Kia ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College
Thursday was our annual open day here at the College. Like many schools, we offered tours of the Campus, opportunities for family and prospective students to explore our curriculum and the chance to engage with our current students to get authentic feedback from them about their experiences. As a principal, I acknowledge the importance of all of these elements, but for me, sharing the Catholic Special Character of St Kevin's is the primary aim of the day. It is important that students and whānau support our Special Character and understand at the outset that our FIRE Values (Family, Integrity, Respect and Excellence) are central to our mission and are the reason we are a high achieving school. Thank you to everyone who has helped with this very successful event, especially our prefects and Heads of Faculties.

On Wednesday we had the pleasure of welcoming Brother Graeme Donaldson to our assembly. Brother Graeme is a Christian Brother who has celebrated over sixty years of service to the community. As a teacher, Br Donaldson taught in many places, including in Australia, as well as at many schools in New Zealand, encompassing St Kevin's College, Oamaru, and the former St Paul’s High School, Dunedin, the latter in the 1970s. More recently, he also served for many years in the prison chaplaincy at Dunedin Prison before retiring in 2008, and has worked at the St Vincent de Paul shop in South Dunedin. It was an honour and a privilege for us to welcome him back to his old school and have him address the students.
May God bless you all
Paul Olsen, Principal