Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ugly Shakespeare

Students from last year will remember The Ugly Shakespeare company, a troupe of three actors sponsored by the University of Waikato. Travelling the country they perform "extracts" from well known Shakespearean plays through satire with very funny and entertaining results.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Yr 7-8 Technology Classes

Each Friday Yr 7 & 8 students from St Jospeh's Primary School have been coming to the College for block Technology classes in Food Technology, Soft & Hard Materials and Art.

In Food Technology with Mrs Burton students have been working their way around common kitchen tools and appliances, creating a variety of tasty dishes along the way and heading towards some awesome cookie creations in their final week.

Mr Connachie has been working with his students making wind chimes out of a range of materials including wood, metal and plastics with one piece of polystyrene thrown in for good measure. Students have made a large range of designs with a smurf, puss in boots and even a red T.A.R.D.I.S making an appearance!

The Soft Materials class has been developing ideas for polar fleece hats with Ms Mellor. Students are learning the art of working out full scale patterns before launching into production in time for the cooler Autumn months.

The "fantastic fifteen" in Mrs Plunkett's Art class have been learning the ancient art of ceramics. They have fine tuned a number of different techniques, creating some delightful art works whilst having a lot of fun. They will finish their Art block by making a decorative ceramic tile complete with colour and glaze. Well done everyone. Ka pai koutou mahi.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Principal's Comment

Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's College

After successful athletics and swimming sport Fridays, this week staff have focused students on their academic progress. At Whānau time staff shared with students the results of their first Fortnightly Indicators. As with any system, it will take time to work through teething issues, however, I am pleased with the initial feedback. For parents, the fortnightly indicator information is recorded by the student in their Student Planner. Each time they get feedback, they also record the issues identified and next steps for learning. Creating a rapid feedback loop (mentor - student - teacher) is the key to early intervention and positive reinforcement.

Along with this academic focus, students continue to enjoy the variety of activities that epitomise the Special Character of the College and it was inspiring to see all of our students participate in the Year Level Scripture Reading competition.

Earlier this week it was a pleasure for staff to see Andrew Easton at the College. He was taking advantage of a warm day to visit accompanied by his father. While Andrew is wheelchair bound and currently has limited ability to communicate, we all recognised how far he has come in his recovery and will keep him in our prayers. Please continue to keep Mr Ryan in your prayers.

May God Bless You All
Paul Olsen, Principal

Home and School AGM


Tuesday 28 February
7pm in the College Staff Room

We extend a warm welcome to all of our parents and caregivers to attend

Scripture Reading Competitions

Over the past week the College has held the annual Year Level Scripture Reading Competitions. As a key part of the Special Character of St Kevin's it was encouraging to see all students participating, extending their public speaking experience and keeping the Dominican charism of preaching the word of God alive. Congratulations to all of our winners and place-getters.

Year 13 - 1st Albert Hailes / 2nd Francis Liardet / 3rd Sean Hand
Year 12 - 1st Jibi Kunnethedam / 2nd Molly Farrell / 3rd Ben Latavao
Year 11 - 1st= Christopher Kearney & Isobel Ryan / 3rd Kaleisha Jones
Year 10 - 1st Tiana Mihaere / 2nd= Mikayla Marsh & William Gourlay
Year 9 - 1st Jino Kunnethedam / 2nd Karan Ratgali / 3rd Scott Ruddle

Ash Wednesday

On Wednesday the College marked the start of the Lenten season with a liturgy and ashes ceremony. Prayers were offered for the people of Christchurch as they marked the first anniversary of  the February earthquake.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Athletics Champion Results

Congratulations to all of our Athletic Sports Champions and in particular Nicole Dowling who secured a new record in the U15 Girls High Jump (1.42m) and Rodney Bungard for his record time of 10.6sec in the Senior Boys 100m.

Full Results are:
Senior Boys - 1st Jack Allan / 2nd Rodney Bungard / 3rd Benedict Yanzick
Senior Girls - 1st = Lisa Nolan and Eilee Robinson / 3rd Georgia Hansen

U16 Boys - 1st Isak Gunnarsson / 2nd Brodie Flannery / 3rd= Chris Kearney and Hamish Robertson
U16 Girls - 1st Georgia Wallis / 2nd Micayla Brensell / 3rd Katherine Hope

U15 Boys - 1st Jashiv Narayan / 2nd Cole Ryan / 3rd Connor Newlands
U15 Girls - 1st Merekite Wahitapu / 2nd= Nicole Dowling and Georgia Haggerty

U14 Boys - 1st William Sunderland / 2nd Thomas Pickles / 3rd Charlie Wallis
U14 Girls - 1st Sinnead Flannery / 2nd Francziska Yanzick / 3rd Chelsea Seddon

Champion House:
1st Magee / 2nd Clancy / 3rd Treacy / 4th Whyte

Swimming Champions 2012

Congratulations to all of our Champion Swimmers and in particular to Isobel Ryan who was not only our U16 Girls Champion but broke several records in the process (Senior Girls 50m Butterfly Open and 100m Medly Open, U16 Girls 100m Freestlye, 50m Freestyle, 50m Breaststroke and 50m Backstroke).

Full Results:
Senior Boys - 1st Hamish Nimmo / 2nd Tom Hutchison / 3rd Jamal Vira
Senior Girls - 1st Libby McGee / 2nd Molly Farrell / 3rd Bethany Robertson

U16 Boys - 1st Mitchell Bolstridge / 2nd Gray Doppenberg / 3rd Jacob Couglan
U16 Girls - 1st Isobel Ryan / 2nd Olivia Macaulay / 3rd Olivia Brien

U15 Boys - 1st Josh Macaulay / 2nd Olle Polsen / 3rd Connor Newlands
U15 Girls - 1st Kaleisha Jones / 2nd Meagan Spargo / 3rd Darcy Green

U14 Boys - 1st= Thomas Pickles and Matt Brien / 3rd Regan Holland
U14 Girls - 1st Tahlia Green / 2nd Niamh Farrell

Champion House:
1st Magee / 2nd Treacy / 3rd Whyte / 4th Clancy

St Kevin's Netball

If anyone is interested in coaching or managing a St Kevin's College Netball Team this year, please fill in the coach/manager application form and return to the school office or email it to .

If you have any questions please email or call (03) 437 1665 ext. 777 Mrs Athena Evans.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Remembering Christchurch

Today at 12.51pm the church bell rang to remember friends, family and the people of Christchurch on the anniversary of the Christchurch Earthquake. During our Ash Wednesday Liturgy the College stood in a moment of silence followed by prayers and the reading of a poem which was written by Alice McAtamney who was with us for a time during Term 1 last year.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

St Thomas' Interschool

The 1st X1 cricket team travelled to christchurch on Sunday to play in the annual cricket fixture between the 2 schools. Whilst the result did not go our way - all the boys enjoyed the Interschool.
The boys were all hosted by St Thomas' families and our thanks to them for looking after them so well.

1st Innings
SKC 180 ao
Hamish Slater 52
Jeremy Smith 37

STC 338 dec

2nd Innings
SKC 140
Tim O'Malley 52

Bowling Highlights
Shaun Kelliher 4/92
Brodie Flannery 3/124

Monday, February 20, 2012

Athletics Sports Day Images

A week of sporting events was topped off with a successful Athletic Sports Day on Friday. The sunshine and House colours were out in abundance and the enthusiasm of all students was a credit to the College. Congratulations to all of our winners and place getters; full swimming and athletic results will be revealed this week.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Principal's Comment

Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's College

Thank you to the website team for restoring calendar functionality this week. The problematic "busy" calendar items have been corrected and the year long monthly calendar with added detail is functioning. If you have more suggestions for improvements, please email your ideas to Mrs Rae (

The Athletics' Sports Day was blessed with a stunning North Otago day. Sunscreen was liberally dispensed and students reminded of the Slip Slop Slap message. Thank you to the Home and School team who provided a BBQ lunch option. It was pleasing to meet a number of parents during the day. The Friday format for the Swimming Sports and Athletics Day has generally been successful as it allows for the rescheduling of the events if the weather is not the best. As it is our first trial of this format, we will be reviewing format and welcome your feedback.

On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, Mr Fowler and I attended the Southern Regional Field Day in Gore which was attended by people from all over the lower South Island. This was a great opportunity to catch up with alumni, talk to current parents and answer questions posed by prospective students.

Our second Year 7 and 8 Technology Day ran smoothly alongside Athletics Sports. Thank you to the College staff who have gone the extra mile to make the progammes dovetail so effectively. It is pleasing to see the St Joseph's intermediate students gaining confidence in their surroundings and mixing effortlessly with elder brothers and sisters around the campus.

We look forward to settling down to a full week of academic study next week having completed most of our Summer House Sports Activities.

Please continue to keep Mr Ryan in your prayers.

May God Bless You All
Paul Olsen, Principal

3000m Event

After school on Thursday saw the running of the 3000m at the College. The warm but overcast day made for perfect conditions and congratulations to all those students who put their best running foot forward for House points and Championship Titles!

Full results on all of the weeks Athletic Events will be available next week.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Girls Cricket Match

On Wednesday afternoon the Girls Cricket team played Columba College in a Gillette Cup Fixture. Although the score didn't go our way - the girls played with determination. It is great to see Girls Cricket up and going again at SKC.

Results in the 20/20 match were:
Columba 134
SKC 87/3

Standout players were Kaleisha Jones at wicket keeper and Meg Knowler bowling and with the bat. Well done.

Home and School Sausage Sizzle


At the College Athletic Sports
Friday 17th February

ONLY $2 ea!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Athletics Sports Day Programme Friday 17 Feb

Event 1 - Boys 400m Non Champs
Event 2 - Girls 400m Non Champs
Event 3 - Girls 200m Champs
Event 4 - Girls 200m Non Champs
Event 5 - Boys 200m Champs
Event 6 - Boys 200m Non Champs
Lunch 12.10-12.50pm
Event 7 - Boys 1500m Champs
Event 8 - Boys 1500m Non Champs
Event 9 - Girls 1500m Champs
Event 10 - Girls 1500m Non Champs
Event 11 - Boys 100m Champs
Event 12 - Boys 100m Non Champs
Event 13 - Girls 100m Champs
Event 14 - Girls 100m Non Champs
Event 15, 3.00pm - HOUSE RELAYS

SG-Javlin / U16G-Long Jump / U14B-High Jump / U14G-Discus / U15G-Shot
U15G-Javelin / U14G-Long Jump / U15B-High Jump / SG-Discus / U16G-Shot
U16G-Javelin / SG-Long Jump / U16B-High Jump / U15G-Discus / U14G-Shot
U14G-Javelin / U15G-Long Jump / SB-High Jump / U16G-Discus / SG-Shot
SB-Javelin / U16B-Long Jump / SG-High Jump / U14B-Discus / U15B-Shot
Lunch 12.10-12.50pm
U15B-Javelin / U14B-Long Jump / U16G-High Jump / SB-Discus / U16B-Shot
U16B-Javelin / SB-Long Jump / U14G-High Jump / U15B-Discus / U14B-Shot
U14B-Javelin / U15B-Long Jump / U15G-High Jump / U16B-Discus / SB-Shot

The event times listed are approximate only! Students are reminded that this is a full school event and students are required to be on SKC grounds from start to finish. Any student absence must be arranged prior to the event directly with the appropriate Year Level Dean. Student rolls will be taken throughout the day.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Home & School Assn.
Meeting tonight 13th February 2012 at 7 p.m. college staffroom

Images from Swimming and Athletics

House spirit was high at the College Athletic and Swimming Sports on Friday and the enthusiasm of the students was a credit to all those who competed. Further events will be held through the week with the Swimming Championship Events on Tuesday at 3.30pm and the 3000m on Thursday after school. The remaining Track and Field Athletic Sports will be held this coming Friday, 17th February.

Summer Interschool Programme

Wednesday 15th February
Ashbury Park, Evans St Timaru (behind Briscoes)
10am start
Boys Cricket - 40 over matches:
**1st X1 Cricket - Pitch 6
**Jnr Cricket - Pitch 7
Bus departs from the College Gymnasium at 8.30am and will return at 5.30pm. Students will travel in No.1 uniform.

Sunday & Monday 19th & 20th February 2012
St Thomas' College, Middlepark Rd, Christchurch
1st XI Boys Cricket
11am start on Sunday 19th
Bus departs from the College Gymnasium at 7.00am on Sunday. Students will travel in No.1 uniform.

Wednesday 7th March 2012
St Kevin's College
1st XI Boys Cricket
10.30am start

Friday, February 10, 2012

Principal's Comment

Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's College

Technical changes over the Christmas period have forced us to re-work our website. We have been frantically working to restore the calendar functions and news feeds which regrettably have been down over the holiday period. Hopefully our simplified format will be more stable and user friendly. We will continue to update photographs and functionality during the year. If you have suggestions for improvements, please email you ideas to Mrs Rae (

Despite a less than promising weather forecast, a very successful inter-house Swimming Sports event was held today. House colours and rousing chants added to the spirit of the day. I was thankful that restoration work to fix leaks in the pool caused by the Christmas earthquake aftershocks was successful. My thanks go to Mr Grant, our Caretaker and GAP students Daniel and Stefan, who worked tirelessly during the holidays to get the pool into such fine order. The outdoor venue allows the whole school to get behind their house in a tangible way and adds to the pageant of inter-house rivalry.

It was also my pleasure to welcome students from St Joseph's Primary to the College today for their first technology classes at St Kevin's. The close links we are establishing with our major contributing school, will allow for smoother transitions for local students into the College environment. I would like to thank the staff from both schools who have helped with program development and look forward to viewing the various projects that will result.

As with the Swimming Sports, the programme for the Athletics Sports next Friday will be emailed with this weeks newsletter link. As with all College events, families are most welcome to attend and support students as they participate. A lunch break will be taken at 12.30pm to allow some time to have picnic if the weather allows.

Please continue to keep Mr Ryan and Andrew Easton in your prayers.

May God Bless You All
Paul Olsen, Principal

Yr 7-8 Technology Classes

Today we welcomed students from St Joseph's Primary School who were starting their Technology block sessions at the College. Students (and Father Wayne!) enjoyed a variety of classes including Art, Food Technology, Soft and Hard Material Technology.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sports Day

The first calendared sporting event of the College will be tomorrow's Sports Day.

This will begin at 8.50am with some scheduled Athletic Events - mid-distance running for all age groups and Snr Girls long jump.

At 11.00am students will assemble at the College Pool for the 2012 Swimming Sports and this will continue for the rest of the day.

Parents and Caregivers are always invited to join us for the College Sports Days and a full programme of events will be emailed to families this afternoon.

NCEA Certificates

Student Documents: NCEA Certificates and Record of Achievement Summaries

Any documents that students are eligible for and want copies of, can be ordered from their Learner login. See SecQual S2010/030 Changes to the Learner Login and the Distribution of Certificates.

Students can also see and pay outstanding fees on Learner Login.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hostel Waitangi Day Outing

Hostel staff and students were able to enjoy an outing to Loch Laird and the beautiful surrounds of Lake Avimore during the long Waitangi Weekend. The overcast weather did not deter students braving a tow on a biscuit and our thanks to the parents who came and joined us for the day.

Itinerant Music Concert

All of our Yr 9 students were treated to a fantastic concert by the itinerant music teachers today. The music was engaging and showed off the timbres of a wide range of instruments, as well as the many styles those instruments can play. Lessons on all the string, woodwind and brass instruments, as well as bass guitar and piano/keyboard are available through the itinerant music scheme. Lessons take place at school during normal school house. The only costs are a small administration fee and instrument hire.

Private guitar lessons with Denis Ritchie and drums with Daniel Jones are also available. Any questions about music lessons can be directed to Mrs Haig.

Rugby Sevens

Past pupil Kieran Moffat was outstanding for the Otago Sevens team at the national championships and was selected for the New Zealand Seven's training camp. He narrowly missing selection for the New Zealand Sevens team that contest the World Series - most recently seen in Wellington. Congratulations on this outstanding effort.

Welcome to New Staff

During the first week of term we have welcomed to the College our new staff members for 2012. Pictured with Mr Olsen at the Leaders' Investiture are (left to right) Mrs Joy Garvan - HOF Humanities, Mr Ryan Westgate - English, Mr Paul Olsen, Mr Andrew Connochie - Technology, Ms Sarah Plunket - Art/Technology.

SKC Kayaking Club

The St Kevin's kayakers kicked off 2012 in style with a trip to Murchison for some beginner/intermediate training sessions. Along with Mr Haig and Mr Brand, students were fortunate to have input from ex-student and world class kayaker Courtney Kerin. View her blog for a first hand video of all the action.

Images from Friday's Celebrations

Friday, February 3, 2012

Principal's Comment

Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's College

A warm welcome to the 2012 academic year at St Kevin's College. I am pleased to begin the year fully staffed, with a number of new teachers bringing their expertise to the College. This year we are implementing a number of initiatives to improve academic achievement. The introduction of Whānau Groups, an improved student planner, staff and peer mentoring, structured house activities and increased professional development for staff will result in an increased academic focus.

Much of this week has been spent settling the College into a routine and introducing our new students to life at St Kevin's, but a highlight has been the commissioning of our College Leaders at our Inaugural Mass - Leaders' Investiture. I was pleased to see so many of our College Community join us for this very special occasion and offer congratulations to Sean, Lucy, Oliver, Johannah, Albert, Eilee and their fellow Yr13 Leaders on their appointments.

As we look ahead to the term I would ask that you continue to keep Mr Ryan in your prayers.

May God Bless You All
Paul Olsen, Principal

Our College Leaders for 2012

(pictured - the Student Leaders for 2012 are introduced on Wednesday afternoon at the first assembly for the year)

The St Kevin's College Inaugural Mass - Leaders Investiture was held today in the College Chapel. We were delighted that Bishop Colin was able to be our Celebrant for this special occasion and also welcomed Sister Madeline, a local Dominican Sister and Mr Tony Hanning, Director of the Catholic Education Office, who joined us for the day. After the Mass staff and family were joined by our Yr13 students for an afternoon tea.

The College Leaders for 2012 are:
Head Girl and Head Boy: Lucy Fauth & Sean Hand
Deputy Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy: Johannah Kearney & Oliver Stewart
Special Character Prefects: Eilee Robinson & Albert Hailes
Hostel Head Boy and Hostel Head Girl: Loren Haggerty & Quinn McNab

Clancy Cultural Captains: Nick Parsons & Shannon MacMillan
Clancy Sports Captains: Tim O'Malley & Caitlin Kearney
Clancy Service Captains: Henry Ahomana & Rebecca Enright

Magee Cultural Captains: Quinn McNab & Hannah Mihaere
Magee Sports Captains: Tasman Forgie & Loren Haggerty
Magee Service Captains: Jamal Vira & Libby McGee

Treacy Cultural Captains: Isaac de Buyzer & Lori Kingan
Treacy Sports Captains: Bradley Clark & Sam Robins
Treacy Service Captains: Jared Papps & Louise Clemens

Whyte Cultural Captains: Sam de Buyzer & Kerryn Olsen
Whyte Sports Captains: Ashley Miller & Brittany More
Whyte Service Captains: Rodney Bungard & Olivia Pope

Welcome Liturgy And Our Yr 9's

At our Welcome Liturgy on Tuesday afternoon Mrs Austin reintroduced students to the St Kevin's core values of:
Family, Whanau
Integrity, Ngakau tapatahi
Respect, Whakaute
Excellence, Hiranga
Students and staff were encouraged to become "FIRE" people and candles were lit as a symbol of of these values.

First Day Welcome Powhiri

School began for all students with a Welcome Powhiri in the College Auditorium on Tuesday morning where new staff and Year 9 students were greeted by Mr Olsen and Senior students.

Year 9 Retreat Day

The first day at a new school is fraught with the unknown, but our Year 9 students for 2012 were able to enjoy the College facilities in a more relaxing atmosphere during their Retreat Day last Monday. They were joined by some of our Senior students for a range of fun games and activities. Our thanks to Mrs Austin, Mr Farrell and supporting staff for co-ordinating this great day.

National Bank Cricket

Vote for us!

The National Bank are considering grant applications from schools, groups and organisations. You can do your bit to help with repairs to our cricket nets by voting for St Kevin's College.
Go to:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Learn to Swim Programme

In conjunction with the Waitaki Aquatic Centre we are looking to provide a learn to swim programme aimed at High School students. This programme would look at providing basic skills as well as improving overall ability.

Any parents who are interested in their child attending learn to swim classes at the Waitaki Aquatic Centre please can they contact Denise in the Gym.