Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,
Today I thought I would write about our new study periods and the thinking around these. This year, because we have moved to a ten day time table and because we are introducing Cambridge at Year 11, we have made the conscious decision to allow regular study time in the timetable for all students in Years 11,12 and 13.
The thinking behind this is as follows:
We are trying to focus assessment on doing five subjects well rather than six subjects in an average manner. We believe that study periods will enable students the time to consolidate their learning.
We are aware that the Cambridge course does signify a significant step up in terms of the pace of learning required and the academic language used compared to NCEA. We feel that it is only fair to extend study times to Year 11 students to give them the best chance of passing these examinations.
Finally we are also very aware that many of our students are working after school and on the weekends. We are therefore trying to make purposeful space in our time table to ensure that homework and independent learning is done without students having to choose between work and study. We are aware that many families are struggling and students working in after school employment enables them to support themselves, thereby relieving family financial pressure.
We do ask however, that all families carefully balance the commitments your students are taking on. Whilst we fully support young people in work, sports and cultural endeavors as a school our main focus is academic achievement. A balance is required in order for students to attain the best grades they can. If families need support in talking to your young people about this, please speak to our Deans who are happy to help.
Best of luck to our cricketers for the weekend
God Bless