaliopeta Katoa, Destiny Jabagat and Kazsandra Cuaresma take the initiative around this by performing 'The Man in the Mirror' by Micheal Jackson at assembly on Wednesday. This show stopping performance was supported by a 'youtube' clip detailing the struggle for equality in the US for African Americans. I have included the link here for anyone who wishes to watch it.


Our auditorium erupted in response and we felt very uplifted by what these awesome young women had shared.

I wish everyone good luck for the games tomorrow.

May God bless you.

Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen       

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Drive-in Movies at the Quarry

Thanks to Parkside Quarries and in collaboration with the Waitaki District Youth Council and other volunteers, there will be a unique experience to our community: "Drive-in Movies at the Quarry" will have its premiere on Saturday, 20th June.

As we have just come out of lock-down, the outdoor cinema setup at the limestone quarry should be a fantastic opportunity to have an exciting night out. As temperatures have dropped significantly, you will need to wrap-up warm and bring a blanket and hot water bottle.

Ticket cost will be $10 per car, plus a tin donation for the Oamaru Foodbank.

This night will be suited to young adults (PG-13) and the young at heart. Movie and online ticket details to come soon!

What is the movie? You vote — go to the Facebook page link and there three movies. Hunter for the Wilder People, Across the Uniferse or the "Real Thing", American Graffiti from 1973!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Past Pupil Fiona Watson Shares Expertise

Last Tuesday past pupil Fiona Watson spoke to the Junior and Senior High Performance Sports classes. Fiona has worked with the Southern Steel and the Pulse Energy Highlanders and now works for High Performance Sport New Zealand with elite rowers as a Performance Analyst.

She gave the classes insight into her time at SKC, her role at High Performance Sport NZ, the athletes she works with and what is required to be at the top level, as well as what opportunities are available working with professional sports athletes.

Thanks for giving up your time Fiona!

NCEA Art Teaching Cover Required

St Kevin's College is looking for a suitably qualified teacher to cover the last four weeks of this term teaching NCEA Art.

We are specifically looking for a person who understands how NCEA works and has an understanding of painting and drawing.

If you feel you could help, please contact the school on 03 4371665.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Social Sciences- Chernobyl Nuclear Distaster Model

We'd like to share some photos of Oliver Davison's thoughtfully-constructed 'lockdown' model of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Just before we moved into Level 4, the Year 9 Social Studies students were researching disasters. Oliver had chosen to compare the causes and effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986 with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of 2011. To complement his Google slideshow, whilst in lockdown Oliver constructed a model of the Chernobyl power plant after the disaster, using materials he found around his home.

The paint container represents the New Safe Confinement, moved into place in 2017. This covers the sarcophagus and is designed to confine the radioactive remains of the disaster for the next hundred years.

Great work Oliver! Students are welcome to visit Room 3, where Oliver's model is currently on display.

Open Day 2020

Staff and students of St Kevin’s College would like to invite all interested prospective students and their whānau to our school open day on Thursday 25th June 2020.

If you are looking for a top quality school, with great facilities and a supportive, caring and inspiring community, then look no further.

The school will be hosting two sessions, with Principal Paul Olsen making a presentation at 1pm and 7pm in the school library. Tours of the school will be available. If you are unable to make these times, please contact the school for a personal tour.

Waitaki Exchange back to 3rd July

Hooray for the Waitaki Exchange!

The annual rugby match between St Kevin’s College and Waitaki Boys’ High School held at Whitestone Stadium IS going ahead as originally planned this year! Other codes are currently in negotiation around potential dates. We will keep you updated once dates are confirmed.

See you all at the game on the 3rd of July!

Photo: Michelle Buckham

Friday, June 5, 2020

Principal's Comment

Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

Today saw a return to Mass for us here at the college which was a special occasion given we have been unable to celebrate it together for several months. Our college Mass happens once a week during term times and Father Wayne preaches the same gospel and homily as the parish hears on Sunday services. The advantage for us is that we are able to gather together as a college family as a witness for Christ where students and teachers worship alongside each other.

I am often asked about the issues that can arise around teaching adolescents through a faith lens, and indeed there are plenty. Adolescence is a time where children leave behind the ideas of their whanau and caregivers and begin to question and interpret their faith for themselves. For some this means experimenting with different ideas and understandings, for some this means a temporary or lasting rejection of faith and for others this means a re -framing of the faith in their own minds so that they are able to make sense of the world around them.

Regardless of where they are in their faith journey, our lived values of Family, Integrity, Respect and Excellence are the cornerstones of our school; as is our focus on social justice. Our mission is to walk beside them on their path, allowing them to work through their own ideas and sharing our tradition with them.

Our Dominican motto of 'truth' plays an essential role in the way in which we deliver our religious studies and social justice experiences. Teens have a very low tolerance for either being dictated to or lectured, but do respond very positively to discussion and having the opportunity to express themselves in their faith life. Our Masses are a part of this as are our weekly assembly liturgies, scripture reading competitions, Bishop's Shield competitions, hymn singing for choral festival, prayers at dinner and in the evening in the hostel, class prayer, graduation mass and junior prize giving liturgy, ANZAC services, meeting prayers and our restorative practice discipline program.

As we reflect on the week that has been I give thanks for the opportunities we have as a community of faith to reach out to our teens and develop our fine young people.

May God bless you.

Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Job Vacancy- Groundskeeper/Assistant Property Manager

We are seeking a self-motivated Groundskeeper/Assistant Property Manager to take care of our park like grounds and assist our Property Manager with building repairs and maintenance.

You must be reliable, have good time management skills and the flexibility to work alongside staff and pupils in a busy School and Hostel environment.

This is a permanent full-time position, 40 hours per week 52 weeks per year. Accommodation may be available to the successful applicant.

If this sounds like you then please complete the Non Teaching Generic Job Application Form on the College website https://www.stkevins.school.nz/vacancies and forward to:

Colleen Rusbatch, Executive Officer, crusbatch@stkevins.school.nz

Applications close 5pm Friday 19th June 2020.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Year 9 Digital Technology and Robotics

A Year 9 Digital Technology class have been busy learning about the uses of robots in the real world and workplace.

Students have been learning the coding basics and creation of apps in phones, and then have been learning to control the robots using their phone. Programmes developed by previous years students to control these robots were used to help this year's students to understand the pattern of movement. Some of them have modified the robot that was made earlier by another group of students to carry a load and then they use an app to control it.

It was great to see the budding interest of robotics in the students, and to also develop their thinking skills.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Past Pupil Mads Harrop Records Debut EP!

Past Pupil Mads Harrop is using her musical talent in more ways than one.

Mads has been studying Music, with a focus on studio production and composition at Otago University, and recently recorded her debut EP at Studio Sublime in the Waitaki Valley.

Her track Contagious World is on high rotate at Auckland's 95bFM and if you head to their website 95bfm.com/top10 and vote for the song, there's a good chance it'll end up in the top 10, a huge achievement!

Contagious World is available on iTunes, Spotify and at madeleineharrop.bandcamp.com

Check out the story in the Oamaru Mail to read more!

Student Learning Conferences

Bookings are now open for our Student Learning Conferences.

Interviews will be held on late afternoon and evenings of Thursday 11th June and Friday 12th June.

Students are currently working on their slide show presentations for the evening.

Please find below the link to the interview site.


If required the event code is d9bja.

Monday, June 1, 2020

One Way System for School Drop Offs

A reminder to all that the driveway is strictly one way at the start and end of the school day. Can we please have cars enter the Taward St entrance and exit out to Redcastle Rd.

To avoid congestion at the office entrance it is also encouraged where possible that students are dropped off at the Taward St entrance and walk up the drive.

Another reminder that from tomorrow Buses will be back up at the Redcastle. You will be dropped off and picked up in the car park BEHIND the castle.

Between 8.30am and 9.30am, and 2.40pm to 3.40pm there can be no parking of cars in that area behind the castle please.