Congratulations to the long list of students who gained an endorsement for their NCEA Award. The Level 1 and 2 recipients assembled on the Chapel steps after I presented the Merit Badges and Excellent Blues at the Ash Wednesday Liturgy on Wednesday. I was pleased to also acknowledge the many Level 3 recipients who are heading off to tertiary study, well prepared for their next academic steps.
Thank you to Father Wayne for his blessing as we marked the season of Lent by the anointing with ashes. In our Catholic tradition, Lent is a time of reflection, stocktaking and support for those less fortunate. With this in mind, Fr Wayne challenged the College to give generously to the Pacific Cyclone relief fund through CARITAS (the Catholic aid agency). He will match our contribution dollar for dollar. The contributions will be collected at whānau times next week as an initial response to this natural disaster.
It was pleasing to see so many students participating in the Athletic Sports Day and the array of House colours across the grounds. Thank you to Mr Smith and his team for organising today's event, and to staff for manning the different track and field stations.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal
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