This week the college campus has seemed rather deserted as our Year 10 students have headed to the Ohau region for their camps and retreat, leaving only the Year 9 students on site for their activity week. I have had the pleasure of helping with the abseiling activity at the South Temple Gorge during the first part of the week and have been back at school to see the final section of the activity week. It was a great opportunity for the staff and I to get to know our students in these settings outside the formality of the classroom. After viewing some of te challenges of the week, I am confident have a fine young group of potential leaders in our junior school. Later in the blog there are postings with images of these very successful events. I would like to this opportunity to formally thank our staff, parents and community supporters for the time and help they have so generously given over the week. Without the commitment and dedication of staff and helpers these programmes would not be able to run. Thank you to Mrs Walsh and Mr Brand for coordinating the Year 9 and Year 10 weeks respectively. Thank you also to Mr Collins for ensuring that the Risk Management considerations have been covered so competently and the Religious Studies Faculty for the coordination of the Year 10 Retreat.
There are a number of staff appointments and movements that I would like to share with the College community at this time.
- Congratulations to Mr Tony Mullally who has been appointed to the position of Director of Religious Studies. This position is one of the key roles in a Catholic College and the caliber of applicants was extremely high. We are blessed with a wealth of talent in this area within the College.
- The College Hostel farewells Mrs Ryan, Dean of Girls' and Mr Seddon, Dean of Boys'. We sincerely thank you both for the outstanding support you have given the College and we wish you every success as new chapters in your lives unfold.
- As a result of the appointment process for the DRS position created by the retirement of Mrs Austin, an English position is being advertised. I hope to fill this vacancy early in the new year.
We ask you to keep Mr Rooney in your prayers as he faces challenging health issues. We ask every blessing on him as he continues his treatment. We also ask your prayers for a number of staff and students who are struggling with the loss of loved ones in this advent season.
As this is our final emailed blog for the year, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Please take the opportunity to enjoy the break and return to the College reinvigorated in February 2014.
Advent Blessings to you all
Paul Olsen, Principal