Friday, February 10, 2023

Principal's Comment

 Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

As we move into the swing of the school year, things should be starting to come together in terms of our students adjusting to the new timetable and routines. Please encourage your young person to use the MUSAC app to help them stay ahead of what is happening. Important notices about events are posted on the MUSAC app 'notices' section. Notifications include things like sports sign ups, changes to the day or one off events like school photographs.

'Managing Self' is one of the Key Competencies in the New Zealand Curriculum and is an important part of growing up for our students. 'Managing self' skills include interpersonal skills such as working in a team or controlling your temper or day to day executive functioning skills such as checking time tables and being prepared with the correct tools. You can help your young person to achieve in this space by supporting them to use our SKC Diary, Google classrooms, email system and even just making good old fashioned lists of things to check before setting off out the gate.

A huge part of the success of young people moving through secondary school is having a good relationships with the teaching staff. On Tuesday night we had an excellent turn out of parents and caregivers at our 'Meet the teachers' event. I would like to thank all of you who attended. It was great to reconnect with some old faces and meet so many of our new SKC family.

Have a great weekend - Go The Highlanders!

God Bless Jo

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