Thursday, April 14, 2022

Principal's Comment

 Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

Today has been a lovely last day of term here at the College with the sun shining brightly, the students settled and enjoying the thought of two weeks of freedom and the staff, no doubt, doing much the same!
While many of our community will be back to work on Monday, there is at least a feel for all of us that the cloud may be lifting with our move to Orange Covid restrictions. Our approach next term will be that while masks are voluntary in schools, we do ask that students wear them in assembly and in the chapel where we have a lot of students together for the first few weeks whilst we monitor developments. I have explained our reasoning for this to the students and I have also reminded them that some staff and students may wish to continue to wear masks full time as they strive to protect themselves or vulnerable family members.

Today our Easter liturgy focussed on the idea of Christ as a changing force in the world and in history. It was great to see our students participating in the service through speaking, videos and singing. Anika Winders sang the song which won her the Te Reo Maori Award in the NZ Commission Hook Line and Sing-A-Long competition "Te Timatanga O te ao" and did a wonderful job. 

Next term we are planning on running a number of events at the College.  Please keep an eye on the Facebook Page and on our emails.  The first of these is the Student Led Conferences on the first Friday back.  Please make a booking and come in to hear how  your young person is tracking and what their next steps will be. 

Happy Easter
God Bless
Jo Walshe

Friday, April 1, 2022

Principal's Comment

 Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

This week in assembly I spoke about the importance of teamwork and of course I referred to sport where we see great examples of teamwork around us all of the time, but I also spoke about it as being something that happens as we grow up. I spoke about the process of moving from being egocentric where you only think of yourself, to being able to work with others in, for example, classes or on projects. In other words, being a team player.

I have been incredibly lucky in starting in this role at the College in the amazing teams that I have around me. We have a well run, high functioning Board with an interested and involved Presiding Member in Eugen Dupu. We have a committed and long standing Foundation with people who have real care for what they are trying to achieve for our College, with Ross Robertson at the helm. We have an Alumni group with an incredible number of clever, successful and driven people who are working to make and support connections to our College the length and breadth of New Zealand. Our Te Ngākau Nui caregiver group under the leadership of Sam Growcott does a huge variety of things in the background to support our College and raise money for the 'extras' for our students.

Our staff, hostel staff, support staff and grounds staff are motivated hard working people who love our school and its students. And for me personally, my Senior Leadership Team is an everyday blessing that I could not do without. Although Craig Smith (DP) will probably not be talking to me next week after this photograph, I just wanted to dedicate this blog to thanking all of the amazing people who work to support Team SKC, especially at this time when the pandemic is hitting us hard.

God Bless you all.

Jo Walshe