Friday, May 3, 2019

Principal's Comments

Kia ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College

Today it was our pleasure to have whanau join us for our student-led conferences. In order to prepare for these conferences, staff meet on Wednesday afternoon to share details about student achievement and progress. About 75% of our community will be attending today, with the remainder having Skype and phone meetings over the next week. Thank you to the staff and students for the work you have put into preparing for these sessions. Whanau should receive an email confirming the outcome and any action points from today's meeting. I have asked to have them copied to me as Principal and I am looking forward to reading through them to get an update on both progress and issues arising throughout the College.

Hamish Coutts finishing the cross-country with style

Here are the final house points from the Cross Country, held on Thursday.
1st - Magee 218 pts
2nd - Clancy 183 pts
3rd - Whyte 128 pts
4th - Treacy 114 pts

Finally, I am looking forward to meeting the whanau of our year 12 and 13 hostel students at Redcastle this evening. A warm welcome and safe travel to all our visitors.
Manaaki te atua ia koutou

Ngā mihi nui
Paul Olsen, Tumuaki

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