Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,
This week, I thought I would write from the point of view of a mother of a Year 11 student at the College. Those of us who have students facing NCEA for the first time this year will most likely be familiar with the stress that this brings. For many of our children, Year 11 is also a time when they are starting to hold down jobs, beginning to socialize and also participate in sport and service. It is also a time when we expect our students to become more independent....
I spoke to our staff this week about 'executive functioning'. These are the everyday skills we use to organize ourselves. If you have noticed that your teen does things in a funny order or things that are completely illogical like leaving doors open on freezing cold days, it is most likely that those areas of the brain that help them to be organized are 'closed for repair' at this time. For our Year 11 students, not only is this happening but its also hard on the heels of over two years where no one has been able to really get into the routines that help with organization because of Covid related disruption.
All of our young people at the College are truly amazing. When we consider what they have been dealing with and are still dealing with in this crazy world at the moment, we need to really acknowledge the challenges they face and support them as much as we can to navigate these. If we have to remind them to put their socks on before their shoes now and then, so be it.
Have a wonderful long weekend.
God Bless
Jo Walshe
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