Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College
As the term comes to a rapid conclusion with examinations and assessment being the focus of the week, I have been reflecting on the achievements of a busy but productive term. Academic, sporting and cultural success has come to be the norm. Our Special Character Review has affirmed the direction that we are heading as a College. This can be summed up in our strongly articulated Values and high expectations. We foster students to use their talents to the best of their ability, for the common good.
With spring enveloping the College grounds, the broader theme of growth and development has echoed in a number of pivotal "future thinking" meetings being held this week.
Hostel redevelopment has been the hot topic of discussion for boarders. Last Friday, Jo Anne Van der Salm wrote to hostel parents indicating that the Trust would be developing a plan to consolidate the hostels onto a single site near Redcastle. This week we have had a series of meetings to explore proposals and craft a plan for our community to give feedback about. Students have had the opportunity to have input and have already given us some valuable insights. We are committed to begin implementation for the 2015 school year.
The second planning stream is "future curriculum". This is being led by the Head of Curriculum, Mr Ryan. We are looking to build on the VPath initiatives of the last two years and add greater diversity of meaningful learning opportunities to retain and engage our Year 12 and 13 students. Examples of these programmes include equestrian studies, trade skills and service sector courses.
The College administration is working hard to be responsive to needs and move with the times. Initiatives such the development of a St Kevin's College App and deployment of the Ultra Fast Broad Band are examples of this proactive approach. I would encourage you to download the app if you have not already done so. It is available on both Google Play and Apple Store as free downloads for your phone.
Looking forward to the start of Term Four, I will be out of school for the first three weeks. Mr Ryan will be in the role of Acting Principal and any urgent issues should be directed to him in the first instance.
Finally, please keep the Fauth and Pope families in your prayers as they grieve the loss of loved ones.
May God bless you all these holidays.
Paul Olsen, Principal
Friday, September 26, 2014
Healthy Habits
10 Reasons why Exercise is important
1. Exercise increases your energy level. Exercising delivers oxygen and nutrients to your whole body helping it to work more efficiently and boost your endurance.
2. Exercise and other physical activities are often great opportunities to socialize. Going to the playground, joining a sports team, or going to the local recreation centre are all great ways to meet new people.
3. Being physically active will keep you healthy. Research says that engaging in 30 minutes of exercise a day is all you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
4. Exercise makes you happier! Physical activity releases chemicals in your brain called endorphins that are known to make you feel happier and more relaxed.
5. Regular physical activity has been proven to help prevent a wide variety of health problems.
6. Exercise can be fun! Often times exercise can be a part of some your favourite daily activities, such as walking the dog, going to the playground, or riding your bike.
7. Exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight.
8. Exercise is good for your heart! It helps maintain a healthy blood pressure and improves circulation.
9. Regular physical activity helps you sleep better. When you are active during the day, you typically fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer.
10. Exercise is good for your mind, body, and soul. It is especially good for relieving stress around exams.
1. Exercise increases your energy level. Exercising delivers oxygen and nutrients to your whole body helping it to work more efficiently and boost your endurance.
2. Exercise and other physical activities are often great opportunities to socialize. Going to the playground, joining a sports team, or going to the local recreation centre are all great ways to meet new people.
3. Being physically active will keep you healthy. Research says that engaging in 30 minutes of exercise a day is all you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
4. Exercise makes you happier! Physical activity releases chemicals in your brain called endorphins that are known to make you feel happier and more relaxed.
5. Regular physical activity has been proven to help prevent a wide variety of health problems.
6. Exercise can be fun! Often times exercise can be a part of some your favourite daily activities, such as walking the dog, going to the playground, or riding your bike.
7. Exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight.
8. Exercise is good for your heart! It helps maintain a healthy blood pressure and improves circulation.
9. Regular physical activity helps you sleep better. When you are active during the day, you typically fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer.
10. Exercise is good for your mind, body, and soul. It is especially good for relieving stress around exams.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
St Kevin's College Board of Trustees Election - Declaration of Student Election Results
St Kevin’s College - Board
of Trustees Election
of Student Election Results
Malcolm, Georgia - 21
Gourlay, William - 19
Michael Stevens - 16
Josh Boardman - 14
Sydney Telfer - 9
Devin Familton - 6
Sam Ball - 5
Josh Boardman - 14
Sydney Telfer - 9
Devin Familton - 6
Sam Ball - 5
Tiana Mihaere - 3
Georgia Haggerty - 3
Quin Paterson - 3
Matali Singh - 2
Georgia Haggerty - 3
Quin Paterson - 3
Matali Singh - 2
Invalid Votes - 2
I hereby declare Georgia Malcolm duly elected:
Sue McErlane
Returning Officer
Returning Officer
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
St Kevin's College Board of Trustee Vacancy
The St Kevin’s College Board of Trustees has resolved under section 105 of the Education Act 1989 to fill the vacancy by selection for an elected parent representative.
The Board welcomes Louise Dyson and Lyza Richardson to the Board table.
S McErlane
BOT Secretary
The Board welcomes Louise Dyson and Lyza Richardson to the Board table.
S McErlane
BOT Secretary
Youthtown Grant
Once again Youthtown are actively supporting the sporting achievements of the College in the way of a community grant. Boys and girls football, basketball and hockey along with netball and the equestrian team have all benefited from a generous grant received. Thank you Youthtown!
Monday, September 22, 2014
Polyfest 2014
On Thursday evening our Kapa Haka and Pasifika students traveled to Dunedin to take part in Polyfest 2014. It was a fantastic cultural event and the groups performed to rapturous applause, particularly when the College haka was performed. Congratulations to you all on the way you continue to represent the College on the multicultural stage! Thank you to Mrs Dooley, Mrs Plunkett and all those within our College community who have helped these groups prepare and fundraise for this event.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Principal's Comment
Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College
Students have been able to put democratic voting into practice this week with the student election for their Board of Trustee representative. The candidates spoke at forums on Tuesday and Wednesday, giving fellow students the opportunity to be well informed before placing their vote. The polls closed today and the results will be announced in the coming days. Thank you to all of the students who have put their names forward for consideration.
On Tuesday evening the College hosted the Pasifika community at the Fia Fia night. Our Pasifika and Kapa Haka groups performed in preparation for their performance at the Otago Polyfest last night and I extend my sincerest thanks to Mrs Plunkett and Mrs Dooley for helping the students prepare.
It was my pleasure to host the team from the Catholic Education Review Office at the beginning of the week. Their visit is a tri-annual review of the Special Character of the College and whilst a full report will come in due course, initial feedback to the Senior Management Team has been very positive and affirms the Values of the College. Thank you to all of the staff and students who made themselves available to meet and speak with the team.
Next week is Senior Assessment Week and students are reminded to not underestimate the importance of these examinations. They should be well aware of the value of results should they need to apply for a derived grade for their end of year NCEA exams. As such, I expect all of our students to ensure they are well prepared and utilise the entire time allocated for each exam in order to attempt and complete all of the questions or papers.
Please keep our senior students sitting examinations in your prayers.
Students have been able to put democratic voting into practice this week with the student election for their Board of Trustee representative. The candidates spoke at forums on Tuesday and Wednesday, giving fellow students the opportunity to be well informed before placing their vote. The polls closed today and the results will be announced in the coming days. Thank you to all of the students who have put their names forward for consideration.
On Tuesday evening the College hosted the Pasifika community at the Fia Fia night. Our Pasifika and Kapa Haka groups performed in preparation for their performance at the Otago Polyfest last night and I extend my sincerest thanks to Mrs Plunkett and Mrs Dooley for helping the students prepare.
It was my pleasure to host the team from the Catholic Education Review Office at the beginning of the week. Their visit is a tri-annual review of the Special Character of the College and whilst a full report will come in due course, initial feedback to the Senior Management Team has been very positive and affirms the Values of the College. Thank you to all of the staff and students who made themselves available to meet and speak with the team.
Next week is Senior Assessment Week and students are reminded to not underestimate the importance of these examinations. They should be well aware of the value of results should they need to apply for a derived grade for their end of year NCEA exams. As such, I expect all of our students to ensure they are well prepared and utilise the entire time allocated for each exam in order to attempt and complete all of the questions or papers.
Please keep our senior students sitting examinations in your prayers.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal
Aorkai Secondary Schools Sport Volunteer Luncheon
Yesterday a group of students were rewarded for their volunteer efforts with an invitation to the Aoraki Secondary Schools Sport Volunteer Luncheon, sponsored by Adair Craik. The guest speaker was 2016 Rio Olympic Triathlon Technical Delegate Juliette Fahey. Thank you to our student volunteers: Micalya Brenssell, Georgina Wallis, Ellen McAtamney, Hamish Robertson, Matt Brien, Tiana Mihaere, Mark Whittet, Thomas Pickles and Logan Chandler.
Fia Fia Night At SKC
On Tuesday we welcomed the Pasifika community to the College for a cultural celebration at the Fia Fia night. Our Kapa Haka and Pasifika groups performed along with groups from St Joseph's, Pembroke School, Waitaki Boys' High School and Waitaki Girls' High School in what was a wonderful evening.
The Kapa Haka and Pasifika groups took the opportunity for a lunchtime practice/performance on Tuesday at the BOT Student Rep Forum before heading to Dunedin for the Otago Polyfest on Thursday evening. Thank you to Mrs Plunkett, Mrs Dooley and all of their supporters who have been working with them as they prepare for this three day event.
Celebration Of Culture Evening
Join us in the College Auditorium for our Celebration of Culture evening 2014 - Coffee, Culture & Couture!
All of the cultural cups for 2014 will be presented and our Fabric Design students will fill the runway with their beautiful, one of a kind creations.
Tickets are available from the school office for a gold coin donation.
All of the cultural cups for 2014 will be presented and our Fabric Design students will fill the runway with their beautiful, one of a kind creations.
Tickets are available from the school office for a gold coin donation.
Thank you
Special Character - Sacramental Invitation
Theme - EXCELLENCE (Hirangi)
"God's ways are higher than man's so live life in a manner worthy of the Gospel values"
All students are encouraged and supported to engage actively in the Catholic nature of the College.
An open invitation is extended to any SKC parents and students from non-Catholic backgrounds who might wish to engage in the Colleges ‘Sacramental Programme’. The four sacraments of the Holy Catholic Church initiated at St. Kevin’s are: Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist (Holy Communion) and Confirmation. Equally, Catholic students who have not yet received any or all of these sacraments are also urged to participate in the programme.
Making a commitment to the Catholic faith allows individuals to take a more full part in religious ceremonies such as weekly Masses and the receiving of Eucharist at Holy Communion time. If students and or parents wish to participate in this invitation or would simply like to know more about the Colleges Sacramental programme, please contact:
Director of Religious Studies Mr. Tony Mullally (
ph 03 437 1665 (Extn 738) or the school Office
SKC Boys Hockey End Of Season Awards
Logan and William will be greatly missed when they graduate at the end of this year. Both had a huge role in the team, playing over 100 games each over the last five years. They both represented North Otago Under 15's and 18's. William 's skills as a Goalie will be hard to replace he showed no fear against any opposition no matter how big or what level, saving many certain goals. Logan became Captain and supported the team playing a variety of positions, scoring to defending, also becoming the team umpire for tournament week and school exchanges.
St Kevin's 1st X1 Hockey team end of the year awards.
Logan Chandler - Valued Team Player and Captain William Harrison - Valued Team Goalie
Connor Daly - Players Choice Senior Player of the Year
Rory McNab - Players Choice Senior Most Improved Player
Kalas Taukamo - Players Choice Junior Player of the Year
Thomas Wylie - Players Choice Junior Most Improved Player
Sean Daly - Coaches Choice Player of Tournament week - scoring 8 goals
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Sunday Skiing
Sunday ski bunnies! The weather has made the Sunday ski trips to Ohau few and far between in 2014, but a dedicated few still managed to squeeze in a trip or two before the end of the term. Thanks to Mr Hitchcock for organising the trips and for these great shots.
Healthy Habits
The importance of reading food labels

Two weeks ago in “Healthy Habits” there was information about Food labels. I saw this image online and decided I had to share it with you all. It demonstrates the importance of reading food labels.
Lunchbox 1 may have less sugar than lunchbox 2 however there is very little nutritional goodness in it. The saturated fat content would be quite high and there would be little to no fibre at all. Fibre is the most important nutrient in a child’s lunchbox, it helps to keep them fuller for longer and keeps them regular.
Lunchbox 2 would have less saturated fat and a more fibre, protein and calcium
So what does this mean? - READ THE FOOD LABELS
You need to be looking for products that have –
Less than 10g SUGARS and TOTAL FAT per 100g and more than 5g FIBRE per 100g
An ideal lunchbox would contain – a wholemeal sandwich or wrap with fresh vegetables, a bottle of water, piece of fruit and some vege snacks e.g. carrot sticks and a low fat dip e.g. hummus
Mrs Fowler
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Squash Champion
Many games of squash are finally paying off! Congratulations to Yr11 student Thomas Pickles who was named the Oamaru Club Junior Champion and Men's A Runner Up on Saturday evening.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Celebration Of Sport Awards Evening
On Friday evening the Auditorium was filled with proud parents and caregivers as students were presented with their sporting awards for 2014. The College Sporting Blues and Premier Awards were also revealed. We were delighted to be joined by New Zealand Touch representative Lisa Dyer who inspired students with her story from a farm in Eastern Southland through to top level representative sport. In 2011 she was recognised nationally and represented the country at U21 level, where in 2013 she was acknowledged with the New Zealand U21 MVP Award. Congratulations to all of our award recipients, but in particular those who were presented with Sporting Blues and the Premier College Awards:
Rowing - Sydney Telfer, Tiana Mihaere and Georgia Dyson
Trapshooting - Georgia-Kate Blair and Jessica Fraser
Basketball - Helena Graham, Matt Brien and Hamish Robertson
Netball - Merekite Wahitapu
Swimming - Jaxson MacDonald-Piner and Isobel Ryan
Rugby - Fergus Smith, Paea Palaa, Chris Kearney, Keegan Anderson, Jacob Coghlan, Cole Ryan, Filipo Veamatahau, Brodie Flannery, Brady Kingan, Lukairnn Holden, Josh Macaulay, Matthew Vocea, Antonio Misiloi, Alex Collier, Liam Perriam, Kelepi Funaki, Michael Lockley, Connor Newlands, Siosiua Ngaio and William Sunderland
Rodeo - Micayla Brenssell
Junior All Round Sportswoman - Molly Kay
Junior All Round Sportsman - Angus Macaulay
Senior All Round Sportswoman - Merekite Wahitapu
Senior All Round Sportsman - Hamish Robertson
Kearney Family Cup for Outstanding Sportswoman – Isobel Ryan
Carrickmore Cup for Outstanding Sportsman – Jaxson MacDonald-Piner
Contribution Cup for Outstanding Student Contribution
– Merekite Wahitapu
Special Character - Catholic Social Justice Week
This coming week is Catholic Social Justice Week in New Zealand.
'It is not enough to say we are Christians. We must live the faith, not only with our words, but with our actions' - Pope Francis.
All over New Zealand people are putting Catholic social teaching into practice in their daily lives. You can see real life examples of people living our faith in action and learn more about the tradition of justice through resources on the Caritas website -
Key principles of Catholic social teaching
Human dignity - made in God's image
Each of us is made in God's image, which means every person has an innate human dignity that no one can take away.
Solidarity - walking together
Being in solidarity is recognising others as our brothers and sisters and actively working for their good. In our connected humanity, we are invited to build relationships and to understand what life is like for others who are different from us.
Preferential options for the poor and vulnerable - protecting those in need
Have a preferential option for the poor compels us to think first of the needs of those who are most vulnerable.
Common good - the good of each and all
Commitment to the common good means working for the good of all. This means respecting the rights and responsibilities of all people.
Subsidiarity - empowering communities
Taking account of subsidiarity means ensuring decision making happens at the most appropriate level, so all those affected can contribute.
Stewardship - being responsible guardians
We are all guardians of the earth. Exercising stewardship is caring for the gifts god has given us, including the environment, our own personal talents and other resources.
Participation - everyone with a part to play
Promoting participation means recognising we each have something unique an important to contribute to society. We are called to be active members of our local and global communities.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Principal's Comment
Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College
Congratulations to all our winter sporting teams on the outstanding participation and fair play demonstrated during the season. Thank you to coaches and supporters who have made the successes possible and been there for players in defeat. You are living role models of the Special Character of our College.
This weeks assembly guests were Mike King and Tai Tupou from the Key to Life Trust. Both Mike and Tai talked of their personal journey in life. They urged students to talk to others and seek help when issues first arise rather than waiting until they are major. The message was one of hope and complemented our Special Character values and virtues.
As the term draws to a close and examination week looms on the horizon, NCEA students are beginning to feel the bite of academic pressure. These mock examination are the safety net for students, as these supply the final results if a student cannot sit the end of year examinations. Staff go to a lot of trouble to provide top quality assessments and I encourage students study hard and take them seriously.
Thank you to the Avimore Construction team who have worked so hard to develop the Equestrian Arena this week. It is looking tremendous after the long winter.
I look forward to meeting many of you this evening at the Celebration of Sport Awards. Thank you in advance to Mrs Kitto and Miss Casey for the work that you have put in and congratulations to all of our award recipients. There has always been a strong sporting culture at the College and it is a pleasure to celebrate the sporting endeavours of our students together as a College Family.
Finally, please keep the McCleary and Wallis families in your prayers as they face the loss of loved ones.
Congratulations to all our winter sporting teams on the outstanding participation and fair play demonstrated during the season. Thank you to coaches and supporters who have made the successes possible and been there for players in defeat. You are living role models of the Special Character of our College.
This weeks assembly guests were Mike King and Tai Tupou from the Key to Life Trust. Both Mike and Tai talked of their personal journey in life. They urged students to talk to others and seek help when issues first arise rather than waiting until they are major. The message was one of hope and complemented our Special Character values and virtues.
As the term draws to a close and examination week looms on the horizon, NCEA students are beginning to feel the bite of academic pressure. These mock examination are the safety net for students, as these supply the final results if a student cannot sit the end of year examinations. Staff go to a lot of trouble to provide top quality assessments and I encourage students study hard and take them seriously.
Thank you to the Avimore Construction team who have worked so hard to develop the Equestrian Arena this week. It is looking tremendous after the long winter.
I look forward to meeting many of you this evening at the Celebration of Sport Awards. Thank you in advance to Mrs Kitto and Miss Casey for the work that you have put in and congratulations to all of our award recipients. There has always been a strong sporting culture at the College and it is a pleasure to celebrate the sporting endeavours of our students together as a College Family.
Finally, please keep the McCleary and Wallis families in your prayers as they face the loss of loved ones.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal
College Visitors
This week we had two groups of visitors to the College. On Wednesday we welcomed Mike King and Tai Tupou to assembly where they spoke to the students about speaking up when you have a problem that is difficult, rather than keeping things bottled up inside. They shared their stories and encouraged students to keep the lines of communication open and talk with their parents and caregivers regularly.
On Thursday at lunchtime, the team Excel School of Performing Arts gave a short performance ahead of their scheduled tour show at the Christian Life Centre tomorrow. The show is called You Are Not Alone and is a presentation with music, dance and drama which will leave you inspired, encouraged and entertained.
Special Character,
NZQA Algebra Exam
Any students who are sitting LEVEL 1 MATHEMATICS (except the numeracy course) have their final NZQA ALGEBRA EXAMINATION on THURSDAY 18 SEPTEMBER - PERIOD 1. Tutorials are available on Sunday 14 at 11am and Tuesday and Wednesday after school.
Central Lakes Trust Tertiary Scholarship

Congratulations to Yr 13 students Logan Chandler who has been awarded a Central Lakes Trust Tertiary Education Scholarship valued at $2500. The key strength of the scholarship programme is that it is open all young people currently in Yr 13 who come from the Trust's region and plan to take up any type of tertiary education programme. Logan is planning to attend Otago Polytechnic in Dunedin and study for a diploma in Construction Management. His scholarship will be presented at an Awards Ceremony at the end of October. Well done Logan!
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Pretty In Pink
Today the College was bathed in a sea of pink as students supported Breast Cancer Awareness with a mufti day. The girls hostel took the opportunity to raid every pink piece of clothing and dress up item available to add a sense of fun to the day.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
St Thomas' Sports Exchange
Yesterday the College hosted teams from St Thomas of Canterbury College for the annual interschool with the G.Airey Cup up for grabs. While the football fell to their St Thomas' counterparts, both the rugby and basketball notched up wins for the College: rugby 15-13 and basketball 100-80. This means that the cup will find it's place in the St Kevin's trophy cabinet for the coming year. Congratulations to all of the boys who competed with pride on behalf of the College!
South Island Basketball Champions
Congratulations to the Top V Basketball boys who took out the South Island title at the South Island Premiership Secondary School Tournament in Dunedin on Saturday night. The final score saw the boys take the win and the title 65-79. They will head to Palmerston North to compete for the national title in the first week of the school holidays.
National Short Course Swimming Championships 2014
Jackson and Isobel - worth their weight in gold and silver! Thanks to Brayden from the Oamaru Mail for the use of this photo |
Last week Head Girl Isobel Ryan and Year 9 student Jackson MacDonald-Piner competed at the National Short Course Swimming Championships which were held in Wellington. It was a tremendous event for both of them with a swag of medals brought home to Oamaru. In his first time at the championships Jackson took silver in the 200m freestyle and 200m butterfly for the 13yrs age group. Competing in the 17 and 18yrs age group Isobel had a dominant presence with gold in the 100m backstroke, 100m freestyle, 50m freestyle, and silver medals in the 50m butterfly, 50m backstroke and taking a silver in the New Zealand Open Womens 50m freestyle. An outstanding achievement from both Isobel and Jackson! Congratulations!
SKC Netball Success In North Otago
Congratulations to the SKC Junior A Netball team who took out their section in the North Otago Netball Competition. They also won the Findon Cup for the highest goal differential. Well done girls!
Also taking home the silverware was Deputy Head Girl Merekite Wahitapu who received the award for the Most Promising North Otago Representative Player for the second time. This is an incredibly well deserved award, congratulations.
Also taking home the silverware was Deputy Head Girl Merekite Wahitapu who received the award for the Most Promising North Otago Representative Player for the second time. This is an incredibly well deserved award, congratulations.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Healthy Habits
Important nutrients for teenagers
Your body is building its skeleton while you’re a teenager. To make it as strong as possible, you need to eat foods rich in calcium.
· Choose dairy products, including low fat milk, yoghurt, cheese, eating 2-3 serves every day.
· If you don’t eat dairy foods, other good sources of calcium are calcium-fortified soy milk, canned fish (eg. salmon or sardines), certain nuts (eg. almonds, hazelnuts), dried beans & peas (eg. chickpeas, kidney beans), lentils and wholegrain breads & cereals (eg wholegrain bread, brown rice, porridge).
· If you drink soft drinks, try replacing one or two each day with water or milk (which has calcium and other valuable nutrients).
· Try smoothies (made in a blender with trim milk, yoghurt and fruit) for breakfast or a snack – they tick the boxes for calcium, fruit, and taste.
Your body is building its skeleton while you’re a teenager. To make it as strong as possible, you need to eat foods rich in calcium.

· If you don’t eat dairy foods, other good sources of calcium are calcium-fortified soy milk, canned fish (eg. salmon or sardines), certain nuts (eg. almonds, hazelnuts), dried beans & peas (eg. chickpeas, kidney beans), lentils and wholegrain breads & cereals (eg wholegrain bread, brown rice, porridge).
· If you drink soft drinks, try replacing one or two each day with water or milk (which has calcium and other valuable nutrients).
· Try smoothies (made in a blender with trim milk, yoghurt and fruit) for breakfast or a snack – they tick the boxes for calcium, fruit, and taste.
Cycling Trophies
Congratulations to Regan Holland (Yr 11) who has a trio of cups and medals from the Club Championships at the Timaru Cycle Club. He received the Tom Stoddart cup (Gorge Grandprix Champs), Herb Stewart cup and gold medal (Club Champs) and the Hallett Trophy (Club Champs Individual Time Trial). What a great result from a very talented young rider.
PGG Wrightson Cash For Communities
Earn $$$ for the College with PGG Wrightson Cash for Communities
Over the past four years the farming community has raised more than $320,000 for schools and community organisations around NZ with PGG Wrightson Cash for Communities. This year is the first time they're running a Cash of Communities programme during spring, giving our farming families another chance to earn $$$ for the College. Any farmer who purchases Ballance Agri-Nutrients fertiliser on their PGG Wrightson account between 1 Sept and 30 Nov 2014 can nominate the College by simply going to - it's that easy!
Monday, September 8, 2014
Celebration Of Sports Awards Evening
St Kevin's College Auditorium
Guest speaker is Lisa Dyer, NZ Touch Representative
A invitation is extended to all of our parents and caregivers to join us as we celebrate the sporting successes of the College from the past twelve months. The following students will be presented with their sporting cups after which the College Sporting Blues and Premier Cup winners will be announced.
NZ Lions Clubs Young Speechmaker 2014
Recently Year 13 student Kaleisha Jones traveled to the National Finals of the New Zealand Lions Clubs Young Speechmaker 2014 competition. She was highly praised in a very strong field of young speakers. The College has been a strong supporter of the competition for a number of years and the national finals have often graced a Kevinian in the line up. Well done Kaleisha!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Principal's Comment
Kia ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College
This week we have had over 100 students involved in seven sporting tournaments across the South Island. Reports back from staff and parents have been incredibly positive and whilst results were a mixed bag I congratulate all of the teams on their conduct, both on and off the sporting field. There are high expectations of all of our students when they are out in the community representing the College and once again our teams did not disappoint. I would also like to extend my thanks to all of the coaches, managers and chaperones who volunteered their time to support and travel with the teams this week. Without appropriate support our students would not have many of these opportunities.
Next Friday we celebrate the sporting successes of the College over the past 12 months at our annual Celebration of Sports Awards. The evening will be slightly different this year, with the presentations being made in the College Auditorium beginning at 7pm following a more traditional format. All of our sporting awards for the year will be presented as usual and with an open invitation for parents and caregivers to attend, I look forward to seeing many of you there.
With Senior Assessment week approaching students should be settling into a regular habit of study. These examinations are used as to help assess an application for a derived grade, should a student be unable to sit their end of year NCEA examinations and need to submit an application. NZQA have developed a new App called the NCEA Guide which provides quick and easy access to key information about NCEA, how it works and how parents and caregivers can support students studying in NCEA. Content can be viewed in both English and Te Reo Maori and the App is free to download from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Finally, best wishes to the 1st XV Rugby team as they play in the national Co-ed Schools Rugby Championship. After such a close opening game your determination and courage on the field in the face of adversity are to be commended.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal
Next Friday we celebrate the sporting successes of the College over the past 12 months at our annual Celebration of Sports Awards. The evening will be slightly different this year, with the presentations being made in the College Auditorium beginning at 7pm following a more traditional format. All of our sporting awards for the year will be presented as usual and with an open invitation for parents and caregivers to attend, I look forward to seeing many of you there.
With Senior Assessment week approaching students should be settling into a regular habit of study. These examinations are used as to help assess an application for a derived grade, should a student be unable to sit their end of year NCEA examinations and need to submit an application. NZQA have developed a new App called the NCEA Guide which provides quick and easy access to key information about NCEA, how it works and how parents and caregivers can support students studying in NCEA. Content can be viewed in both English and Te Reo Maori and the App is free to download from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Finally, best wishes to the 1st XV Rugby team as they play in the national Co-ed Schools Rugby Championship. After such a close opening game your determination and courage on the field in the face of adversity are to be commended.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal
Pasifika Performance
Thank you to Ruby Harfield at the Oamaru Mail for this photo. |
Yesterday Mrs Dooley and the Pasifika Group took time out to perform in the community as part of Tongan Language Week. They began the morning with a performance at Little Wonders Childcare before heading to the Oamaru Library to join students from Oamaru North School where they entertained a group of nearly 50 people. The vitality of the Pasifika group at St Kevin's is a great example of the Special Character of the College, in the colourful and joyous way in which they share with the Waitaki Community.
Special Character,
Football Knock Out
The Boys U16 Football team handed Timaru Boys High School their first loss of the season with a 3-1 win in the U16 division, bringing home the Knock Out Cup and placing second overall in the league (follow the link below for full results). Taking one for the team, congratulations and commiserations to Raj who scored a first half hat trick before breaking his ankle! Well done on a great season boys!
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Viva Las Vegas
Hamish Robertson (Yr13) is heading for the bright lights of Las Vegas with the Mark Dickel Basketball Club as part of an invitational U19 team. The boys will travel with an U15 team in December and it will be a chance for Hamish to show his basketball talents against the best competition in the age in America. There is also the opportunity to take in a couple of skill based sessions which will be run by UNLV coaches. Congratulations Hamish!
Healthy Habits
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
International Exchange With STS
A number of students have taken advantage of these amazing opportunities over the years. If you would like some more information then contact STS directly or speak with Mrs Jackson in the Careers Office.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Central Shots
Jessica Fraser and Georgia-Kate Blair traveled to Central Otago for a weekend of shooting. On Saturday they competed in the Alexandra Inter-Collegiate Competition where Jess finished first in the Ladies Skeet before moving on the the Wanaka Inter-Collegiate Competition on Sunday. Jess won Ladies HOA, the Single Rise and came first in the Points Score, as well as taking a second place in the Skeet. Georgia took a first in the Skeet, second in the Single Rise and a third placing in the Single Barrel. Congratulations on some fine shooting girls!
South Island Co-ed Champions
It has been an outstanding season of note for the 1st XV and they were rewarded for their hard work with the South Island Co-ed Secondary Schools title following a 16-10 win over Burnside High School at Murray Field on Saturday. The win secured their place at the top fours competition in Rotorua at the end of this week. They play Cambridge High at noon on Friday and if successful will go on to the final on Sunday against either Otahuhu College or Fielding High School.
Congratulations boys, on an excellent season and all the very best for Rotorua!
CLICK HERE to read the Otago Daily Times story.
Sporting Draws For Tournament Week 2014
The girls will be playing in the Lotto Sportswear Tournament which is being held in 2014 at Logan Park in Dunedin.
Click here to view their pool play draw and game time information.
The boys are heading to Timaru for the NZ Secondary Schools Linwood Tournament.
Click here to view all of the tournament info and draws
This year the Senior A Netball team will travel south to Invercargill for the South Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament.
Click here to go to the webpage for all of the tournament info!
Our basketballers are heading to Dunedin for the NZ Basketball Secondary School Premiership Tournament.
Click here to view their draw
The Coaches Cup for 2014 is being played for in Blenheim and the boys hockey team will be facing up for the College.
Click here to view their draw
The girls will be heading to Ashburton for the Jenny McDonald Cup. Good luck with your games girls!
Click here to view their draw
The Rural Livestock Tournament will be held in Queenstown and the U15 boys will be taking the field for the College.
Click here to view their draw
The girls will be playing in the Lotto Sportswear Tournament which is being held in 2014 at Logan Park in Dunedin.
Click here to view their pool play draw and game time information.
The boys are heading to Timaru for the NZ Secondary Schools Linwood Tournament.
Click here to view all of the tournament info and draws
This year the Senior A Netball team will travel south to Invercargill for the South Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament.
Click here to go to the webpage for all of the tournament info!
Our basketballers are heading to Dunedin for the NZ Basketball Secondary School Premiership Tournament.
Click here to view their draw
The Coaches Cup for 2014 is being played for in Blenheim and the boys hockey team will be facing up for the College.
Click here to view their draw

Click here to view their draw
The Rural Livestock Tournament will be held in Queenstown and the U15 boys will be taking the field for the College.
Click here to view their draw
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