Tuesday, May 15, 2018

If You Are Absent From School


If a student is absent from school you should either CALL THE SCHOOL and leave a message on the absence phone line or REPORT AN ABSENCE ONLINE via the website. Please give the student's name, year level and the reason they are absent. The online absence reporting system can be found on our website HERE 

If a student BECOMES UNWELL during the course of the school day they must first see their Year Level Dean and then report to the SCHOOL OFFICE who will make arrangements for a student to be picked up.  STUDENTS ARE NOT TO MAKE THESE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THEMSELVES!! Health and Safety require us to know who is and isn't at school, in case of an emergency, so regardless of the reason all students, staff and visitors must sign IN/OUT at the school office!!

If a student is going to be absent for a period of time which does not include illness, the Principal's PERMISSION FOR THE ABSENCE NEEDS TO BE REQUESTED. You can email Mr Olsen at polsen@stkevins.school.nz (you should also copy in Leanne Wolfe, our Absence Administrator, at lwolfe@stkevins.school.nz and the student's Year Level Dean ).  Please remember that extensions for internal NCEA assessments are only approved due to illness or family trauma and should have an accompanying medical certificate.

If a student has a SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT during school time and we have not been advised by a parent or caregiver, they will be asked to show an APPOINTMENT CARD OR TEXT REMINDER from their provider (doctor, dentist etc) before signing out of school. We would prefer that appointments be made for out of school hours when possible.

Please note that regular absences from school are MONITORED and may be referred to Senior Management and/or the Attendance Service.

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