Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Principals Update- Covid-19

Dear Community

It is timely that I contact you all to give an update on our preparations here at school. Currently, the school is open; we are teaching regular classes.

I have cancelled the Year 11 PE trip due to depart today. We have excellent communication via Satellite phone with the trip that is currently out, and everything is fine. They are due back this afternoon.

We are switching over to doing the base business of the school and have cancelled the assemblies and masses for the foreseeable future. The Student Leadership team are developing an online assembly as we speak.

Sport NZ has cancelled and postponed most events, and as you know, we have cancelled the end of term Catholic Schools Tournament.

Teachers and students are reminded to wash hands and avoid wherever possible social contact. Desks in classrooms can be spaced out and if its fine outside classes can happen in the sunshine.

As you know, planning is everything, and I feel we are well placed to respond to the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education guidelines and directives.
I will keep you informed if our situation changes.

I have confidence in our staff and students that we will act and behave like Kevinians that genuinely believe in our values. Family Integrity Respect Excellence.

Contact the school office if you have a need for more information.

God bless
Kerry Ryan
Associate Principal