Thursday, August 6, 2020

Level 3 Biology Field Trip- Orokonui Ecosanctuary

L3 Biology students recently had two days of work to complete their study of factors affecting plant leaves, and how their structure can change according to the environment.

The programme is run by the Botany Department of Otago University in association with Orokonui Ecosanctuary which enables students to access great gear, expertise and the native plants in the Ecosanctuary.

Some students meet birds e.g. Kaka and Takahe that are new to them and they may even get to see a longfin eel in her habitat (among others). They have to work hard for the two days and make observations and record and process data then come up with an explanation.

This doesn't happen without support from other teachers especially Ms O'Neill who helped with data processing and getting students to Orokonui. The Orokonui and Otago University staff were impressed with the way the students worked and conducted themselves -so well done Kevinians!