Friday, May 29, 2020

Principal's Comment

Kia Ora Kevinians and Supporters of the College,

As the cold weather starts to bite we are taking the opportunity to complete some physical work around the college before winter. Sadly, we had to take two trees down this week as our arborist declared them dangerous. The trees are prone to developing growths between the branches which cause branches to shear off and land on whatever is below them. We saw this happen while the arborists were working, so we are pleased to have made this sad decision. As per usual, more trees will be planted to replace these.

Mr McCallum has also been working hard with his team on the refurbishment of one of the school Property Manager's workshops. Due to the popularity of the construction course, the students have had to move into larger premises. They are part of creating their new environment and were more than happy to pose for the camera below.

As we also move beyond Covid 19 along with the rest of the nation, we are able to take stock of what the pandemic meant for our students in terms of learning behaviours. Many of our students are admitting to having spent a greater amount of time than usual online. To combat this, we are determined to get as many sporting codes practicing as safely as possible so we can return to healthier and more physically demanding play.

Finally, we were saddened to hear this week of the death of Brother Don Murray who lost his long battle with illness.

May he rest in peace.
May God bless you.

Ngā mihi Nui
Paul Olsen