Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Student Sport Volunteers Recognised

On Thursday 17th October a group from our fantastic student sport volunteers were acknowledged at a lunch held at Portside restaurant.

Eight students from each high school were invited to the event hosted by Aoraki Secondary School Sport. Adair Craik was the guest speaker and she talked about the importance of volunteers and thanked the students for the great work that they do.

We are lucky to have students that contribute to College sporting life whether it be coaching, managing, covering first aid, scorekeeping, or umpiring.

Our students that were acknowledged were:

Emily McCoy, Lucy Hitchcock, Zach Dickie, Thomas Ballantyne, Annie Metcalfe, Nina Dickie, Jaimee Trainor and Bethany Pope.

A big thank you to you all- sport just can not happen without the help of volunteers and we appreciate the wonderful work you do!