This week I spoke in assembly about 'lived values". This is a message I constantly try to drive home with our students and it is incredibly important. In a world where there is increasing commercialization around values it is important that we help our students to understand the difference between buying into the 'floss' of an idea and actually taking a real stand. Today for example, we celebrated 'pink shirt day' which is an anti bullying campaign. While our students had a lot of fun dressing in their pink, I have asked staff to reinforce the meaning behind the exercise, to help focus students be aware of how they treat others and to tie this to our values of Family, Integrity, Respect and Excellence. Without our reinforcing our values and expectations, days like this can become a bandwagon rather than a sincere call for change. If we march against climate change, but do nothing to curb our consumption, we are as the Bible puts it 'only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal' If we talk about wellbeing but don't put the mahi into helping ourselves or others, we are similarly wasting our time.
When I see our young people getting behind a cause like pink shirt day and having those sincere discussions about how to make things better, I am heartened and hopeful for our community. Christ's challenge to all of humanity was to 'walk the talk' to bring the kingdom of God to earth. Teaching our students the importance of living our values to the best of their ability is our chance to do just that.
May God bless you.
Ngā mihi nui
Paul Olsen
May God bless you.
Ngā mihi nui
Paul Olsen