Friday, March 26, 2021

Principal's Comment

Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,This week we marked a year since we went into Level 4 Lockdown as a nation. This is significant as a national milestone as we are very proud to have been one of the few countries in the world to have avoided the worst of the disaster by going into lockdown quickly and decisively. It is easy to forget that many students around the world have missed the better part of a year's worth of education while we are able to not only enjoy the benefits of the academic side of school, but also the sporting, cultural and spiritual elements it offers as a community, together and without restraint.
There have, however, been some changes to the way we approach education in New Zealand since lockdown which are causing issues for students and schools. The NZ Ministry of Education has noticed a significant increase in rates of truancy and unexplained absence of students which is supported in the data nationwide.

This week in assembly I spoke of the need to ensure that you are at school for as much time as possible. The data is extremely clear on this, for every day missed, every period skipped and every late arrival to school, there is a correlation in the number of credits passed and the level of Excellence gained. My message is simple. If you are sick, if you have something happen which is beyond your control, if you have a sound reason for being away from school, no problem, ensure you communicate with your Dean so you are supported and it can be managed.
If you are not at school because your didn't feel like getting up, felt like a duvet day or thought you'd extend your weekend, then those things become habit and that habit costs you in the long run in terms of your results, your relationships with others and ultimately your ability to make choices down the track.
Lets ensure we give ourselves the best chance possible to do the best we can.

Have a good weekend,

May God bless you.

Ngā mihi nui
Paul Olsen