Kia ora Kevinians and supporters of the College
It is with regret that the St Kevin’s College Board announces that Mr Paul Olsen has tendered his resignation as Principal of St Kevin’s College effective from the start of the 2022 year. Mr Olsen began his tenure as Principal at the school in 2010 and has, over the course of the past two years, also worked as Lead Principal for the Whitestone Kāhui Ako - Community of Learning.
Mr Olsen has had a long association with Catholic education having served as Principal of Verdon College in Invercargill from 2007 - 2010 and having served St Kevin’s College previously as Deputy Principal from 2001 - 2007. He is continuing to support Catholic Education in his new role as Manager of the Catholic Education Office for the Otago Southland Diocese where he will continue to put his many and varied talents to good use across a wide range of areas; including assets and curriculum.
Throughout his time at St Kevin’s College, Mr Olsen has created an environment which has a strong pastoral focus with an emphasis on the teaching of values and inclusiveness. He guided the College through the changeover of ownership from the Christian Brothers to the Dunedin Diocese whilst keeping the founding vision of Edmund Rice, of education without barriers, as a key focus. Mr Olsen’s desire to articulate his vision for the Special Character of the school saw him lead the development of the FIRE values framework (Family, Integrity, Respect and Excellence) and embed this doctrine as the basis for establishing Restorative Practice at the school which has been in effect for the past six years.
Mr Olsen’s selfless dedication to community has seen him involved in a variety of areas including being the Chair of the Safer Waitaki Coalition since its inception in 2013. He is also President and Musical Director of the Waitaki District School Pipeband since 2005. Mr Olsen has been involved in a variety of different community projects over the years, the most recent having been the development of a community bike track behind the College.
Whilst filling the role of Principal of the College with a candidate of
Mr Olsen’s calibre will not be easy, the lengthy lead in time allowed in this transition period will certainly help in ensuring that the good work Mr Olsen has done in the school will be continued. It is with a great deal of gratitude that the College acknowledges that Mr Olsen will still be involved with the school in his new role. We wish him every success in his future endeavours.
On behalf of St Kevin’s College Board
Eugen Dupu
Presiding Member