Shannon with Dr Girol Karacaoglu following her presentation in Parliament as part of the Tackling Poverty Workshop. |
Christmas came a couple of days early for past pupil Shannon Macmillan when she heard the news that she had been awarded the Habens Prize for Academic Excellence in the Study of New Zealand Education. Rev. William James Habens was the Inspector General of Schools in New Zealand from 1878-1899 and a Past President of NZEI. He was a member of a Royal Commission set up in 1878 to enquire into and report on the operations of the University of New Zealand and it's relation to the secondary schools of the colony. Established in 1963 the prize is awarded biennially by the Otago University Council on the recommendation of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities) and the Dean of the University of Otago College of Education to the student studying a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in Education) with the highest standard of achievement. Congratulations Shannon!! What a well deserved accolade!
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