Monday, May 24, 2021

Social Studies- Refugee Simulation

Last Term our 9S Social Studies class experienced a refugee simulation. They formed into ‘family’ groups, and each family had just eight minutes to choose what items to pack into two bags each before fleeing their village. They worked their way through a series of unfortunately realistic scenarios in an effort to make it to a refugee camp. Not everybody made it safely.

Afterwards there were some strong reflections, realising that it had been important to think quickly to “bring the right gear to survive”. For others the key idea of the lesson had been to “introduce the uncertain life of a refugee…and understand the struggle of people in our world today”. Others pointed out that this idea is important because “this happens in real life”, and several students also reflected that the desperate situations of many refugees is very sad.

Others suggested to “to think ahead for problems that might occur in your lifetime” because “we might need survival skills in the future because you can never completely know”, and “to help each other out in tough times”, because “we are all humans and we should stick together”.

Everyone agreed the simulation was engaging and gave them a good introduction to the plight of refugees and how we can help to welcome former refugees to new homes in Aotearoa NZ.