Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Student Profiles: Alex Houston

Introducing Head Boy Alex Houston!

1. What are your interests?

Outside of school I really enjoy being on the farm, tinkering with any piece of machinery or machine I can get my hands on, more often than not my car, playing football and spending time with friends and family.

2. What are your plans for next year?

Next year I am hoping to join the airforce as a pilot, but I am also looking into doing an Agricultural engineering degree at Canterbury University and potentially looking at going back to England to visit family.

3. What have you been doing to keep busy in your bubble?

A variety of things really, I have spent a few days here and there sorting out firewood and limbing trees around our property, helping redecorate our house with new coats of paint, we all take the dogs for a walk around the farm most days which is a good way to relax, and other odd jobs that needed doing that we now have time for.

4. Any words of wisdom you'd like to share?

Make the most of every day, and make time to call friends and family, it is a tough time but if we support one another it can make it that bit easier

5. What is something you've achieved that you are most proud of?

I think the thing I am most proud of is getting to where I am today and being able to look back at the journey that led to it