Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wearable Art Competition
Monday, December 6, 2010
English Text Books
Shakespeare In 20 Minutes
Refurbishment Update
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Pike River Disaster Memorial
Seussical the Musical
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Hostel Orientation
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Rugby Coaching Positions 2011
Kayaking Preparations
Junior Tennis Champion
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Rocketing Success
Year 10 Agriculture Horsing About
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mulitsport Success at Lake Hood
Friday, November 19, 2010
Hostel House Extreme Makeover
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
We would like to make parents aware of what we consider to be an excellent deal being offered by Noel Leeming for an entry level netbook, costing $398.00. Although the software is not ideal for our system, we are prepared to upgrade individual machines with relevant software at no extra cost.
We will continue to explore a range of options with local providers and have already ordered some demonstration netbooks to test them with our system. Some of our students have already purchased the machine listed above and it is working seamlessly with our system.
Monday, November 15, 2010
View from the Redcastle Roof
Leavers Piped from Graduation
STAR Afternoon Tea
NCEA English Novels and Plays
Friday, November 12, 2010
College Pool in Demand
Hostel Christmas Banquet
We had our end of year Christmas Banquet on Monday night. This was a very enjoyable occasion and was a chance to give our leavers a good send off, wishing them well for their futures. Each Year 13 boy was presented with an Old Boys tie and the Year 13 girls received a St Christopher pendant. St Christopher is the Patron Saint of Travellers so was apt that they received this as they leave the hostel and school to start on a new journey. A wonderful gesture by all the boys was to do a Haka for the Year 13's. The kitchen excelled themselves with a lovely Christmas feast.
We also announced our Hostel Leaders for next year.
Hostel Head Girl –Hayley Wearne, Deputy Hostel Head Girl – Brittany Wallis, Hostel Head Boy – William Plunkett, Deputy Hostel Head Boy – Tim Cotter.
2011 Year 12 Dorm Prefects are; Lucy Fauth, Charlotte King, Samantha Robins, Lauren Haggerty, Quinn McNabb, Timothy O'Malley, Ashley Miller, Matthew Boult, Sean Hand, Jack Allan.
Congratulations to all these students.
Sadly we say farewell to some Year 12's also this year. We wish them well for their future and thank them for their contributions over the past 4 years.
JoAnn van der Salm
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Preparations for 2011
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Aoraki Sports Awards

Monday, November 8, 2010
Baptism at the College Mass
Duke of Edinburgh Achievements
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Heartland Rugby Has Heart
Hostel Busy Bees
Jo Ann Van der Salm
Year 13 Rite of Passage Retreat
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Aoraki Junior Tennis
NZ Honours Students
Cricket Coach Learns New Skills
Cricket Field Slow to Recover
Traffic Safety Improved by Tree Replacement
Monday, November 1, 2010
Music News
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Schoolgirls Rugby Success
Academic Success!
AFS Intercultural Programmes
All the best and safe travels to Year 12 student Nicholas Staples who has been successful in his bid to broaden his experiences through the AFS Intercultural Programmes - New Zealand.
" This trip gives me the first opportunity to travel, converse and to experience a culture different to my own. I am looking forward to the challenge because it is something I haven’t experienced before. For this trip I have been assigned the country of Costa Rica as part of an International programme for AFS. I have been preparing for this trip for a year including learning some of the Spanish language, as much as I can, and I'm looking forward to putting this to the test. Finally, all this comes together in one month as I fly out on the 2nd of December. " - Nicholas Staples
Hostel Happenings
This term is racing along just as anticipated. I hope you all had an enjoyable long weekend.
I look forward to meeting some of you this weekend at our working bee and BBQ. Mr Justin Fowler our new Director of Boarding/Hostel Manager will be coming.
Our new Boys Common Room is now completed. It looks wonderful and once again many thanks to Ron Landaus for all the hard work. The only thing missing is a large screen TV for the wall (this comment was made by the boys). I have put out the challenge, if they fundraise, the Hostel Trust will match what they raise.
Our Christmas Banquet planning is well under way and Monday the 8th November has been booked for the occasion. Traditionally, as a hostel we take this opportunity to celebrate a year together and to farewell our Senior Students.
Orientation for our new Year 9’s is on the 28th and 29th November. Currently we have 22 new boarders for Year 9 next year. We look forward to welcoming them and giving them a taste of boarding life.
Our planning for next year is well under way. Could you please let us know as soon as possible if your son or daughter will not be coming back next year.
As Senior Students rapidly near their exams we recommend you discourage weekend leave for social occasions only. Their focus should be on study for the next few weeks.
A lot of work is put in by Mr Pink to arrange travel home for the students at holiday times. If your travel arrangements change, please could you leave a message on the Hostel phone. A seat can be given to someone else. It will also save the Hostel staff worrying where your child is.
In the last newsletter I spoke about our Vehicle Policy. I need to clarify this. It clearly states no vehicles unless written permission is granted by the Hostel Manager. Irrespective of written permission being given by parents, a request needs to be received by the Hostel Manager. The Hostel has the discretion to grant this privilege or not. There is a serious problem with congestion at the hostel so please contact the Hostel Manager for an application form if you wish to apply. Thank you to those who have followed the correct procedure.
Many thanks for your co operation.
Jo Ann van der Salm - Hostel Manager
Outdoor Furniture
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Operation Christmas