Monday, May 18, 2020

Student Profile- Special Character Deputy Head Boy Carl Alegado

We just have a couple more getting to know you posts to finish off the series!

Introducing Special Character Deputy Head Boy Carl Alegado!

1. What are your interests?

Football, basketball, volleyball, dancing, tramping, R&B music and chilling with family and friends through online gaming or just hanging out with them in town, photography, singing and guitar.

2. What are your plans for next year?

I'm still not sure exactly what I want to do next year because I have so many things I want to do. My top plan would probably get a degree for secondary teaching or possibly begin an Architectural Engineering degree. Like Annie, I'd like to keep my options open just incase my interests change in the future.

3. What have you been doing to keep busy in your bubble?

I've been trying to do some home workouts and some jogging around Duntroon to keep fit, talking to my friends and playing online games with them. Also practising singing and playing guitar for my skills for Duke Of Edinburgh.

4. Any words of wisdom you'd like to share?

If you find you are starting to get bored look at a new hobby. This could be by learning a new instrument or by working out..etc. Learning new hobbies is the way to go because it helps you build new skills and could take your mind off of things in life that stresses you. This will also help improve your mental well-being which is very important.

5. What is something you've achieved that you are most proud of?

Helping the SKC football team get to 4th place at tournament last year.