Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Dragon's Den

Last week students were required to do a feasibility study for an entrepreneurship project in a country of their choice as part of their Digital Technology subject.

They were to research the rules and regulations for starting their profitable business in their chosen country and also the budget estimations for loan calculations etc. All their decisions needed justifications and once they were ready with their country and business selected, they designed their digital marketing media/documents such as logo, web pages, business cards, posters and gift for advertising their business. Finally they made presentations about their project proposal in front of a judging panel to convince them of the feasibility of their business.

During this journey they were learning to think and make informed decisions to solve problems that exist in our world, especially during these challenging times.

The judging panel was impressed by the quality of their presentations and so they have selected a top three entrepreneurs instead of one.

Congratulations to Ianna Abuyabor who was selected as the winner, and Lena Dupu and Shreysh Adhikari who were runners up.

Thank you to all staff judges and the candidates.