Thursday, September 24, 2020

SADD Committee

Check out this fantastic bunch of students who represent our SADD Committee. 

SADD stands for Students against Dangerous Driving, and they are a student-led organisation who empower young people to make smart decisions on New Zealand roads. 

This year our SADD committee has been working on a collaborative project with Waitaki Boys and Waitaki Girls, coming together to design a billboard stating one of the principals they promote as a student led organisation.

Using the theme of “No distractions”, a billboard was designed at each school, with each being put on a rotational display on a billboard outside the Oamaru Police Station.  

This billboard has been funded by fundraising across each of the schools as well as Waitaki Road Safety and is planned to be put up by the end of the year.

Well done to all of you for promoting such great messages!