Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,
Term three has started in an extremely positive manner with our being able to begin using our new classrooms and food technology area. While we will miss the Gilchrist Building Services staff who have done such a fantastic job on our new classrooms, we will not miss the inconvenience of not being able to cook food in the food technology room or use our own offices.
Staff and students have been equally impressed with the new facilities and all that is left is for us to officially open them on August 13th. That date also signals the beginning of the Bishop's Shield weekend which is being held here at Saint Kevin's College. Thank you to all those involved, including volunteers from our community who are judging. I would like to especially single out Jennifer Herbst for thanks for her organisation of this which is a big ask at any stage, let alone when you have just taken on the organisation of the Religious Studies faculty. I would like to remind whanau that everyone is welcome at the Bishop's Shield event.
Have a happy weekend
May God bless you.
Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen