Welcome back to Term 3. As I look out from Redcastle, you could be forgiven for thinking it was spring, with the mild temperatures and first buds.
This term is shorter, with only 9 weeks, but the calendar is full and jam packed with events.
As you will see later in the blog, we have some new faces to the College. Welcome to Qin Cynthia SUN and Rui Alice PENG. They are the new Mandarin Language Assistants and will be based in St Kevin’s College. We thank the Confucius Institute for their continued support for this Chinese language programme. Welcome also to our four GAP students: Marleen, Moritz, Hannes and Leonie form Germany. We trust your stay will be rewarding and enjoyable.
On Wednesday we held a powhiri to welcome our Japanese guests from Obirin High School in Tokyo. It is always a pleasure to entertain people from other countries and cultures. Thank you to the many families who have hosted students. It is a privilege for Sandra and I to have Obirin Deputy Principal, Mr Ito, with us at the Castle. I hope that the experience enriches the families who are offering their hospitality so generously.
Finally to set the scene for the new term, I would encourage caregivers to have a conversation with those in their home, focusing on two things:
- Meeting their commitments to winter sport and culture as the season draws to an end, and
- Putting genuine effort into their academic studies in preparation the end of term examinations.
Paul Olsen, Principal