Friday, November 23, 2012

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's

On Thursday the College warmly welcomed the White Ribbon Riders with a Mihi Whakatau in the Administration Quad. Thank you to Mr Nyika and Mrs Plunkett for helping to prepare the welcome, Tiana Mihaere for leading the waiata and mihi and Liam Perium for leading the haka. The bikers message was pertinent and well delivered. It was pleasing to be able to link our Catholic values and Religious Education themes in such a tangible and practical way. Thank you to Mr Ryan for the overall coordination of the event.  

During the week staff have been making final preparations for the Year 10 camp and retreat. This is one of the highlights of the year for many students. Past students often recall the camp fondly and acknowledge that it was a growth point in their lives. Can I remind parents to ensure they have signed the consent forms and returned them to the school office. Parents of boarders should note that I have instructed hostel staff not to sign these on behalf of boarding students because of legal ramifications. To make this easier, scanned or faxed signed documents can be sent to the office.

A reminder that the office also has end of year Graduation Dinner tickets and the Prizegiving video available for purchase. The graduation celebrations will be held next Saturday beginning with a liturgy in the Chapel followed by dinner at the Homestead.

Finally, Sandra and I are looking forward to meeting many of you this evening at our Helpers Evening at the Redcastle. If you have missed the invitation, it is not too late to attend. We commence at 7pm for drinks and nibbles. This occasion is an opportunity for us to thank the many helpers who in any way have contributed to the College over the past year. 

May God Bless You
Paul Olsen

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