Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,
As we come to the end of another busy week and anticipate even further disruption as we head towards the end of the term, it was with great sadness that I heard about the increase in the pace of industrial action which will be occurring from this week onwards.
As a Principal, I am unable to comment on the merits or otherwise of this course of action. Unions do what they feel they must to be heard. That is the nature of industrial action and it is the right of all workers to undertake such action. What I can say as a Principal is that our teaching staff would prefer not to be in this situation at all.
I am aware that the current climate is very stressful for both staff and students, not to mention the impact it may be having on our families and community.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask parents and caregivers to please consider doing the following things to support your young person, with particular focus on senior students sitting NCEA.
Please speak with your young person about the deadlines they have, the work they need to get through and if they feel confident in approaching it. Whilst staff are on strike, they are still able to help students when they are in the classroom and are welcoming any questions your young person may have. Please encourage your student to ask questions and ask for support if you feel they need it.
Secondly, there may be a temptation for young people to be picking up extra paid employment on days when they are rostered home. This feels like a gray area, as it is normally illegal for students to work during school hours, but in this case, they may feel that that is an option. If your student is choosing this, please ensure that they are up to date with the work they need to do before considering extra shifts.
Thirdly, most teachers still run 'GoogleClassrooms' where work and resources are placed. Please encourage your young person to check these frequently as well as emails for any extra work or information which is uploaded.
Lastly, if you feel that your young person is feeling distressed by missing school due to strike action, please reach out to our Student Advocate Esther Dupu. Esther is not bound by the strike action and is available to talk with your student. Similarly, our Deans are also available to speak to students about course choices and long term plans.
As the mother of a current Year 12 student, I am acutely aware that our Year 12 students entered the school during Covid, had three years of that and are now trying to study for University qualifications during industrial action. I am praying for a swift end to the situation and I know our teachers are hoping for that aso.
God Bless
Jo Walshe