Friday, June 12, 2020

Principal's Comment

Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

This week has been extremely busy for both staff and students as we work through Student Led Conferences and begin to reintroduce team sport at the college. We are looking forward to our first exchange tomorrow against Kavanagh, Timaru Boys High School and Roncalli teams which is a friendly initial 'run out' for many of our students while we wait for local competitions to reboot.

Assemblies are back underway and we had our Scripture Reading competitions yesterday which saw our students displaying their talent in proclaiming the Word of God.

This week has been a significant one on the world stage too with the funeral of George Floyd and the energy that the 'Black Lives Matter' movement has injected around the globe. As a school with a strong focus on social justice, we were thrilled to see Sivaenga Katoa, Kaliopeta Katoa, Destiny Jabagat and Kazsandra Cuaresma take the initiative around this by performing 'The Man in the Mirror' by Micheal Jackson at assembly on Wednesday. This show stopping performance was supported by a 'youtube' clip detailing the struggle for equality in the US for African Americans. I have included the link here for anyone who wishes to watch it.


Our auditorium erupted in response and we felt very uplifted by what these awesome young women had shared.

I wish everyone good luck for the games tomorrow.

May God bless you.

Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen