Tuesday, May 6, 2014

ANZAC Liturgy

Images from today's ANZAC Liturgy.

Because ANZAC Day occurred during the school holidays, St Kevin’s College observed the occasion with a Memorial Liturgy on Tuesday 6 May. The service commenced in the Colleges Chapel. In his address Mr Olsen reminded students about the importance of commemorating those who died serving their country in times of war.  Although ANZAC day does not mark a military triumph, it reminds us of a very important part of New Zealand's history, he advised. Forces from New Zealand and Australia played an important part in the Gallipoli campaign and it is this that we commemorate today. Deputy Head Boy Special Character Logan Chandler explained how the Flanders poppy has been linked with battlefields since the time of the Great War, 1914-18. The plant was one of the first to grow and bloom in the mud and soil of Flanders in France.  Deputy Head Girl Special Character, Kaleisha Jones read John McCrea’s famous poem “In Flanders Fields”. The red poppies blowing in the breeze among the graves of the fallen, McCrea considered were a symbol of regeneration and growth in a landscape of blood and destruction. Head Girl Isobel Ryan and Head Boy Christopher Kearney laid an ANZAC wreath at the base of the Altar.

Deputy Head Students Isak Gunnarasson, Merekite Wahitapu and Logan Chandler read a ‘Roll of Honour’ naming former St. Kevin’s College pupils who lost their lives serving NZ during the World Wars. Head Boy Christopher Kearney read  the ‘Ode” from the famous Laurence Binyon poem, “Ode to The Fallen “ . Our special guest speaker Mr Patrick Reilly, Deputy High Commissioner of the British Embassy to deliver our ANZAC Day Memorial address. Mr Reilly gave an informative insight into what ANZAC Day meant from his personal and unique diplomatic perspectives. Together the school recited the ‘Anzac Prayer’ before Y13 students lead students out from the Chapel and over to the Magee Lawn.  Surrounding the Lawn, the school observed a minute of silence before students lowered the NZ flag to half-mast and the ATC Firing party shoot off a three round volley as a salute.  Head Students laid a wreath at the “Old Soldiers” plaque at the stone wall of the Grotto. 

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