We have had a busy start to the term with the Cross Country being run today and of course Student Led Conferences happening this afternoon and this evening. I would like to take the opportunity to remind parents and caregivers that they are welcome to make bookings with staff outside of these formal report evenings at any time, so don't be discouraged if you were not able to get here today.
Today's SLCs focused on goal setting and ensuring that students feel prepared and informed as they settle into the second term which, for those studying for NCEA, is the engine room of the year. My advice to students at this time is to focus on organization and understanding how the school systems work. For those in Year 11 who are approaching NCEA for the first time, it is important for students and caregivers to be familiar with the rules that govern schools around NCEA such as resubmission and deadline requirements to avoid disappointment or issues if things go wrong. If Covid-19 has taught us anything, its that "anything can happen and it usually does"!
I am very proud of the group of students who turned up today to run what has been one of our most challenging Cross Country courses in many years. Not only were they enthusiastic, encouraging of each other and totally committed to it, they all seemed to finish in very strong times indeed. Thank you to Mr Tatupu for his organization of today and to the staff who volunteered to support our students by helping out.
May God bless you.
Ngā mihi nui
Paul Olsen