Kia ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College
Congratulations to Magee House for their 1st placing overall in the Choral Festival inter-house competition last evening. Having listened to student voice, for first time in many years all four houses were seated in the Auditorium. This added to the occasion, with all the traditional house passion and rivalry on display. Spectator seating was at a premium and over 40 viewers joined the event via internet live streaming which was organised by Mr Seddon. Thank you to our music teacher Mrs Haig and her team of staff and student helpers, for organising a tremendous celebration of music with choir, group and individual performances.
Yesterday evening we also farewelled our guests from Gong'an No1. Senior Middle School from China. Their brief two week stay in the hostel has been very successful and we look forward to continuing links in years to come. Thank you to Mrs Campbell, Ms Walshe and Mr Fowler who have helped me with the visit.
This evening I will be launching the Community Safety Strategy for the Waitaki District as part of the International Safer Community initiative. Local secondary school involvement in the project is pivotal to its success. The group has a facilitation role to identify issues and effect change through mobilisation of local groups and resources. The guest speaker this evening is Professor Hayne talking on the Impact of Alcohol on Adolescents at 6.30pm in the Waitaki Girls High School Hall.
Finally, best wishes to the 1st XV Rugby team as they play off against Burnside High School from Christchurch to be the top co-ed South Island Rugby School . The match starts at 1pm at Murray Field and you support would be appreciated.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal
Friday, August 29, 2014
NCEA Fees And Financial Assistance
Your fees should now be in the last day was today
Friday 29th August
Financial Assistance Applications are also due at the same time.
The Form is on line at this link
Choral Festival 2014
Last night the 2014 Choral Festival was held in the Auditorium and for the first time a live stream was set up for those unable to attend the event itself (please note that the footage is still available to view on the website - search for "SKC Choral Festival"). Thank you to Mr Seddon and his team for setting this up! Thank you also to our judges for the evening, Vanessa Kelly-Brown, Hannah Potter and Jayden Forbes, and of course Mrs Haig! Congratulations to all of the students who performed, either in the House Choirs or as soloists or groups - it was a great night!
RESULTS:Junior Boys Solo - Reuben Miharae
Junior Girls Solo - Ceilidh Brookes
Senior Boys Solo - Kurt Mordeno
Senior Girls Solo - Frenzy Lauglaug
Junior Duet - Imogen Brew, Imogen Brown, Catalina Mendoza-Gonzalez
Senior Duet - Frenzy Lauglaug, Kurt Mordeno
Own Composition - Frenzy Lauglaug
Best Student Conductor - Julia Fauth (Magee)
Best Student Accompanist - Eva Liardet (Magee)
Winning House Choir - Clancy
Winning House Overall - Magee
Agriculture Out And About
Agriculture classes have been 'out and about' on field trips this week. Year 12 visited De Jong Dairies, home of Georgia Campbell, to investigate animal behaviour and environmental issues. Bauke and Nadine were wonderful hosts and it was great to catch up with Tyler Greaney and Joel Fogarty, ex students of St Kevin's who are enjoying a career in dairying. 12 VPath also had a trip to the racecourse to develop practical skills in animal handling and water management with Agribusiness Training.
Year 11 were assessed on their practical skills with sheep. They were tutored by Mr Caldwell and Mr McCatmney. Mr Stuart was kind enough to allow us to use the racecourse sheep yards and Mr Muir loaned us his sheep.
We are very grateful to the St Kevin's Family in the wider community for giving up their time and expertise to provide enriching experiences for our students. Thank you!
Thank you
Special Character
Thursday, August 28, 2014
First Tree Delivery
Today the LEO Club took delivery of ten saplings as a result of their efforts with the Paper4Trees programme. Graeme from Oregon Nurseries was pleased to be able to present LEO Club President Sydney Telfer with a certificate and the saplings which will most likely be planted along the boundary area adjoining Centennial Park.
Healthy Habits
The plate below shows the ideal proportion of non-starchy vegetables in your main meal. It applies whether foods are served separately or mixed in together. Enjoy half of your meal as non-starchy vegetables. Another quarter of the meal is starchy vegetables or grainy foods like potato, kumara, sweetcorn, cassava, taro, or green banana, bread, rice, or pasta (about a tight fist-sized amount). The remaining quarter of the meal is protein foods like chicken, fish, meat, eggs, or legumes (about a palm-sized amount)
Just remember portion sizes - the plate does not need to be full!! A portion of a food should fit into the palm of your hand
The plate below shows the ideal proportion of non-starchy vegetables in your main meal. It applies whether foods are served separately or mixed in together. Enjoy half of your meal as non-starchy vegetables. Another quarter of the meal is starchy vegetables or grainy foods like potato, kumara, sweetcorn, cassava, taro, or green banana, bread, rice, or pasta (about a tight fist-sized amount). The remaining quarter of the meal is protein foods like chicken, fish, meat, eggs, or legumes (about a palm-sized amount)
Just remember portion sizes - the plate does not need to be full!! A portion of a food should fit into the palm of your hand
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Final Days For Gong'an No1 Visitors
Today at what will be their final assembly, students from Gong'an No1 Senior Middle School were presented with certificates to commemorate their visit to St Kevin's College. They have spent almost two weeks at the College, easing into classroom routines and enjoying weekend trips to Dunedin and Mount Cook. Yr 12 student Clement Yang wished them safe travels home.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Weekend Sport
The 1st XV took Waitaki to task on Saturday in the Highlanders 1st XV Bowl Final at Murray Field. With a full time score of 38-13 it was a dominating Kevinian display of rugby!
Boys football also dominated, beating Geraldine 3-1 in Saturday's semi-final. They face up to Timaru Boys High School in the final this week. The girls SKC Blue took a rest on having been defaulted to by Waitaki Girls while SKC Red drew with the Combined Schools team in a very entertaining game of football!
Netball wins were racked up by Senior A, Intermediate A and Junior A teams and the TopV Girls Basketballers took 3rd overall in their competition on Friday evening. Well done!
Friday, August 22, 2014
Principal's Comment
Kia ora Kevinian's and Supporters of the College
Today has been our first family "Careers Forum" afternoon, which was linked with parent teacher interviews. I am pleased to report that the focus on planning vocational pathways has been very successful and I am sure it will empower both students and families to make more informed subject choices. Thank you to Mrs Jackson and her team for organising the event. Thank you also to the many past students who made themselves available for the careers discussions. The process is one of reflecting on progress to date, sharpening focus on direction and then clarifying the subject requirements. Taking the opportunity at this time of year will hopefully improve engagement as we work towards the end of year examinations as well as helping students to set and achieve realistic goals for next year. I hope visiting boarding families will enjoy the opportunity to catch up and watch some sport over the weekend.
Earlier in the week, I attended the Catholic Secondary Schools Principals' gathering in Wellington. This was an opportunity to collectively chart a path for vibrant education in the Catholic Tradition. At the same time Australian Christian Brother, Dr Damian Price, lead professional development for the staff. His theme of effective restorative practice complements our College FIRE values. Adding to this Mr Ryan is currently a guest at the Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) Deputy Principals Conference in Sydney. All of these Professional Development activities demonstrate our commitment to providing a world class education for our students.
On Monday, as Obirin High School returned to Tokyo, the College welcomed Gong'an No1 Senior Middle School from China for a two week visit. 16 students and three staff are enthusiastically immersing themselves in hostel and school life. Thank you to Mr Fowler and Ms Walshe for organising their programme. This weekend the students will explore Dunedin on Saturday and Aoraki/Mt Cook on Sunday.
May God bless you
Paul Olsen, Principal
Today has been our first family "Careers Forum" afternoon, which was linked with parent teacher interviews. I am pleased to report that the focus on planning vocational pathways has been very successful and I am sure it will empower both students and families to make more informed subject choices. Thank you to Mrs Jackson and her team for organising the event. Thank you also to the many past students who made themselves available for the careers discussions. The process is one of reflecting on progress to date, sharpening focus on direction and then clarifying the subject requirements. Taking the opportunity at this time of year will hopefully improve engagement as we work towards the end of year examinations as well as helping students to set and achieve realistic goals for next year. I hope visiting boarding families will enjoy the opportunity to catch up and watch some sport over the weekend.
Earlier in the week, I attended the Catholic Secondary Schools Principals' gathering in Wellington. This was an opportunity to collectively chart a path for vibrant education in the Catholic Tradition. At the same time Australian Christian Brother, Dr Damian Price, lead professional development for the staff. His theme of effective restorative practice complements our College FIRE values. Adding to this Mr Ryan is currently a guest at the Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) Deputy Principals Conference in Sydney. All of these Professional Development activities demonstrate our commitment to providing a world class education for our students.
On Monday, as Obirin High School returned to Tokyo, the College welcomed Gong'an No1 Senior Middle School from China for a two week visit. 16 students and three staff are enthusiastically immersing themselves in hostel and school life. Thank you to Mr Fowler and Ms Walshe for organising their programme. This weekend the students will explore Dunedin on Saturday and Aoraki/Mt Cook on Sunday.
May God bless you
Paul Olsen, Principal
Healthy Habits
Sports Nutrition
Adequate nutrition is important for the proper growth and development of teenagers. It is even more essential to the competitive youth athlete.
Proper nutrition is a combination of good carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
The current recommended Training Diet for an adolescent athlete is:
55-60% Carbohydrates
25-30% Fat
12-15% Protein
Carbohydrate consumption needs to be considered in both pre-training and post-training meals. Carbohydrates are easily and rapidly digested. After sports it must be replaced. Good sources include breads, cereals, rice, pasta, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. Start the day with a Breakfast of Low GI foods eg. Wholegrain breads, porridge, muesli, milk and yoghurt this will give you a slow and sustained release of energy. This should be topped up throughout the day.
Dietary fat has in important role in the body, including insulation from the cold and helping in the absorption and transportation of the fat-soluble vitamins. It is important to have fat in the diet, but too much is not healthy. Good sources include, lean meats, dairy products, nuts, and vegetable oils.
Protein is an essential nutrient in the diet especially for athletes as it assists in the building and repairing cells and tissues. Good sources of protein include lean meats e.g. tuna, dairy products, nuts. Protein is especially important after training for recovery – good “recovery” snacks include sandwiches with meat, cheese fish or peanut butter, yoghurt, flavoured milk drinks, fruit smoothies, breakfast cereal and milk and sports bars.
In order to consume the necessary energy sources, it is recommended that a well balanced diet, drawing from each of the major food groups, be planned for the growing athlete.
A sample diet might include:
Bread, cereal, rice, pasta group - 6-11 servings per day
Vegetable group - 3-5 servings per day
Fruit group - 2-4 servings per day
Dairy group - 2-3 servings per day
Meat, poultry, fish group - 2-3 servings per day
A well balanced diet should ensure that an athlete gets the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals.
Female adolescent athletes, however, have to be concerned about the intake of adequate calcium and iron. The problem of anemia and osteoporosis are well-recognised in highly competitive female athletes. Good dietary sources include red meats, fortified cereals, dried fruit, and dairy products.
Encourage fluid consumption even in the absence of thirst.
Frequent water breaks every 15-20 minutes.
Adequate hydration in the days prior to training/competition.
At least one cup of water per 20 minute, more in extreme heat.
Water is probably best for fluid replacement during competition. Sports drinks after exercise are helpful in providing carbohydrates. Avoid salty and carbonated drinks.
Fruit or vegetable juices, sports drinks
Fresh fruit
Fruit or vegetable juices, sports drinks
Fresh fruit
Breads, bagels, crackers, English muffins
Fruit or vegetable juices, sports drinks
Fresh fruit
Breads, bagels, crackers, English muffins
Peanut butter, lean meat, low fat cheese
Low-fat yogurt
Pasta with tomato sauce
Cereal with low-fat milk
Recovery is important – include carbohydrates and protein e.g. a peanut butter sandwich or smoothie
If you want any more information please see Mrs Fowler.
Special Character
Theme - RESPECT (Whakaute)
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Student Representative Election For The Board Of Trustees
St Kevin’s College
Student Representative Election for the
Board of Trustees
Nominations are invited for the election of one Student Representative to the St Kevin’s College Board of Trustees.
A nomination form and a copy of this notice is being distributed to all eligible voters on the student roll.
Further nomination forms can be obtained from the school office.
Nominations close at noon on Friday 5 September which is 14 days before the election date) and may be accompanied by a signed candidate’s statement.
The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during the hours the office is open.
There will also be a list of candidates’ names for inspection, as they come to hand, on the St Kevin’s College Blog, Student Noticeboard, Daily Notices and the e-newsletter. The poll closes at noon on Friday September 19th.
Sue McErlane
Returning Officer
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Powhiri Welcome For Our Chinese Visitors
As we farewelled students from Obirin High School, we welcomed new visitors to the College from Gong'an No1. Senior Middle School, Wuhan, China, for a 12 day visit. Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province and is the most populous city in Central China. Gong'an No1. Senior Middle School has a student body of approximate 4000 students, with 80 students per class. During their time at St Kevin's the students and their three chaperoning teachers will be hosted in the College Hostel and take part in a number of regular College classes with their Kevinian "buddies". Gong'an students will also enjoy the opportunity to visit local educational points of interest and participate in cultural activities.
SKC Careers Afternoon
Booking Code 846PJ
(go to
Friday 22nd August
College Auditorium


Panelists include Kimberley Mavor (manufacturing), John Oakes (agricultural and commercial helicopter services), Ryan Ambler (building), Joseph Walshe (engineering fabrication), Ben Ireland (electrical technician), Steffan Souness (agricultural business manager), James Bee (mechanic)
3.00-3.30pm with question time to follow
Panelists include Colleen Newberry (banking), Nicholas Robertson (insurance), Raelene Guthrie (hairdressing), Paul McGeown (undertaker), Anna Beveridge (hospitality), Reece Munro (police), Katy McAloon (nursing), Cpt Craig Thorne (defence force)
4.00-4.30pm with question time to follow
Panelists include Laura Crane (scientist and secondary teaching), Chantelle Jackson (primary teaching), Patrick Kearney (chemical engineering), Rihi Salter (law), Josh Dooley (architecture), Joanne Carey (accountancy), Caroline Maxwell (medicine), Gary Dhillon (vet), Shinayd van Rooy (clinical psychology)
Careers Afternoon & Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews - Friday 22 August
Classes will finish for students at the end of Period 3 (11.40am) this Friday. As a break from the traditional interview set up in the College Gymnasium teachers will be based in classrooms. You can check their locations on the link below which includes a site map of the College, or ask for help from one of our Prefects who will be based in the Office Quad and Upper Quad
The Careers Forums will be held in the College Auditorium throughout the afternoon and we encourage students from all year levels to take advantage of speaking to our visiting guests.
LEO Club Fundraising Efforts
Congratulations to the St Kevin's LEO Club who have just donated $382 to North Otago Riding For The Disabled thanks to a successful firewood raffle. Students keen to find out more about the LEO Club can speak to current President Sydney Telfer.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Weekend Sports
The fine weather on Saturday produced a fine display from the 1st XV on Saturday with a 55-15 win over Mount Aspiring. The first half proved a tight contest but when the second half kicked off the boys roared into action scoring 42 unanswered points. They face Waitaki Boys' High School this coming weekend.
Boys football had a weekend off ahead of the semi-finals this Saturday while the girls hit the field. SKC Red lost to Waitaki Girls' 6-1 while the SKC Blue took a 5-0 win over United Schools.
Not to be outdone by the other sporting codes in action over the weekend, the girls hockey had a decisive win over Waitaki 2nd's 5-1. Fantastic results from a late winter weekend of sports.
Not to be outdone by the other sporting codes in action over the weekend, the girls hockey had a decisive win over Waitaki 2nd's 5-1. Fantastic results from a late winter weekend of sports.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Principal's Comment
Mālō e lelei Kevinians and Supporters
Congratulations to Isobel Ryan and Christopher Kearney who yesterday were presented with their Class Act Awards by Prime Minister John Key at a ceremony in Dunedin. Our Head Boy and Girl have received these accolades for their outstanding contribution to the College in the areas of academic, sporting, cultural and special character endeavour.
On Monday evening, the Home and School Committee held their monthly meeting. At this meeting I acknowledged the hard work and dedication that they have put into the recent Art Auction. I am pleased to report that they have raised close to $8000 for the College. On Wednesday I presented the student artists, who sold work at the event, with their commission cheques. Thank you to everyone who so generously put forward their work for sale.
This week we farewell the students from Obirin High School and wished them safe travel. We have been honoured to host these enthusiastic learners and hope that their English language acquisition continues as they return to Japan. Thank also to the families who have supported this programme. Next week the school welcomes students from Gong'an No1 School, China. These students are being hosted in the College Hostel.
Finally, I would like to remind parents and caregivers of the enhanced Careers and Parent-Teacher afternoon next Friday (22 August). This is a departure from the standard meeting in the gymnasium. Careers forums will be held in the auditorium during the afternoon and parents can book meetings with teachers in their classrooms to get feed back on progress to date as well as advice on future educational pathways. This innovative approach is hopefully going to focus students on the importance of vocational pathways planning so that course selection is informed by up to date information. Thank you in advance to the past pupils and supportive careers panel members who have volunteered to help. Parents may wish to revise their bookings if they are accidentally at the same time as a particular forum that my be of interest.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal
Congratulations to Isobel Ryan and Christopher Kearney who yesterday were presented with their Class Act Awards by Prime Minister John Key at a ceremony in Dunedin. Our Head Boy and Girl have received these accolades for their outstanding contribution to the College in the areas of academic, sporting, cultural and special character endeavour.
On Monday evening, the Home and School Committee held their monthly meeting. At this meeting I acknowledged the hard work and dedication that they have put into the recent Art Auction. I am pleased to report that they have raised close to $8000 for the College. On Wednesday I presented the student artists, who sold work at the event, with their commission cheques. Thank you to everyone who so generously put forward their work for sale.
This week we farewell the students from Obirin High School and wished them safe travel. We have been honoured to host these enthusiastic learners and hope that their English language acquisition continues as they return to Japan. Thank also to the families who have supported this programme. Next week the school welcomes students from Gong'an No1 School, China. These students are being hosted in the College Hostel.
Finally, I would like to remind parents and caregivers of the enhanced Careers and Parent-Teacher afternoon next Friday (22 August). This is a departure from the standard meeting in the gymnasium. Careers forums will be held in the auditorium during the afternoon and parents can book meetings with teachers in their classrooms to get feed back on progress to date as well as advice on future educational pathways. This innovative approach is hopefully going to focus students on the importance of vocational pathways planning so that course selection is informed by up to date information. Thank you in advance to the past pupils and supportive careers panel members who have volunteered to help. Parents may wish to revise their bookings if they are accidentally at the same time as a particular forum that my be of interest.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal
Feast Of Assumption
Today the College Mass celebrated the Feast of the Assumption, when our LADY'S body was physically assumed into Heaven. Father Wayne read his homily and a story which spoke warmly of the faith demonstrated by an American family who's daughter was prematurely born and not expected to live - she died and the family were richly blessed through their faith. The Edmund Rice Singers provided an uplifting spirit to the hymns and their solo piece "You Raised Me Up". At the conclusion of this celebration of MARY, Mr Olsen presented Father Wayne with a canvas photograph of the whole school seated around him, which had been taken on the occasion of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of his ordination.
Class Act 2014
The recipients of the ODT Class Act Awards for 2014 are Head Boy and Head Girl, Christopher Kearney and Isobel Ryan. They were nominated because of their outstanding contributions to College and their service to the wider College Community. Their activities in the academic, sporting, cultural and service areas of the school began with their arrival into Year 9 and have continued during their time at St Kevin's. Congratulations. You are very deserving recipients!
Special Character
Theme - EXCELLENCE (Hirangi)
"All people who faithfully love the Lord will receive God's healing mercy"
"All people who faithfully love the Lord will receive God's healing mercy"
Special Character,
Healthy Habits
How to snack right

1. Avoid the starvation switch
Eating a healthy snack between meals prevents the body from switching into starvation mode. If the body goes without food for longer than four to six hours, its metabolic rate may slow down in a biological response to food deprivation. The body reacts as if it is starving and conserves stored energy for later.
2. Avoid the blood sugar roller-coaster ride
Your body converts food to glucose, the simplest form of sugar, which it uses for energy. Blood glucose levels must stay within a normal range so the body doesn't think it's starving. Healthy snacking helps to maintain normal glucose levels. If blood sugar drops too low it leads to food cravings
Snacking on the right foods, at the right times, in the right amounts can help avoid these symptoms.
1. Choose nutrient-dense snacks
Nutrient-dense snacks such as sliced peppers, celery, cucumbers, broccoli. Pair them with hummus, fat-free cottage cheese or salsa. Roll up a few turkey/chicken slices. Fresh apples are a great choice, too, as are fresh berries. Pair with slivered almonds, pistachios or walnuts for a balanced snack. Try hard-boiled egg whites stuffed with hummus. Avoid highly processed foods that are primarily refined flour, sugar and corn syrup; these can spike blood sugar, commencing the roller coaster ride.
2. Count the calories
Keep your snack calories to less than those of a typical meal, no more than 150 to 200 calories. Instead of eating snacks straight from the box or bag, split them up into 100 calorie portions. Learning portion size will help you realise and control the calories you are eating. Counting calories is no fun, but it beats being unhealthy!
3. Timing is everything
Eat a nutritious breakfast. Snack number one should be scheduled for around 10:00 a.m. Eat lunch between noon and 1:00 p.m. Eat snack number two around 2:30 or 3:00 p.m., and dinner no later than 6:00 p.m.
4. Location, location, location
Eat while sitting down. Be conscious of eating your meal or snack. Don't eat in the car. Don't eat in front of the television, which can lead to "eating amnesia," a major cause of overeating and feeling sluggish. Don't eat at your desk.
5. Kill old eating habits
Instead of eating ice cream in front of the TV every night, take a walk, read a book
Hard Boiled Eggs plus an apple. Whether your teen is looking to gain muscle or lose weight, this perfectly packaged protein can be the answer. Add the apple for energy and fibre.
String cheese plus a handful of almonds. Calcium is vital for this age group as they are still in the bone growth phase of their life. The almonds are a filing compliment to add some good fat, magnesium and fibre.
Peanut butter and an apple. The ultimate snack with perfect portions of fat, carbs, and protein! Change up the peanut butter by grinding up other nuts like almonds or cashews.
Low fat yogurt with berries and cottage cheese. Another calcium power house! Exchange the low fat yogurt for some Greek yogurt and the protein literally doubles. Adding the berries gives a great flavor while also getting in some vital antioxidants.
Popcorn mixed with nuts and dried fruit. This filling snack may be light on protein, but the good fat and energy it will bring makes it a great pre-exercise snack.
Whole wheat English muffin with pizza sauce, veggies, and mozzarella cheese. While these taste best baked and toasty, just puts it in the microwave to warm it up. Whatever makes you happy.
Baked corn chips with bean dip (with black eyed peas, avocado, and tomatoes!) Try adding some pita crisps or chips to make it a little more filling.
Frozen At St Kevin's
Ellie Monk, Nadia Kerr and Belen Mino-Zubiri prove that "yes" snow does fall on occasion in Oamaru. They were out yesterday in the short but sweet flurry singing "Frozen" for Ms Walshe.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Fantastic Effort From Art Auction
Congratulations to the St Kevin's College Home & School who raised approx $8,000 at their recent Art Auction event.
Along with the College they would like to express their sincerest gratitude to all of the artists who donated their work and the people who purchased tickets and took home some wonderful pieces. Thank you!
Monday, August 11, 2014
Past Pupils Win International Medals

Two of our past pupils at the College have competed at international sporting events with fantastic success in the past couple of weeks.
Rower Johannah Kearney took a silver medal at the U23 Rowing World Championships in Varese, Italy, as part of the New Zealand Coxless Four. Along with her fellow crew members (Emma Dyke, Kelsi Walters and Olivia Loe) they fought hard through heats and repecharges to win a place in the final where a strong finish gave them a podium place.
Cyclist Holly Edmondston (who now trains in Cambridge) was part of the New Zealand team to travel to Korea for the Junior World Track Cycling Championships. Competing against riders much older than her 17 years she and her team mates have won a bronze medal in the Team Pursuit.
Past Pupil,
Aoraki Secondary School Shoot
Congratulations to Year 12 student Georgia-Kate Blair who placed 1st in the Single Barrel Ladies with a best possible 10/10 at the Aoraki Secondary School Shoot, held in Timaru yesterday.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Principal's Comment
Kia ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College
Term three has a decidedly cultural feel to it at St Kevin's. The School Song can be heard bellowing from classrooms as preparations for the Choral Festival begin in earnest. The Auditorium has been fully booked with practices for the Bishop's Shield, which will be held this weekend in Gore. The music room is hosting lunch time auditions for the individual and duet singing. The concert band is enjoying success with the new Thursday morning practice time and has been invited to perform at the end of year prize-giving ceremony. As Principal and Leader of Learning, I see these these co-curricular activities as more than a way to enhance house spirit, they are central to the development of the key competencies for life. Some that spring to mind are managing-self through meeting deadlines, relating to others as they work as a team and participating and contributing to their House, College and the wider Waitaki District. Thank you to the staff and supporters who make it all happen so seamlessly.
Thank you to the Home and School team for organising a very successful Art Auction last Saturday evening. As always, these functions depend on the active involvement of our wider community. I was very pleased to see our boarding families and parents of past pupils joining with locals parents to make the event a tremendous occasion. There are a small number of art works that did not meet their reserve on the evening and have been placed on our website for community bids.
Today we celebrated the Feast of St Dominic with a College Mass and presentation of the Dominican Excellence Awards. It was a pleasure to have Dominican Sister, Mary Horn, addressing the College. Thank you to Father Wayne our celebrant, Helen Mulheron for the musical accompaniment and the students and staff of St Joseph's Primary who joined us to celebrate our shared charism.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal
Term three has a decidedly cultural feel to it at St Kevin's. The School Song can be heard bellowing from classrooms as preparations for the Choral Festival begin in earnest. The Auditorium has been fully booked with practices for the Bishop's Shield, which will be held this weekend in Gore. The music room is hosting lunch time auditions for the individual and duet singing. The concert band is enjoying success with the new Thursday morning practice time and has been invited to perform at the end of year prize-giving ceremony. As Principal and Leader of Learning, I see these these co-curricular activities as more than a way to enhance house spirit, they are central to the development of the key competencies for life. Some that spring to mind are managing-self through meeting deadlines, relating to others as they work as a team and participating and contributing to their House, College and the wider Waitaki District. Thank you to the staff and supporters who make it all happen so seamlessly.
Thank you to the Home and School team for organising a very successful Art Auction last Saturday evening. As always, these functions depend on the active involvement of our wider community. I was very pleased to see our boarding families and parents of past pupils joining with locals parents to make the event a tremendous occasion. There are a small number of art works that did not meet their reserve on the evening and have been placed on our website for community bids.
Today we celebrated the Feast of St Dominic with a College Mass and presentation of the Dominican Excellence Awards. It was a pleasure to have Dominican Sister, Mary Horn, addressing the College. Thank you to Father Wayne our celebrant, Helen Mulheron for the musical accompaniment and the students and staff of St Joseph's Primary who joined us to celebrate our shared charism.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal
Friday, August 8, 2014
Dominican Mass and Excellence Celebrations
We welcomed St Joseph's Primary School which are part of our Dominican charism and our special guests for the day were Sister Madeleine, Sister Mary and Sister Nola who are still active in our school and parish communities, along with other members of the Dominican family. We also welcomed our Obirin students to the special Mass today, which began with a minute silence to remember those who left for war 100 years ago. Sister Mary Horn gave the homily about St Dominic and told of the sisters arrival in New Zealand and our community. Our Dominican Excellence Awards were presented at the end of the Mass and it was heartening to see a Chapel full of 650 people sharing in this occasion of the Feast day of St Dominic.
Congratulations to the following students who received awards today:
YEAR 9 - Sarah Dodd, Molly Kay, Rebecca Whittet, Gemma Dowling, Samantha Jorgensen, Levi Sherman, David Xie, Benjamin McCarthy, Jordan Kennedy and Joel Pickles.
YEAR 10 - Ami Wallis, Brittany Weir, Holly Malcolm, Kaui Jellick, Nicole Ogorida, Tom Sinclair, Angus Macaulay, Leam Ryan, Adam Sew Hoy and Stan Papaioannou.
YEAR 11 - Gypsy-Mae Harihona-Harrison, Emma Middlemass, Ashley Pink, Rosie Pope, Brittany Kerin, Jino Kunnethedam, Max Stewart, Pierce McLeod, Rory McNab and Karan Ratgali.
YEAR 12 - Matali Singh, Georgia Haggerty, Georgia Malcolm, Michaela Mulligan, Brooklyn Johnston, Michael Lockley, Jack Sinclair, Brady Kingan, and Rajinald Singh.
YEAR 13 - Kevalee Sriutaisuk, Georgia Holland, Erin Mitchell, Melanie Grasmueck, Bridgett James, Christopher Kearney, Brodie Flannery and Jinnesh Ramu.
Special Character,
Obirin Visit
Thank you to Ruby at the Oamaru Mail for sharing this photo of our Obirin Visitors |
Our Obirin visitors are half way through their stay in Oamaru and have had a very busy time with English lessons and educational visits around the district. This week they attended the Hiroshima Day service which is held at the memorial in the Oamaru Public Gardens each year.
To share in their New Zeland journey so far CLICK HERE
To share in their New Zeland journey so far CLICK HERE
Special Character,
BOT Casual Vacancy For An Elected Trustee
Casual Vacancy for an Elected Trustee
A Casual Vacancy has occurred on the Board of Trustees for an elected Parent Representative.
The Board has resolved Under Section 105 of the Education Act 1989 to fill the vacancy by selection.
If ten percent or more the eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held.
Any eligible voter who wishes to ask the board to hold a by-election should write to:
Board of Trustees
St Kevin's College
PO Box 444
Oamaru 9444
by: (5th September 2014)
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Aoraki Mathematics Competition
On Wednesday evening four teams of students travelled to Timaru to compete in the Aoraki Mathematics Competition. The College is always well represented at the regional competition and were once again placed our of the 27 teams competing. Congratulations to the Year 10 team of Emma Fox, Jacqui Malcom, Holly Malcom and Caryn Lastimosa who placed 3rd!
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Healthy Habits
Sugar in drinks: Juice vs Water
Did you know that If you drink a 600ml bottle of soft drink or juice a day, you will consume 2kg of sugar a month!
In New Zealand the consumption of sugary drinks is increasing, which may contribute to the growing number of children and adults becoming overweight or obese.
Sugar is high in energy, and when we consume more than we burn, we will put on weight. Sugar in drinks becomes ‘empty calories’ because the drink usually contains no valuable nutrients, and does nothing to satisfy hunger.
Fruit juice contains the same amount of sugar as soft drinks (fizzy) – about 10 teaspoons of sugar in a 350ml bottle (or a large glass). A glass of orange juice contains the sugar of several oranges - so drink water and eat the whole fruit instead. You’ll feel fuller and consume less sugar.
Water is by far the best thing to drink. It can be hard to drink water if you are used to sweet drinks – start by diluting your juice with water, and gradually add more and more water. Sports drinks/energy drinks are not necessary, even if you play a lot of sport. Just drink water, and maybe have a healthy snack before and after exercise.
Monday, August 4, 2014
SKC Art Auction 2014
Congratulations to the Home & School on yet another wonderful evening, with the 2014 Art Auction. A great many hours of work and organisation go into any fundraiser and this was no exception. On behalf of the students who will in turn benefit from these efforts, we extend our thanks to the team from the Home & School, and all of the artists who contributed pieces. A small number of pieces did not reach their reserve and there is an opportunity to place a bid via the College website at:
Saturday Sport
Girls basketball lead the way for college sport with a win in Timaru on Friday evening, impressing one of the Obirin students who, as an enthusiastic basketballer herself, joined the team to spectate for the evening. The wind made conditions difficult for Saturday sport but it was a great day regardless. On the netball courts Senior A, Intermediate A and Junior A all booked up wins, while Senior B, Senior Red, Junior B and Junior Red will have to regroup for next weekend. Both the boys and girls football teams scored well to take wins across the board, but the rugby boys couldn't match the football success with losses on the field, including the 1st XV 39-17 loss to King's High School.
Special Commendation
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Thank you to Brayden Lindsay from the Oamaru Mail for use of this photo |
Aoraki Secondary School Netball Tournament
On Sunday the Senior B Netball Team competed at Aoraki Secondary School Championships. If was a great day and the team of Peta Grant, Loren Cunningham, Emma Slater, Rachel Esselink, Brittany Kerin, Ashley Pink, Aysha Hirama, Lauren Parsons and Georgia Firman did exceptionally well finishing second.
Mt Hutt win 22-6
Timaru Girls win 15-12
Waitaki Girls win 20-2
Mackenzie College win 21-7
Roncalli loss 17-11
Friday, August 1, 2014
Principal's Comment
Kia Ora Kevinian's and Supporters of the College
This week our liturgy, assembly and Gospel readings have all focused our thinking on family/whānau. The sense of family was truly evident as we welcomed our guests from Obirin High School in Tokyo with a powhiri on Tuesday and past pupil Evan Forde at assembly on Wednesday.
I am delighted to lead my blog for the week with the announcement of the appointment of Hamish Robertson to the position of House Captain for Magee. There are still a number of interhouse competitions on the calendar and Hamish is excited to work with Sara and the rest of the Magee team.
The Obirin student's have already started to integrate into the College routine and we look forward to seeing their English language skills develop over the next three weeks. Thank you to the families who have hosted a student. Your support and commitment has made this venture possible.
Evan Forde returned to the St Kevin's family on Wednesday and regaled students with some stories of yesteryear. Evan was a keen sportsman and Treacy House leader. It was pleasing to hear him reflect on how many of the positive traditions have been preserved and enhanced over the years. Central to this is an ethos of care and support that make the College so special.
With all this in mind I would like remind parents and caregivers of two key messages for students. If we wish to see the benefits of being part of a nurturing College family, we need regular attendance and commitment to teams. Behind this reminder is my concern that there is a growing number of parents and caregivers allowing students to be absent from school without a very good reason. These absences have been shown to have an adverse effect on learning and ultimately achievement. The second concern is the number of students who are not being personally accountable for their sporting or cultural commitments. Letting a team down half way through the season is not the Kevinian Way. Dedication and dependability are life skills that we hope to develop in our students and we ask that they are reinforced at home in conversations and actions. These are cornerstones of "family life at St Kevin's".
Our pasifika and kapa haka students shared with the College family by way of a hangi today and I must congratulate each of them on a very successful event. Lead by Mrs Plunkett the students undertook all of the preparations, from gathering the driftwood for the fire to lifting the cages of food from the pit. I have been impressed by their commitment and thank them for sharing this tradition with us. On behalf of all of us who have enjoyed the kai today I must also extend our sincerest gratitude to Mrs Plunkett, and Mike Mullans and Gina Healey from Youthtown for working alongside the students and offering their guidance.
Finally, please keep Alan Ryan, Mr Ryan's father, in your prayers as he battles some health issues this week.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal
This week our liturgy, assembly and Gospel readings have all focused our thinking on family/whānau. The sense of family was truly evident as we welcomed our guests from Obirin High School in Tokyo with a powhiri on Tuesday and past pupil Evan Forde at assembly on Wednesday.
I am delighted to lead my blog for the week with the announcement of the appointment of Hamish Robertson to the position of House Captain for Magee. There are still a number of interhouse competitions on the calendar and Hamish is excited to work with Sara and the rest of the Magee team.
The Obirin student's have already started to integrate into the College routine and we look forward to seeing their English language skills develop over the next three weeks. Thank you to the families who have hosted a student. Your support and commitment has made this venture possible.
Evan Forde returned to the St Kevin's family on Wednesday and regaled students with some stories of yesteryear. Evan was a keen sportsman and Treacy House leader. It was pleasing to hear him reflect on how many of the positive traditions have been preserved and enhanced over the years. Central to this is an ethos of care and support that make the College so special.
With all this in mind I would like remind parents and caregivers of two key messages for students. If we wish to see the benefits of being part of a nurturing College family, we need regular attendance and commitment to teams. Behind this reminder is my concern that there is a growing number of parents and caregivers allowing students to be absent from school without a very good reason. These absences have been shown to have an adverse effect on learning and ultimately achievement. The second concern is the number of students who are not being personally accountable for their sporting or cultural commitments. Letting a team down half way through the season is not the Kevinian Way. Dedication and dependability are life skills that we hope to develop in our students and we ask that they are reinforced at home in conversations and actions. These are cornerstones of "family life at St Kevin's".
Our pasifika and kapa haka students shared with the College family by way of a hangi today and I must congratulate each of them on a very successful event. Lead by Mrs Plunkett the students undertook all of the preparations, from gathering the driftwood for the fire to lifting the cages of food from the pit. I have been impressed by their commitment and thank them for sharing this tradition with us. On behalf of all of us who have enjoyed the kai today I must also extend our sincerest gratitude to Mrs Plunkett, and Mike Mullans and Gina Healey from Youthtown for working alongside the students and offering their guidance.
Finally, please keep Alan Ryan, Mr Ryan's father, in your prayers as he battles some health issues this week.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal
College Hangi
Today we celebrated diversity and family at the College with a hangi hosted by our Pasifika and Kapa Haka students. Lead by Mrs Plunkett, with Mrs Dooley alongside, all of the preparation and "grunt work" was done by students and the success of the day is just reward for their efforts. Thank you to North End New World, Countdown and Youthtown for their support. Thank you to those within the College community who were so generous with donations of produce and meat. And thank you to those who bought tickets and joined us for a fantastic lunch!
Special Character
"Jesus the compassionate provider feeds and nourishes all who listen to his words"
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