Congratulations to all our finalists who took part in the recent Scripture Reading competition.
Special mention to the following who placed in the top 3 in their year levels:
Year 9
1st - Alex Scadden
2nd - Kezia Pestell
3rd - Janelle Casitas
Year 10
1st - Cooper Jones
2nd - Cheska Tion
3rd - Shanvi Mani
Year 11
1st - Samuel Plieger
2nd - Anika Winders
3rd - Olivia Mavor
Year 12
1st - Vince Vidallion
2nd - Cushla Bridges
3rd - Lance Calbone
Year 13
1st - Joseph Spillane
2nd - Rhea Ratgali
3rd - Tristan Serrano
A big thank you to our awesome judge, Michele Fatafehi from GIANT LEAPS Speech Co.
Pictured: Senior winners (Vince Vidallion Year 12, Joseph Spillane Year 13 and Samuel Plieger Year 11)