Friday, November 30, 2012
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's
Last Friday it was a pleasure to be able to host our College helpers at the Redcastle. There are a number of parents on the Home & School Association that are moving on from the College as the last in the family graduates this year. I am keen to have as many new parents as possible coming forward to take their place in this important College body. If you would like to know more, email
The College pool has been full of kayaks with local instructors helping Mr Haig with the skills development in preparation for the Year 10 Camp and Retreat. Students have been arranging extra gear and are looking forward to the many challenges in the week ahead. Thank you in advance to the staff who have been preparing our students for this superb EOTC experience.
This weekend is the senior Graduation Dinner at the Homestead. I am looking forward to this final farewell. Parents, staff and leavers all gather for a liturgy and meal to celebrate the achievements of this impressive year group. A reminder that the official Prizegiving video is available for purchase.
I am pleased to announce the appointment of two key staff: Mrs Heather Mellor to the Head of the Technology Faculty and Mrs Janette Potter to the Head of Mathematics. I would like to congratulate them on their appointment and wish them every blessing in their work, which commences next year.
May God Bless You
Paul Olsen
Year 10 Camp Preparations
On Monday our Year 10 students head away on the much anticipated Year 10 Camp and Retreat. During the past couple of weeks they have been utilising the College swimming pool for kayaking lessons and have also been sharpening valuable orienteering skills. Our thanks to staff who have taken the time to share these essential skills ahead of next week.
Graduation Dinner Reminder
The Graduation Dinner will be held on Saturday 1 December and is the last of our Graduation Celebrations.
It will commence at 6pm in the College Chapel with a special liturgy for the Graduating Class, followed by the traditional Graduation Dinner at the Homestead, in Perth St, Oamaru.
Special Character,
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Victoria University Scholarships
Monday, November 26, 2012
Duke of Edinburgh Explorations
Students involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award have been busy tramping these past weeks. Two groups have complete their adventures with the third and last group heading away on Friday.
Despite the weather in some cases, everyone has had a good time so far, with most keen to go back. We are indebted to Mr Tony Bailey of Otekaieke Station who continues to allow us to tramp to Chinaman's Hut in the Dansey's Pass
The Cardboard House Tour
A last minute flurry of activity saw the Cardboard House stand proud on the grounds outside of the Technology and Art rooms. Congratulations to all of the students who worked so well together to complete this inspiring project, furniture and all!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's
On Thursday the College warmly welcomed the White Ribbon Riders with a Mihi Whakatau in the Administration Quad. Thank you to Mr Nyika and Mrs Plunkett for helping to prepare the welcome, Tiana Mihaere for leading the waiata and mihi and Liam Perium for leading the haka. The bikers message was pertinent and well delivered. It was pleasing to be able to link our Catholic values and Religious Education themes in such a tangible and practical way. Thank you to Mr Ryan for the overall coordination of the event.
During the week staff have been making final preparations for the Year 10 camp and retreat. This is one of the highlights of the year for many students. Past students often recall the camp fondly and acknowledge that it was a growth point in their lives. Can I remind parents to ensure they have signed the consent forms and returned them to the school office. Parents of boarders should note that I have instructed hostel staff not to sign these on behalf of boarding students because of legal ramifications. To make this easier, scanned or faxed signed documents can be sent to the office.
A reminder that the office also has end of year Graduation Dinner tickets and the Prizegiving video available for purchase. The graduation celebrations will be held next Saturday beginning with a liturgy in the Chapel followed by dinner at the Homestead.
Finally, Sandra and I are looking forward to meeting many of you this evening at our Helpers Evening at the Redcastle. If you have missed the invitation, it is not too late to attend. We commence at 7pm for drinks and nibbles. This occasion is an opportunity for us to thank the many helpers who in any way have contributed to the College over the past year.
May God Bless You
Paul Olsen
Thursday, November 22, 2012
White Ribbon Ride Visit
The College welcomed bikers on the 2012 White Ribbon Ride today with a haka and powhiri as they traveled through Oamaru on their way to Christchurch. After listening to testimony the students shared a late morning tea which had been prepared by Mrs Fowler and a group of Year 10 boys.
The White Ribbon Ride is New Zealand's most exciting initiative to tackle the record of domestic violence in New Zealand. The week-long motorcycle tour happens every November - White Ribbon Month.
A Cardboard House
Students in 9W have been bringing the plight of many New Zealand families to the fore with an entry into a cardboard house building competition. Many homes in New Zealand are very poorly insulated and result in a range of illness and negative social outcomes. As well as reflecting on the needs of others, the students have enjoyed the logistical challenge of working together to produce a common outcome and a "house" that might withstand some of our North Otago weather! Keep an eye out for the final product!
Special Character,
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Oamaru AMPED Gig
Jack Sinclair with Jess and Daniel from AMPED. See Jack and Gypsy-Mae perform with their band at the Penguin Club, Saturday 1 Dec |
Jess and Daniel from AMPED, a music mentoring programme based in Dunedin,came up to Oamaru today to meet the bands who will be performing at the first AMPED gig in Oamaru on Saturday 1 December at the Pengiun Club and they took the opportunity to speak to the Year 10 music class about their programme. AMPED provides workshops, practical skills and alcohol-free venues for high school bands. If you are in a band or are interested in the AMPED programmes and gigs, like them on Facebook.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's
As our juniors finished their final examination and the filling of the swimming pool was completed, we are entering the final chapter of the school year. Camp preparation, report writing and planning for the new year are all underway against the backdrop of NCEA examinations. The NCEA examinations have progressed smoothly, however a number of students have experienced illness on the day of the examination. Caregivers are reminded to get in contact with Mrs Potter who is our liaison person with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority immediately and then obtain a medical certificate from your local doctor.
Today we have welcomed the majority of our 2013 student intake at our orientation day. The remainder who are on school camps will join us next week. It is a pleasure to be able to meet the students and show them around our College. As you can see from the photograph below, the grounds are in top order and our new uniform shop was open for service. The Home & School Uniform Shop can now be found in the rooms under the Hostel Dining Room. Thank you to Mark Watson, our groundsman and the hard working team from the Home & School, who have helped transfer clothing to the new shop and ran the very successful Melbourne Cup fundraiser.
Finally I would like to extend a warm welcome to the helpers in our College Community to join Sandra and I at the Redcastle next Friday night for drinks and nibbles from 7pm. This occasion is an opportunity for our community to gather in a convivial setting and celebrate the many achievements of the year. This is an open invitation to all helpers who in any way have contributed to College over the past year. Please RSVP to the Office by Tuesday 20th of November.
May God Bless You
Paul Olsen
Orientation Day
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Parents, students and staff enjoy Orientation Day Lunch |
Today the College was joined by a large portion of next year's Year 9 students and their families for Orientation Day. The morning started with a welcoming liturgy in the College Chapel after which students were placed into groups before beginning a tour of the College grounds and facilities. Activities with Miss Casey and Mr Collins in the Gym were popular before everyone headed to the Dining Room to have lunch together. The afternoon was spent completing curriculum activities with the parents enjoying a lovely afternoon tea provided by the Home & School.
Graduation Photo and DVD
Last week the College celebrated our Year 13 Graduating Class. A commemorative photo of the students with their Year 13 Dean, Mr Mullally, was taken at the base of the Chapel steps and this is available to order for $5 per copy. A full DVD of the evening, including the Mass and Graduation celebrations is also available for $20 per copy - a wonderful memento to keep. Orders can be placed at the school office.
Special Character,
Hostel Visit
Last weekend the Emergency Service Centre in Oamaru opened their doors to the community in the form of an Open Day. Leanne McClea and the Year 9 hostel girls took the opportunity to go and have a look, followed by a picnic of hot chips in the Oamaru Public Gardens.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Ultimate Triathlete Series
A small contingent of triathletes traveled to Ashburton to compete at Lake Hood in the Ultimate Triathlete Series, taking part in the "Sprint Distance Triathlon" which was a 700m swim, 30km bike ride and finishing with a 6km run.
Congratulations to Mr Andy Colins who finished first in his age group and also the team of Hamish Nimmo, Georgia Hansen and Benny Yanzick who placed first in their section. Year 10 student Josh Macaulay had a great day finishing 7th in the U20 age group. Well done.
Aoraki Winners
Congratulations to our Aoraki Sports Awards Winners who were celebrated at the Awards Evening on 2 November; Holly Edmundston (Cycling), Johannah Kearney (Rowing), Albert Hailes (Tennis), Micayla Brenssell (Rodeo), Stacey Kerin (Trampolining).
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Shotover Weekend
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The view from the top! |
Friday, November 9, 2012
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's
This weeks Senior Prizegiving marked the end of classes for our NCEA students and completion of their secondary education for the leavers of 2012. The evening format commenced with a Boarders' High Tea, followed by Mass in the Chapel and the Prizegiving in the Auditorium. The evening was very successful and was a fitting celebration of Academic, Sporting and Cultural achievement. Thank you to Fr Wayne and Bishop Colin for con-celebrating the Mass and to our invited guests, including Mayor Familton, for your attendance and support. It was a pleasure to be able to host parents and leavers in the Redcastle after the event.
The event was professionally videoed as a memento for families and orders for the DVD are being taken at the College Office. Orders are also be taken for the leavers photograph taken after Mass (see below) and for graduation tickets for the dinner on the 1st of December at the Homestead.
Against this back drop, the juniors have been preparing for their end of year assessments next week. These examinations help staff to develop programmes of work that support improved student learning in 2013. They also allow us to target individual needs, from extra support to extension programmes.
Finally I would like to wish our students all the very best for their examinations. As with all examination preparation, I encourage parents and caregivers to talk through the details of the examination timetable with students to make sure their has been no misunderstanding about timing and that transport arrangements are all in place. This planning can alleviate a lot of unnecessary stress on the examination day and ensure the best results.
May God Bless You
Paul Olsen
This weeks Senior Prizegiving marked the end of classes for our NCEA students and completion of their secondary education for the leavers of 2012. The evening format commenced with a Boarders' High Tea, followed by Mass in the Chapel and the Prizegiving in the Auditorium. The evening was very successful and was a fitting celebration of Academic, Sporting and Cultural achievement. Thank you to Fr Wayne and Bishop Colin for con-celebrating the Mass and to our invited guests, including Mayor Familton, for your attendance and support. It was a pleasure to be able to host parents and leavers in the Redcastle after the event.
The event was professionally videoed as a memento for families and orders for the DVD are being taken at the College Office. Orders are also be taken for the leavers photograph taken after Mass (see below) and for graduation tickets for the dinner on the 1st of December at the Homestead.
Against this back drop, the juniors have been preparing for their end of year assessments next week. These examinations help staff to develop programmes of work that support improved student learning in 2013. They also allow us to target individual needs, from extra support to extension programmes.
Finally I would like to wish our students all the very best for their examinations. As with all examination preparation, I encourage parents and caregivers to talk through the details of the examination timetable with students to make sure their has been no misunderstanding about timing and that transport arrangements are all in place. This planning can alleviate a lot of unnecessary stress on the examination day and ensure the best results.
May God Bless You
Paul Olsen
Prizegiving Images
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Music Performance Assessments
Tekapo Throwdown
Mr and Mrs Haig took three Year 10 students to the Tekapo Throwdown over the weekend. All the boys had a great time developing their freestyle moves and slalom skills. Congratulations to Connor Newlands who made it to the finals in the junior boys division, placing in the top six out of about 12 competitors.
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Mr. Haig and Connor Newlands compete in the Ball Race. This event has not made it to the Olympics yet… |
Monday, November 5, 2012
Aoraki Sports Awards Evening
On Friday 2nd November, a contingent of 35
students, staff and parents travelled to Timaru for the 2012 Aoraki Secondary
Schools Sports Awards. Congratulations to the following students and staff who
were selected as finalists:
Rodney Bungard - Athletics
Helena Graham - Basketball
Matt Brien - Basketball
Hamish Robertson - Basketball
Holly Edmondston - Cycling
Tim O’Malley - Rugby, Cricket and All-Round Sportsperson
Bethany Robertson - Netball and All-Round Sportsperson
Tim O’Malley - Rugby, Cricket and All-Round Sportsperson
Bethany Robertson - Netball and All-Round Sportsperson
Rosie Pope - Gymnastics
Johannah and Caitlin Kearney - Team
Johannah Kearney - Rowing
Clay Target Shooting - Georgia-Kate
Isobel Ryan - Swimming
Albert Hailes - Tennis
Stacey Kerin - Trampoline
Olivia Pope - Contribution
to Sport
Isaac de Buyzer - Contribution
to Sport
Mr Mike Seddon - Staff
Contribution (Football and Cricket)
Mrs Athena Evans - Staff
Contribution (Netball, Diving and Croquet)

Thank you
PE Performance Unit
Congratulations to all of our Year 9 and Year 10 students who did a fantastic job with their Performance Unit on Friday. It was a great afternoon with some outstanding, polished performances and our thanks to the Student Mentors for taking the Junior students under their wings.
Year 9 Haka
1st Magee
2nd Treacy
Year 9 Aerobics
1st Treacy
2nd Clancy
Year 10 Haka
1st Treacy
2nd Clancy
Year 10 Aerobics
1st Treacy
2nd Magee
Friday, November 2, 2012
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin's
The air was tinged with nostalgia this week as we said farewell to our leavers at the final full school assembly for the year. The highlights were images of the leavers as Year 9 entrants placed alongside their current photographs and a video of our seniors' memoirs. I would like to take this opportunity to formally thank the student leaders who have coordinated and delivered our assemblies so capably throughout the year. This has kept our assemblies interesting and engaging, while fostering confident young leaders which is our mission.
Yesterday I was delighted to attend the Otago Daily Times "Class Act" presentation in support of Eilee Robinson and Albert Hailes who were the St Kevin's College recipients. In his speech, Prime Minister John Key congratulated the award winners and made the point that success was more about application than ability. As the NCEA external examinations are rapidly approaching, it is worth keeping this message to the fore. The final extra effort will give real rewards in exam day.
The last of the music internal assessments were held on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. I am pleased to report that the standard was very high and the students performed with distinction. Thank you to Mrs Haig for the extra work that she has done preparing students for assessment. Thank you also to the students who have marvelous support of each other, both practically and as an audience.
This afternoon I have enjoyed seeing our Year 9 and 10 students delivering their Physical Education performance. Without exception the performances were passionate and well choreographed. The Year 12 mentors are to be commended for the time and energy they have dedicated to training the groups. This is another area that we are providing the opportunity for students to develop into confident young people.
Finally I am looking forward to meeting many of you at the Prize-giving Ceremony on Wednesday evening. After the formalities, parents and leavers are welcome to join us at the Redcastle for supper.
May God Bless You
Paul Olsen
The air was tinged with nostalgia this week as we said farewell to our leavers at the final full school assembly for the year. The highlights were images of the leavers as Year 9 entrants placed alongside their current photographs and a video of our seniors' memoirs. I would like to take this opportunity to formally thank the student leaders who have coordinated and delivered our assemblies so capably throughout the year. This has kept our assemblies interesting and engaging, while fostering confident young leaders which is our mission.
Yesterday I was delighted to attend the Otago Daily Times "Class Act" presentation in support of Eilee Robinson and Albert Hailes who were the St Kevin's College recipients. In his speech, Prime Minister John Key congratulated the award winners and made the point that success was more about application than ability. As the NCEA external examinations are rapidly approaching, it is worth keeping this message to the fore. The final extra effort will give real rewards in exam day.
The last of the music internal assessments were held on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. I am pleased to report that the standard was very high and the students performed with distinction. Thank you to Mrs Haig for the extra work that she has done preparing students for assessment. Thank you also to the students who have marvelous support of each other, both practically and as an audience.
This afternoon I have enjoyed seeing our Year 9 and 10 students delivering their Physical Education performance. Without exception the performances were passionate and well choreographed. The Year 12 mentors are to be commended for the time and energy they have dedicated to training the groups. This is another area that we are providing the opportunity for students to develop into confident young people.
Finally I am looking forward to meeting many of you at the Prize-giving Ceremony on Wednesday evening. After the formalities, parents and leavers are welcome to join us at the Redcastle for supper.
May God Bless You
Paul Olsen
Farewell to Mr Fleury and Mr Leslie-Ellis
Mr Keith Fleury and Mr Francis Leslie-Ellis were formally farewelled by students and staff at the final full school assembly this week. However, students gathered in the Office Quad this morning to honour them with a traditional St Kevin's College Haka before a staff morning tea for Mr Fleury who begins at East Otago High School on Monday.
Special Character,
Thank you
Senior Prizegiving Celebrations
The Leavers Assembly this week marks the first of several opportunities for senior students, Year 13's in particular, to reflect on their time at the College.
Next Wednesday, 7th November, we celebrate academic success at our 2012 Senior Prizegiving and the St Kevin's College Graduating Class will also be acknowledged and congratulated. The evening will begin at 7pm in the College Chapel with our Senior Prizegiving Mass followed directly by the formal prizegiving presentations. We extend a very warm invitation for family and friends to join us for the evening.
Next Wednesday, 7th November, we celebrate academic success at our 2012 Senior Prizegiving and the St Kevin's College Graduating Class will also be acknowledged and congratulated. The evening will begin at 7pm in the College Chapel with our Senior Prizegiving Mass followed directly by the formal prizegiving presentations. We extend a very warm invitation for family and friends to join us for the evening.
In keeping with the formal occasion of the evening all St Kevin's College students attending the Senior Prizegiving are to wear No.1 Uniform please.
On the 1st December we will hold our Graduation Celebrations. These will commence at 6pm in the College Chapel with a special liturgy for the Graduating Class, followed by the traditional Year 13 Graduation Dinner at the Homestead, Oamaru. Tickets for this event are $35 per person and should be purchased from the School Office as soon as possible in order to confirm numbers attending. This invitation is extended to all of the Graduating Class and their families.
On the 1st December we will hold our Graduation Celebrations. These will commence at 6pm in the College Chapel with a special liturgy for the Graduating Class, followed by the traditional Year 13 Graduation Dinner at the Homestead, Oamaru. Tickets for this event are $35 per person and should be purchased from the School Office as soon as possible in order to confirm numbers attending. This invitation is extended to all of the Graduating Class and their families.
Special Character - All Saints Day Mass
Service to others was the theme of our All Saints Day Mass, celebrated by Father Wayne. Mrs P Eatherley who is our Edmund Rice Co-ordinator announced the students who had completed their Edmund Rice Service before they were presented with their certificates by Mr Olsen. Well done!
Class Act 2012
Congratulations to our Class Act recipients for 2012, Albert Hailes and Eilee Robinson. Albert and Eilee are the Special Character Prefects at the College and have a multitude of cultural and sporting strings to their bows. The presentation of the Class Act Awards by Prime Minister John Key was held in Dunedin yesterday and Albert and Eilee were joined for the afternoon by their proud parents and Mr Olsen. The recognition of their service and participation at St Kevin's and the wider College community is extremely well deserved.
Special Character,
Melbourne Cup Home & School Fundraiser
(Includes a complimentary glass of bubbles on arrival and tasty finger food)
Leavers Assemby
The College joined the Year 13 class as they reflected on their time at St Kevin's during the final full school assembly this week and Sean Hand, Lucy Fauth, Oliver Stewart, Johannah Kearney, Albert Hailes and Eilee Robinson lead the liturgy with "Top 6 flair".
We were delighted to be joined by Tom MacDonald (Camp Quality regional trustee) and Archdeacon Bernard Wilkinson (Oamaru Foodbank Secretary) who were both presented by donations from the LEO Club after substantial fundraising efforts. Congratulations.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
The Mana Pounamu Awards
The Mana Pounamu
Awards are a Ngāi Tahu initiative to celebrate the success of young Māori
students (rakatahi) from Otago secondary schools. Every year each school has
the opportunity to nominate two students who have shown on-going commitment to
the school through academic, sporting, cultural and community achievements.
This year’s nominees
from St Kevin’s College were Merekite Waahitapu (Year 11) of Ngāti Maniapoto and
Ngāi Te Rangi for the Teina (Junior) award and Hannah Mihaere (Year 13) of Ngāi
Tahu and Ngāti Kahungunu for the Tuakana (Senior) award. Both Merekite and
Hannah have shown exceptional dedication to their studies, sporting, cultural
and community commitments and were recognised for this last Friday 26th
October at the awards ceremony in Dunedin. The major achievements
recognised on the night for each student were:
Merekite Waahitapu:
of Kapa Haka
Council Representative
Science Competition
NZ Local Umpiring Certificate 2012
Award Year 11
15 North Otago Basketball Team
15 South Island Māori Netball Team
17 North Otago Netball Team
Kevin’s College Junior Sportswoman 2012
Hannah Mihaere:
for Kapa Haka (Kaea)
of School Choir
District Youth Council Member
House Captian/Prefect
NCEA Level 1 with Excellence
NCEA Level 2 with Merit
A Netball Squad
19 Representative for Te Waipounamu Māori Netball Team
up St Kevin’s Senior Soloist
Both students received
a pounamu pendant with Hannah also receiving a three year scholarship to Otago
Polytechnic as part of her award. The evening was a huge
success with representatives from each school joining in to tautoko (support)
both their own students, and all students who were honoured during the night
with haka and waiata. The speakers were entertaining and inspirational and the
evening rounded off with a karakia and hangi meal for all guests.
On behalf of the staff
and students at St Kevin’s College congratulations to both students for their
awards, the work that saw them nominated and the whānau for their continued
support. We wish you all the best for your future endeavours.
Sara Plunkett
Arts Co-ordinator - St Kevin’s College
Special Character,
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