Kia ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College
This week staff have been busy completing, junior reports, preparing for our year 10 camp and year 9 activities week as well as welcoming the fresh faces of our 2018 intake to the College. As part of the induction program, Mr Ryan and I helped students link themselves into the computer network and explained our 2018 BYOC (Bring your own Chromebook) initiative. The reason for requesting Chromebooks is to eliminate the need for mobile phones to be routinely used in class. For junior students, Chromebooks have been shown to be the most cost effective device for school.
Today the catering staff held a farewell morning tea for Mrs Pauline Orr. Pauline has worked in the College kitchen for over 23 years and her loyalty and commitment to serving our community has been second to none. We wish Pauline every happiness and blessing in her retirement.

On Saturday evening staff and caregivers will join with our Year 13 leaver's to celebrate their Graduation. The dinner is the final formal event for the cohort that joined us as Year 9 students back in 2013. We wish them every success in their next endeavours and look forward to keeping up with their exploits in years to come. I would like to formally acknowledge those families who are ending their day to day connections with the College as their last child graduates. I have appreciated your support as we have worked together to educate your sons and daughters. All our parents can be proud of the fine young people we have heading out for a GAP year, joining the work force or undertaking further training or study. May the Kevinian Special Character that has shaped your time with us, be your guiding compass in life.
May God bless you all this Advent Season
Paul Olsen, Principal
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