Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Student Profile- Emily McCoy

Introducing Deputy Head Girl Emily McCoy!

1. What are your interests?

My interests include playing hockey, coaching and reading.

2. What are your plans for next year?

I'm thinking of going to university and looking at studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in English or maybe a pathway in Graphic Design. But still keeping my options open as I am not too sure yet.

3. What have you been doing to keep busy in your isolation bubble?

In my bubble I have been spending my time with my family, doing some jobs around home and doing exercise to keep active.

4. Any words of wisdom?

Take one day at a time this is new for everyone so be kind, keep healthy. But most of all look after yourself and make time to do something you enjoy.

5. What is something you have achieved that you are most proud of?

The achievement I'm most proud of is getting into the Southern Hockey Under 18 team and being able to go the National under 18 tournament in Wellington.