Senior exams are in two weeks and we are looking at organizing some extra tuition for students.
Every Wednesday after school there is study club where students can get help with Math, Science and English. If the demand is there we will look at getting tutors to come to prep in the evening. Cost for evening prep tutoring is $20 per hour. There is no cost for the Wednesday study club. Please let Justin know if you would like extra tutoring for your child.
Hostel Trips.
In the next couple of weeks the girls hostel is heading to Dunedin for the day on the 24th September. The boys will also have a trip with the date to be confirmed.
Unnamed Clothing.

Girls rugby.
Today a group of girls went to Dunedin to play in a Highlanders Region ten-a-side competition. This is a competition to encourage new girls to the game. We had a number of girls from the hostel playing, most of whom were playing for the first time. All the girls had a blast.
God bless
Justin Fowler, Director of Boarding
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