Kia Ora Parents and Friends of St Kevin's College
This week, Maori Language Week was celebrated in the College. It was the first opportunity for the combined St Josephs and St Kevin's Multi-Cultural Group to perform in front of the College Assembly. Thank you to Mrs Plunket who helped coordinate the groups from the St Kevin's end and Mrs Cant from St Josephs. Thank you also to the many parents and supporters who have helped with transport, music and support at the performances. The group also performed at the Waitaki District Library earlier in the week showcasing the two schools.
Our first Fortnightly Indicators for the term were shared with caregivers on Wednesday evening in preparation for the Parent Teacher Interviews on Thursday and Friday. A number of these emails bounced back to us and needed to be resent due to email in-boxes being full. The automated process takes several hours to run and so please expect a significant delay between brothers and sisters receiving their indicators.
The dining room has been transformed into an enchanted wonderland by students and parent volunteers in preparation for the College Ball this Saturday. Mrs Forgie and her team can be very proud of the superb venue they have created. There is a air of excitement around the campus as we build towards the evening with last minute touches to dresses being made in the fabric technology room and the gentlemen finally managing to tame their dancing feet. We are looking forward to gala evening and acknowledge the tremendous effort of the Home and School team.
Our first Fortnightly Indicators for the term were shared with caregivers on Wednesday evening in preparation for the Parent Teacher Interviews on Thursday and Friday. A number of these emails bounced back to us and needed to be resent due to email in-boxes being full. The automated process takes several hours to run and so please expect a significant delay between brothers and sisters receiving their indicators.
The dining room has been transformed into an enchanted wonderland by students and parent volunteers in preparation for the College Ball this Saturday. Mrs Forgie and her team can be very proud of the superb venue they have created. There is a air of excitement around the campus as we build towards the evening with last minute touches to dresses being made in the fabric technology room and the gentlemen finally managing to tame their dancing feet. We are looking forward to gala evening and acknowledge the tremendous effort of the Home and School team.
Please encourage past students of the College to add their names to the Past Student Register on our website. The Links tab has the AlumniConnect address.
We ask you to continue to keep Mr Ryan in you prayers as he recuperates back in Oamaru.
Mā te Atua koe e tiaki
Paul Olsen, Tumuaki