Monday, June 29, 2020

WBHS-SKC Interschool match Friday 3rd July

WBHS-SKC Interschool match Friday 3rd July, 1.30pm Whitestone Contracting Stadium

The necessity to provide a safe physical and emotional environment for students and staff has lead to some changes being made to the organisation of this years event.

Public will be required to enter the ground through the turnstiles at the south-east corner of the ground. Public will also be required to stay within the cordoned off area on eastern side of the ground (this includes the grandstand). Students and staff will enter the ground from gates behind the western embankment and will be required to stay on the embankment (western) side of the ground.

A reminder, that this is a school sanctioned public event and is therefore alcohol free and spectators should not be intoxicated.

Both schools ask for your support with these changes, so we can ensure that our students and staff are safe and that the "class of 2020" can be allowed to enjoy writing their 'chapter' in the wonderful history of this unique event.

Darryl Paterson (Rector WBHS), Paul Olsen (Principal SKC).