Kia ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College
The first week [term 3] of school has ended on a high. We have supported our catholic charity Caritas with a school mufti day and our 1st XV playing the curtain-raiser for the Ranfurly Shield game. Also taking the field our very own Year 10 Dean and PE teacher -Sam Tatupu coming off the bench for North Otago.

In assemblies this week, we have chosen to focus on Excellence. It is the start of a busy academic term students should be mindful of targets that were set earlier in the year. The next Student-Led Conferences are approaching in week 4, where discussions should be around three things. What was the original plan, have I worked toward the goal and what is there left to do to reach my goals. This is valuable for all concerned. Teachers and Caregivers need to support students, but students are actually in charge of their own learning, it is an active process with all involved.
We look forward to seeing everyone at these meetings.
On another note, the Bishop Shield teams are well into preparation for the big competition at Verdon College Invercargill during the weekend 9th to 11th August. We shall watch with interest and hopefully see some excellent results but also see the comradery of our fellow catholic schools and connections for our students being bolstered.
This weekend we welcome the arrival of the annual visit from our friends at Obirin High School Japan. Special thanks to families hosting students and to Mrs June Campbell for her preparations to make these students stay a success.
I hope your weekend is restful.
God bless
Ngā mihi nui
Kerry Ryan