Monday, November 11, 2019

Gold Duke of Edinburgh for Rata McMullan and Lucy Hellewell!

We have received confirmation from National Office that Rata McMullan and Lucy Hellewell have completed their Gold Duke of Edinburgh, which will be formally presented at a ceremony next year.

Gold is the third and final level of the Award, and takes a minimum of 12 months to complete. There are three specific sections—Service, Skills and Physical Recreation plus an Adventurous Journey and a Residential Project.

The photos below show the girls on their Adventurous Journey's, Rata with the rest of the crew at Lake Ōhau, and Lucy on the way to Macetown from the Branches Station in Queenstown on Tarquin.

Rata also played the Violin for her Skills, Hockey for her Physical Recreation, did tutoring and leadership at school for her Service, and completed Outward Bound as her Residential Project.

Lucy undertook horse care and handling as her Skills, horse riding for her Physical Recreation, led a youth group for her Service, and her Residential Project was a Young Farmers Leadership Camp.

Awesome achievement girls, well done!