Thursday, June 10, 2021

Parent, Spectator and Player Sport Expectations

As we near the middle of the winter sport season, here is a timely reminder of parent and spectator expectations we have at SKC.

Coaches, Parents and Spectators are expected to:    

-Encourage your family member and all other students in their efforts while playing sport. 

-Display self-control on the sidelines at ALL times. 

-Remain positive. Do not shout or ridicule players or match officials.

-Respect those involved in taking and playing the sport efforts regardless of whether St Kevin’s College has won or lost. 

-Respect the decisions of those who volunteer their time - referees, coaches, managers. 

-Do not place undue pressure on your child to play or perform especially in pressure finals. 

-If your child is hospitalised as a result of a serious injury, it is your responsibility to meet them as soon as possible, or arrange for a friend or relative to meet them there. This applies if the incident took place within a driving distance of 4 hours.

Good luck to all those involved this weekend!