On Wednesday, Fr Wayne lead a reconciliation liturgy which challenged each and every one of us to reflect on our lives and make changes that bring us back to experience God's love. The ceremony involved an examination of conscience and then coming forward to pick up a rough stone and place it into a container filled with water. Fr Wayne explained the symbolism as "looking at our less than perfect lives, asking for forgiveness and moving to positive and loving relationships".
Last evening we gathered as a College for the annual Singing Festival. It was indeed a night to remember, filled with language and culture, passionate performances, inter-house points upsets and genuine talent. The evening is student lead which gives our prefects an opportunity to display their organisational ability, supported by staff. Thank you to our student leaders and house prefects for your weeks of work and thank you also to Mrs Foster and the staff back stage for a smoothly presented evening.
May God bless you
Paul Olsen, Principal
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