Friday, June 29, 2012

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's College

As Term Two ends with the echo of haka and chant reverberating from the red stone buildings of St Kevin’s College, I am very proud of our student’s achievements. Our last weeks have been a showcase of talent, from the student directed Dramas and  Speech Competitions to the full day of sports in the Waitaki Interschool.

More importantly, I have been pleased to see the fortnightly indicator system sending results directly to parents via email. Over the last month I have been teaching two Year 10 mathematics classes and I have experienced the positive power of parental feedback first hand. As both a principal and a parent I see the importance of early communication so that parents are able to be proactive and there are no educational surprises.

Closely linked to the fortnightly indicators are the Hillary and Sheppard Certificates. Consistent improvement in progress and engagement indicators generates a nomination for these awards. Whānau Group mentors and Deans look at the candidates work at Whānau Time and select the recipients of these ten dollar awards. The aim is to make the tangible link for students between academic progress and these rewards. As these awards are generated by improvement, all students have a realistic chance to shine. These compliment the Excellence Awards which aim to reward our top achievers. Our next Excellence Assembly will be held during week three next term.

One of the initiatives the Senior Management Team is considering for 2013 is to offer an opportunity for Year 10 students to challenge themselves by sitting the Cambridge IGCSE Examination. This is still at the exploratory stage and I would like to take the opportunity to foster robust community debate as we move into the consultation process. On the positive side this examination would provide a challenge for Year 10 student’s that goes beyond our traditional offerings. On the negative side is the $85 entry fee per subject. The subjects that we are considering for inclusion in 2013 are English, Mathematics, Science and Global Perspective (a social studies equivalent paper). As with any development of this type, I welcome feedback from our parent community, especially our current Year 9 caregivers.

I hope that both staff and students have a chance to recover from coughs and cold over the holidays and return refreshed for the winter term. Please keep those in our College community who are recovering from illness in your prayers, especially Year 12 student Andrew Easton and Mr Ryan who is completing his treatment in Christchurch. 

God Bless You All
Paul Olsen, Principal

Guest Speaker - Samuel Clear

This week at the College had the opportunity to listen to Samuel Clear and share his inspirational presentation.  Samuel is the man behind "Walk4One" and spent 568 days traveling 15,500km (on foot) across 20 countries.  Setting out on the 16th of December 2006, he walked from the eastern most point of Brazil, through South America, Central America and North America, across Siberia on the Trans-Siberian Railway and on foot again from Moscow to the western most point of Spain, all for the sake of Christian unity.   To follow Samuel's incredible journey CLICK HERE.

Hillary and Sheppard Certificates

During Wednesday's Assembly the first Hillary and Shappard Certificates were awarded. These reward improvement in the fortnightly indicators and will be awarded at the end of Term Two and Three. The Sheppard is awarded for academic progress and the Hillary is awarded for improved engagement.
Congratulations to the following recipients:
Sheppard Awards - Rory McNab, Sean O'Brien, Sydney Telfer, Zac Ludwig, Kieran Hunt, Natasha Taukamo, Samantha Robins, Peta Grant, Rose Anderson and Sara Gunnarsdotir
Hillary Awards - Emma Cullimore, Clayton Byrne, Mark Whittet, Brodie McClelland, Jared Papps, Dale Conlan, Shaun Kelliher, Connor Ryan.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Waitaki Exchange Inspiration

It was appropriate during the final assembly of the term for our senior sporting captains to seek inspiration during the Pounamu Taonga (Greenstone Treasure) Ceremony.  The majestic greenstone piece, which was a gift to the College and usually resides in Mr Olsen's office, was the focus of the liturgy with it's qualities of beauty, strength and resilience.

North Otago Secondary Schools Sports Day



Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Year Level Speech Competitions

On Tuesday our Year 11, 12 and 13 students took up the mantle of public speaking with the Year Level Speech Competitions.  We were delighted to welcome Karen Healey back to the College to adjudicate the event and she complemented students on their poise and delivery.
Congratulations to the following students:
Year 11
1st         Gray Doppenberg
2nd        Rose Anderson
3rd         Parewhero O’Brien-Harrison
Year 12
1st         Jibi Kunnethedam
2nd        Molly Farrell
3rd         Salena Xie
Year 13
1st         Albert Hailes
2nd         Jared Papps
3rd         Lucy Fauth

Agriculture Adventures

St. Kevin's is fortunate to be located in a district that can boast numerous people in the agricultural sector who are leaders in their field. It is with gratitude that we thank those who are willing to give up their valuable time to share their expertise with our students. Recently Year 13 students have benefited from attendance at a Fielday at award winning Newhaven Farms.  They also studied fine merino wool at Otematata Station.  Year 11 & 12 had a very informative lesson on reproductive technologies from Dave the vet, of Oamaru Veterinary Services. A special visit to the Agriculture lab by a stud alpaca, courtesy of his owner Alan Grant was a rare treat for Year 10. Thanks also to Alan and Doe Arnott who kindly supplied equipment for students to investigate fibre processing.

It is also very encouraging that students have taken the initiative to re-establish a Young Farmers Club at the College. They are looking for practical farming activities to be involved in and would welcome any ideas or assistance.

JAG Fundraiser

The S.K.C. social justice group “J.A.G.”  have set themselves a lofty goal to raise $15,000 and they need the help of the whole community!  After meeting Helen Clark, head of the United Nations Development Programme and hearing about her work, students decided they wanted to help. They chose a project in Burkina Faso where a Multi Functional Platform is needed for a small village. You can find out more about “M.F.P.’s” by  watching a power-point presentation and a video.

One fund raising suggestion is for students (and maybe even parents?) to work for a day and be paid just $2. This is an approximate wage that a person in rural Africa could expect. The “employer” then donates $50* to the cause.  The donation taken to the school office and will be kept in a special account. A receipt can be given. 
* $50 is a guide and other amounts are acceptable depending on the nature of the work and the hours volunteered.

If your child has chosen to participate in this project and is hoping to carry out their work during the July holidays, we are recommending that any work undertaken, at this stage, is for family members or close friends only. There will be further opportunities in Term 3 to work in the wider community, but more detailed permission forms will be needed for this.

Please feel free to contact me for further information or clarification. Thank you in anticipation for your support. You can be assured that all funds raised will go directly to the M.F.P. project.

Paula Eatherley
Service Coordinator                                

Friday, June 22, 2012

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's College

The annual House Drama Competition, which was held last evening, was a showcase of talent. It is very pleasing to see the range and depth of theatrical ability being fostered by this event. Being able to get up on stage and confidently deliver your lines with grace, poise or at least passion is an invaluable life skill. As Principal, I am aware of the hidden curriculum that these events develop. The leadership opportunities for student directors, the discipline of learning  lines, the commitment to practices and the personal confidence fostered are just a few of the skills that the New Zealand Curriculum refers to as the Key Competencies. As a College we are proud to see students of all levels developing the skills of Self-Management, actively Participating and Contributing and productively Relating to Others. Thank you to Mrs Austin and her team for providing the environment and encouragement for the talent to blossom.

Thank you to the parents who have indicated their support for the first email out of fortnightly indicators. I hope that they stimulated debate over the diner table. The link between staff, student and parent is an important one and we consider early notification of both concern and improvement is central to raising student achievement. 

The sound of haka and chants has reverberated around the grounds at lunch times this week and is a reminder that the Waitaki Interschool is fast approaching. As always the occasion is filled with passion and pride. It would be great to have as many  parents supporting this whole school exchange as possible. The decision to cancel the morning events if the weather is poor will be made on Thursday afternoon. This will help those parents who were planning to travel.

Please keep Mr Ryan in your prayers as his treatment progresses.

God Bless You All
Paul Olsen, Principal

Fantasy Furore

The Auditorium rang to the sounds of princes, ogres, dragons and carpenters when students took to the stage during the House Drama Festival for 2012.  The audience were treated to a fantastic programme of plays and the high standard of performance is a credit to the College Cultural Captains and Directors.  The line-up for the evening included:
Magee - Beauty and the Beast
Treacy - Pinocchio
Whyte - Puss in Boots
Clancy - The Golden Grotto
Thank you to our Adjudicator for the evening, Janet Hammond-Tooke, who was delighted to announce the following results:
1st - Treacy
2nd - Clancy
3rd - Whyte
Best Actor - Jibi Kunnethedam
Best Actress - Tui Sinclair
Felicity Irvine Trophy for Most Promising Actor - Mark Whittet & Karan Ratgali
Best Directors - Lori Kingan and Isaac de Buyzer

Sporting Change-Over

This week the College saw a changing of the guard in the Sports Co-Ordinator's office as Denise More stood down from the role after four years. During this time she has made a significant contribution to the sporting side of College life, in particular her dedication to helping students achieve their sporting goals.  Thank you Denise, we wish you all the very best.

Welcome, Louise!
After travelling abroad, our incoming Sports Co-ordinator is Louise Bee and we are delighted to welcome her to the College staff.  Louise is familiar to the local community through her previous role at Sport Waitaki and she is well placed to fill the "big shoes" left by Denise.


Mercy Cup Results

This year's Mercy Cup interschool was held at Villa Maria College in Christchurch on Tuesday 19th June.  Around 100 girls, coaches, staff and supporters from St Kevin's College rose early for a 5.15am departure and a full day of netball, football and hockey games.

Cold temperatures and wet playing surfaces made for challenging conditions and a mixed bag of results, but it was fantastic to see all girls competing in good spirits and upholding of the Special Character of St Kevin's College.  We look forward to next year's Mercy Cup, closer to home at Roncalli College!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lining Up To Say Thank You

The College is very grateful to Network Waitaki who have generously donated $1000 towards a linemarker for the sports grounds and a further $1000 to replace outdated rugby equipment.  We thank them for their support of the sporting endeavors of our students.

Obirin Visit For 2012

Memories from 2010
On the 29th July a group of 17 students from Obirin High School in Tokyo, Japan will arrive for a 19 day stay in Oamaru, hosted by St Kevin's College.  We are looking for St Kevin's families to host these student - they have a number of excursions planned and will not require out of town trips by host families during their stay.

The host families will be paid $25 per night prior to the students arriving in Oamaru.  This is a great opportunity for an international cultural experience for your whole family.

Please contact Bronwyn Hannigan (4372518) or Julie Heathington (4395721) from the St Kevin's College Home and School.

More Sporting MVP's

Congratulations to the final line-up of Sporting MVP's for the term.  Once again our thanks to Subway Oamaru for supporting this initiative with student vouchers.

Recipients were: Josh Macaulay, Sydney Telfer, Maddy Poole, Joseph Anderson, Jacob Turnhout and Kazeer Reriti-Lanauze.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Weekly Sporting Draws

Division 1.1
SKC Snr A v SKC Snr B - 12.00noon, LJ Hooker court
Division 1.2
SKC Int A v WGHS Int Red - 3.00pm, Wilson Sports court
Division 1.3
SKC Jnr A v WGHS Jnr Red - 3.00pm, BNZ court
Division 1.4
SKC Int B v Papakaio 2 - 2.00pm, RD 1 court
SKC Snr Yellow v Excelsior Black - 12.00noon, RD 1 court
Division 1.5
SKC Jnr B v WGHS Int White - 1.00pm, Physio Med
Division 2
SKC Jnr Red v Twizel Twisters - 12.00noon Amcal North End court

SKC Red v SKD Blue - St Kevin's College
SKC White v Waimate Seniors - Waimate

Highlander 1st XV
St Kevin's v Dunstan - Dunstan 
St Kevin's Red v Temuka - Temuka
St Kevin's Blue v TBHS - SP
St Kevin's v Geraldine - Geraldine

Click here for the weekly draw

Click here for the weekly draw

Friday, June 15, 2012

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's College

The Lions Young Speech Maker Competition, St Thomas of Canterbury Inter-school, The Big Sing, Year 12 Retreats,  Kapahaka Group Training and Drama Practices  all serve to highlight the richness and diversity of co-curricular life at the College. These come along side the weekly academic, sporting and cultural activities that our students are dedicated to. Having attended the Edmund Rice Network meeting last weekend, I have been reflecting on the challenge of the Christian Brother's Leader, Br. Philip Pinto, to make our schools a place were students can "find and follow their bliss". I am proud that St Kevin's College is helping our students to have a passion for learning and are actively engaged in such a range of rich learning experiences. 

With learning as our core business, I am pleased to report that this weekend you should receive the first of our Fortnightly Indicator emails. This is a trial run for our system and as with any venture of this scale there are bound to be implementation issues, however, I am confident the results will establish a powerful caregiver link to learning. 

With this development work and report writing foremost for staff, I am rescheduling the end of term Excellence Assembly to the start of the new term. I aim to begin by celebrating academic achievement and creating an academic focus for the third term. 

Please keep Mr Ryan in your prayers as his treatment progresses and also the family of past pupil John Young who passed away this week. Our condolences go to his wife Janet and children Hannah and Jono who also attended the College.

God Bless You All
Paul Olsen, Principal

House Drama Evening


Next Thursday on 21st June at 7pm, we have our Annual House Drama Festival.  The 2012 theme is "Fantasy Furore

Our Cultural Captains have been taking practices over the last six weeks and we hope to be joined by a large audience on the evening.  Entry is free.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Aoarki Ambassadors Day

Students from St Kevin's College and other local secondary schools had the wonderful opportunity of listening to and hearing about all the experiences of Nathan Fa'vae, a New Zealand adventure sport racer.  The students were inspired by his achievements and courage by what surely is a very tough and vigorous sport.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

St Thomas' Winter Sports Exchange

This week the College welcomed sports teams from St Thomas' for the annual interschool and while rain was not on the forecast the polar wind lowered the temperature for spectators.  On the field of play, however, the competition was fierce and congratulations to all of the teams who represented the College so well.

St Kevin's College won the interchange with results as follows:
Rugby 1st XV: 21-17 SKC win
Soccer 1st XI: 6-4 SKC win
Basketball Top V: 48-42 St Thomas win

Many thanks to all of our coaches, referees and managers who assisted on the day.

Clean Sweep At Lions Young Speechmaker Competition

Photo courtesy of the Oamaru Mail
Congratulations to Yr 12 student Jibi Kunnethedam who took first place in the Lions Young Speechmaker Competition which was held over the weekend.  St Kevin's College took a clean sweep with Special Character Prefect Albert Hailes taking second place in the competition.  Jibi's award winning speech tackled the topic of discrimination while Albert dealt with the issue of child abuse.  This fantastic result gives both Jibi and Albert a place in the National Finals which will be held in Auckland in August.


Our GATEWAY student profile this week is Elliot McCleery.  Elliot is one of four St Kevin's College GATEWAY students who are studying a programme of Animal Care provided by Aoraki Polytechnic.  Elliot attends half day of Work Experience per week at Oamaru Veterinary Services thanks to Mr Kevin Kearney.  Elliot really enjoys her Work Experience Days and has many interesting reports about the animals she works with.  The group also attends four workshop days during the year at Aoraki Polytechnic in Timaru.  Elliot is considering the possiblity of studying for a Diploma in Veterinary Nursing when she leaves school.

Mercy Cup Programme


Road Safety Visit

The goggles make driving a difficult and scary prospect!
Mrs Fowler invited Road Safety Co-ordinator Elton Crane in to spend time with a Year 12 class to discuss drink driving, decision making and the importance of being responsible. The lesson incorporated a dvd which told the story of four young men in Hawkes Bay who have a car crash which kills two of the occupants and severely disables the other two.

After the dvd, students discussed current NZTA TV advertising and got to experience ‘Fatal Vision Goggles’. The goggles allow students to experience a realistic simulation of impairment, as they walk towards a vehicle, step inside, put on the safety belt and put the key in the ignition. This simple task is intended to demonstrate how even basic skills are severely diminished when impaired.

Mr Crane said “The students enjoy the goggles and have some fun, but I always explain that the goggles only affect vision, whereas alcohol has an effect on all of the senses. Most of the students I deal with in Oamaru understand that driving drunk is totally unacceptable behaviour, so my lessons in high schools work to reinforce these messages and to urge them to plan a safe journey home when they go out”

Sporting Draws For The Week Ahead

Division 1.1
SKC Snr A v Symes Building Excelsior - 2.00pm, LJ Hooker court
SKC Snr B v Athletic Maroon - 1.00pm, LJ Hooker court
Division 1.2
SKC Int A v WGHS Int Red - 3.00pm, Wilson Sports court
Division 1.3
SKC Jnr A v Milligans Valley White - 12.00noon, BNZ court
SKC Snr Red v Valley Blue - 1.00pm, BNZ court
Division 1.4
SKC Int B v Athletic Copper - 3.00pm, RD1 court
SKC Snr Yellow v WGHS Snr Green - 12.00noon, RD1 court
Division 1.5
SKC Jnr B v WGHS Int White - 3.00pm, Physio Med court
Division 2
SKC Jnr Red v Excelsior Red - 2.00pm, Belle Visage court

SKC Red v Waimate Juniors - Showgrounds 1
SKC Blue v SKC White - St Kevin's College

Highlanders 1st XV
St Kevin's College v Menzies - Oamaru
St Kevin's Red v Waimate - Oamaru
St Kevin's Blue v Temuka - Oamaru
St Kevin's College v Roncalli Blue- Oamaru


Click here for the weekly draw

Click here for the weekly draw

Trampoline Ranking

Well done to Year 12 student Stacey Kerin who competed as part of the New Zealand team at the Australian Trampoline Championships, held in Sydney recently.

Facing world level competition Stacey placed 6th equal in the Girls 17+ and the College congratulates her on this outstanding effort.  Stacey is a member of the Saints Trampoline Club and is only the 5th trampolinist from the club to wear the silver fern.

Netball Meeting

Netball Meeting

Monday 18th June 
7pm in the College Staff Room
All Welcome

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sporting MVP's

Last week at assembly our winter sporting codes took the opportunity to recognise students who had performed with exception in the form an MVP Award and our thanks go to Subway-Oamaru for providing the award vouchers.

Congratulations to the following students:
Sydney Telfer, Sara Gunnarsdottir, Hamish Robertson, Nicole Dowing, Logan Chandler, Maddy Poole, Jacob Coghlan, Hannah Mihaere and Jaishiv Narayan.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's College

After the long weekend, staff and students arrived refreshed and ready for the final month of the term. Our "Green Week" limited disruptions to class activities and staff have been busy updating their markbooks with assessment grades in preparation for report writing. Reports for all levels will be sent out at the end of term.

It was with considerable relief that I read the letter from the Secretary of Education, Lesley Longstone, detailing the reversal of the class size alterations announcement in the 2012 Budget. As a result, the Post Primary Teacher's Association (PPTA) meeting scheduled for Tuesday has been cancelled.  I was concerned that we were entering a period of industrial relations disruption that would take our focus from the core business of teaching and learning. I congratulate Minister Parata for accepting that the proposals did not have support and taking the pragmatic step of reversing the decision. While I accept that we are in difficult economic times and that all sectors need to show financial responsibility, I see education as the number one way of improving the lot of those most vulnerable. I am hopeful that the Minister's undertaking to consult with the education sector will result in a well structured plan ensuring that the budget is balanced without impacting on those who are most vulnerable.

This weekend I will be joining with fellow Principals, Christian Brothers and representatives of the various Edmund Rice Networks throughout the country to reflect on progress and chart future directions within the Network. I ask that you remember the work of the group in your prayers and also pray for Mr Ryan who has embarked on the next phase of his treatment.

God Bless You All
Paul Olsen, Principal

St Thomas' Inter-school Programme


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Smokefree Rockquest And Oreo Boiz

The Oreo Boiz practice for the Smokefree Rockquest with the window fan club looking on.  After they tackle the semi's during the afternoon, you could see them live in the final at the Theatre Royal on Friday 8th June at 7pm.

Help them win the People's Choice Award by texting "oreoboiz" to 5678 by 8.30pm on Friday evening!

Transit Of Venus At St Kevin's

Practical Science came to the College this week in the form of the Transit of Venus.  The once in a lifetime opportunity to observe the transit of Venus in front of our Sun was taken up by many students and Mr Seddon and the Science Dept set up a telescope with the image displayed as shadow on a board.  Out in the Office Quad Mr Ryan had a double set of welder's glasses which allowed students to safely observe this astrological phenomenon. 

Upcoming Sporting Draws

Division 1.1
SKC Snr A v Athletic Maroon - 2.00pm LJ Hooker court
SKC Snr B v WGHS Lightening Strike - 3.00pm LT Hooker court
Division 1.2
SKC Int A v Athletic Gold - 3.00pm Wilson Sports court
Division 1.3
SKC Jnr A v Eastern Snr B - 12.00noon BNZ court
SKC Snr Red v WGHS Jnr Red - 3.00pm BNZ court
Division 1.4
SKC Snr Yellow v WGHS Int Black - 3.00pm RD1 court
SKC Int B v Excelsior Black - 2.00pm RD1 court
Division 1.5
SKC Jnr B v Valley Yellow - 3.00pm Physio Med court
Division 2
SKC Jnr Red v WGHS Snr Rainbow - 2.00pm Amcal North End court

SKC Red v WGHS 1 - St Kevin's College
SKC Blue v Waimate Seniors - St Kevin's College
SKC White v Waimate Juniors - Showgrounds 1

Highlanders 1st XV
St Kevin's v James Hargest - Invercargill
Under 16
St Kevin's Red v TBHS Blue - SP, 1pm
St Kevin's Blue v MacKenzie - Fairlie, 1pm
Under 14.5
St Kevin's v Waitaki Gold - Oamaru,10.45am

Click here for the weekly draw

Click here for the weekly draw


This weeks GATEWAY student profile is Dale Conlan.  Dale's ambition is to do an apprenticeship in heavy diesel machinery and equipment.  This year Dale is one of six students who are doing a distance Automotive Course through Aoraki Polytechnic.  Dale attends four practical workshop days at the Timaru campus of Aoraki Polytechnic to study a programme of 18 industry based Achievement Standards.

This year Dale has won a GATEWAY placement at Whitestone Roading thanks to Mr Leo Breen and attends Work Experience every Wednesday.  Dale has written a report on his Work Experience Day this week.
"I arrived at work at 8am ready to get in and help the guys out and to learn as much as possible.  We went out to a gravel pit near Weston to work on a loader and replace it's automatic greasing system.  We came back to the Whitestone Depot at Deborah and did a service on a late model Mazda ute which required putting it on a hoist and raising it up to be able to access the sump and to check transmission fluid, diff fluid and tyre pressures and condition.  Once we had swapped the tyres over we used the computer to check the correct tightness of the nuts on the wheels which were 110lbs.  My day continued with several interesting jobs.  I really appreciate being on the GATEWAY programme and being hosted by Whitestone Roading.  GATEWAY has confirmed that I am on the right career path and has given me a strong reason to achieve Level 2 so I can try to win an apprenticeship next year with Cat Goughs"

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Nuketere College and St Kevin's

Mr Farrell with Principal, Donna Nahu
Mr Farrell visited Nukutere College in the Cook Islands recently.

Nuketere College is a sister school to St Kevin's and was established and run by the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers.

This visit was part of a push to re-establish links between the two schools.

NCEA Update For Parents And Students

The following link will take you to an explanation of the Literacy and Numeracy requirements to gain NCEA L1.
The link also outlines the subjects that can be used to help a student gain their Literacy and Numeracy.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

SKC Rowers Feature Strongly

The Oamaru Rowing Club recently held their End of Season Awards and the College was proud to see so many of our rowers featured in the list of Award Winners.  

Congratulations to the following students:
William Gourlay - de Geest Trophy for Most Promising Coxswain
Johannah & Caitlin Kearney - Jim Colquhoun Cup for Rowing Points
Hamish Nimmo - Rusty Robertson Cup for Sculling Points
Johannah & Caitlin Kearney - Jim Kane Cup for Overall Points
Catilin Kearney - Noel Pullan Cup for Training & Attitude
William Gourlay - Novice Cup for Most Improved Male Novice
Chris Kearney - Laney Cup for Most Improved Male
Julia Fauth - Thos Bracken Cup for Most Improved Female
Caitlin & Johannah Kearney - Elsie Robertson & Family Cup for Best/Consistent Crew Performance
Kieran Ryan - Frances Lemm Trophy SKC Team Male (Leadership Skills)
Sophie Moynihan - Frances Lemm Trophy SKC Team Female (Coxing Contribution)
Yr13 Rowers Johannah & Caitlin Kearney celebrate with Stew Mitchell from the Oamaru Rowing Club

Friday, June 1, 2012

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's College

Music was the focus for an early assembly this week. We had performances from College band "Oreo Boiz" who were singing their original song which will be performed for the Smokefree Rockquest Regional competition on June 8. We presented a Commended Award  to Georgia-Kate Blair, Jack Sinclair, Eva Liardet and Julia Fauth who entered their original composition "Run" into the Sing out 4 Justice song writing competition organised by Caritas.

This was followed by a presentation by Jared Papps on behalf of the JAG group detailing a fund raising project to help purchase a generator for a small community in Burkina Faso. To raise money for the Multi Functional Platform Generator, interested students are being asked to consider becoming a "Slave for a Day" and donating their earnings to the project.

Also at assembly, our senior students took the opportunity to farewell our German GAP students Daniel and Stefan. They helped in both the day school and hostel. Stefan has shared his musical talents with junior students as a tutor of guitar and he took the opportunity to entertain us with a song which was warmly received.

On Wednesday the junior sports teams headed for Dunedin to compete in the second Catholic Secondary Schools Junior Quadrangular Tournament. Regrettably the rugby was cancelled due to poor weather being forecast, however, the remaining teams enjoyed the comfort of the Edger Centre and played valiantly for College pride. My thanks go to Mrs Denise More for organising the day. It was a pleasure to see the St Josephs teams playing alongside us in this Year 7 to 10 diocesan wide fixture. Thank you also to Kavanagh College who hosted the event.

On Friday, we celebrated the Feast of St Kevin with a liturgy after an inter-house competition. The challenge for Houses was to develop a Smokefree slogan dressed in house colours. The modern day interpretation of St Kevin's story talks about persistence, perseverance and respect for the planet we live on.

As we finish school and head home for the Queens Birthday holiday, we can be pleased with the midterm achievements in academic, sporting and cultural areas. When we return for the final month of the term, we have a Green Week scheduled which limits classroom disruptions and focuses the College on academic performance. A number of topic assessments are planned in this week so it is important that attendance is a priority. These grades can be used by the NZ Qualification Authority if a student cannot sit their end of year examinations through sickness, injury or bereavement.

God Bless You All
Paul Olsen, Principal

St Kevin's Feastday Celebrations

Today the College celebrated the Feastday of St Kevin, our Patron.  St Kevin valued the environment and believed that we must act responsibly as co-creators and in this vein the House Challenge called for a Smokefree slogan which was enthusiastically received.  Our thanks to Mrs Fowler for co-ordinating the challenge and to the staff who supported the cause.  A Mufti Day to fundraise for the Cancer Society gave the day a vibrant splash of colour with students dressed in their House colours and our thanks must go to students  who gave so generously.  The College gathered in the Chapel for a special liturgy to reflect on the values of St Kevin, taking in the awe of the building which celebrated 50 years last weekend.  Our Head Boy, Sean Hand, was a Glendalough Tour Guide and Mrs Austin gave us a view of living our Kevinian values in 2012.

Good Luck Johannah

Deputy Head Girl, Johannah Kearney was given an inspiring send off as she heads to Cambridge on Sunday to join the other members of the Junior National Rowing Team for an intense training camp in preparation for the Junior World Championships in Bulgaria.  Johannah was selected for the NZ Junior Women's Coxless Four along with Holly Greenslade (St Margaret's College), Sophie Shingleton (Avon RC, Southern RPC) and Hannah Maher (St Peter's School).  We wish her the very best of luck and look forward to following the competition in August.

Junior Quad Tournament Results And Images

On Wednesday 30th May the Year 9 and 10 students had an early start to the day and traveled to Dunedin to compete in the annual Junior Quadrangular Tournament. Netball and Basketball were represented at the event, but unfortunately this year the Rugby was cancelled due to the weather.  The Edgar Centre was buzzing with Junior Teams all enthusiastic to get into the spirit of the tournament.  Schools' competing at the annual event were Verdon (Inv), St Peter's (Gore), Kavanagh (Dunedin) and St Josephs (Oamaru), our junior school. All students enjoyed the day and represented the school with pride and enthusiasm. Results for the day are below:

Jnr Quad Results 30th May 12 
Yr 10 Netball 
SKC 23 STP 12
SKC 28 VER 13
SKC 30 KAV 6 
Yr 9 Netbal
SKC 26 STP 9
SKC 16 VER 17
SKC 23 KAV 13
Jnr Girls Bbal
SKC 34 STP 36 
SKC 29 VER 40 
SKC 25 KAV 49
Jnr Boys Bball 
SKC 77 STP 10 
SKC 47 VER 35 
SKC 27 KAV 2

Auf Wiedersehen

Stefan gives one final performance at Assembly
This week the College said "Auf wiedersehen" to Stefan Eiler and Daniel Muhlberger who have been with the College since term three of last year as two of our international GAP students.  

Stefan and Daniel have worked with students in both the College and Boarding Hostel and musician Stefan was a regular at the Friday night jam sessions at the local "Penguin Club".  

Stefan is returning to Germany where he will study music at university and Daniel is looking forward to working with people who have special needs before also going on to study.  We wish them all the very best.