Saturday, December 8, 2012

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's

Last Saturday it was a pleasure to be able to formally farewell the graduates of 2012. This the pressure of examinations behind them, it was an opportunity to reflect and celebrate five years of College life for the cohort. At the liturgy in the chapel, students symbolically unwrapped their gifts and were addressed by Fr Wayne who challenged them to take their Catholic values and live them with integrity. To complete the ceremony, Mr Ryan handed back letters that students had written to themselves five years earlier on their year 9 Retreat. The dinner was held at the Homestead with guest speaker, past pupil Alec Neil. Alec both inspired and entertained us with an address he titled a "Fire side chat with honest Al." I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the organisation this evening, in particular Mr Alec Neil our guest speaker, Fr Wayne for his words of wisdom, Mr Mullally the year 13 Dean and my senior leadership team of Mrs Austin and Mr Ryan. A reminder that the official Prizegiving video is still available for purchase at the office.

This week I have been privileged to attend the year 10 Camp and take groups Abseiling. The weather was fine and the activities challenging. The students have come back buzzing with enthusiasm from the experience. The year nine students have enjoyed last week, with Mrs Austin reporting that they were fully engaged in the wide range of activities on offer. The award ceremony today is an opportunity to celebrate junior student's achievement and wish them every blessing in this advent season.

Finally I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many parents and caregivers who have been such an active part of the St Kevin's Family. As a College we have a long standing history of generations of families coming through St Kevin's and some of our Yr13's are the last of many siblings to be educated here. Thank you for entrusting us with the education of your young people

May God Bless You
Paul Olsen

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