Friday, September 11, 2020

Principal's Comment

Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

This has been another busy week in the school's calendar with our fitting sports photos, an inter school with St Thomas', inter house debating, meetings of the Home and School and various Boards, the Maths M Cat and the NZQA summary reporting all into one week. To say Friday is welcome is an understatement!

Staff and students have had a very hectic term trying to fit in as much sport and culture as Alert Level 2 allows and in striving to give as many opportunities to students as possible. This week I would like to recognize the role of our prefects in this endeavor. 

Being a prefect is a privilege and it brings a great deal of mana, but it is also oftentimes a thankless and stressful task. At this time of the year in particular, when prefects are often dealing with mounting school work, applications to tertiary institutions or jobs, the inevitable Year 13 realization that they are soon going to have to stand on their own two independent feet, and exam pressure, the gloss of being a prefect and having to cope with that additional workload has well and truly worn off. Think how much more stressful it is when all of this is happening amid a pandemic and all the unpredictability that goes with it. Not only have prefects had to shoulder their own loads in these last weeks, they have also had to be role models to the rest of the school, lead with patience and kindness and be called upon by management to pitch in when things change as they abruptly do these days.

Our prefects this year have been exemplary. They have been the calm duck on the top of the water while furiously paddling underneath. They have continued to work tirelessly on the Ball Committee, in coaching sport, in representing their school, in organizing house activities, organizing assemblies and Mass, working in the hostel, working on the student council and in mentoring younger students. This week I would like to thank them profoundly for all that they do. You are fine young people whom we are very proud of.

May God bless you.

Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen